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We believe in the importance of operating as independent carriers, responding quickly to your needs with prompt, effective and global solutions. With us.

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Presentation on theme: "We believe in the importance of operating as independent carriers, responding quickly to your needs with prompt, effective and global solutions. With us."— Presentation transcript:

1 We believe in the importance of operating as independent carriers, responding quickly to your needs with prompt, effective and global solutions. With us you deal with a single, global and highly specialized company which is able to provide the necessary answers to all your particular transportation requirements


3 MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. ( MSC S.A.) Mediterranean Shipping Company (Hong Kong) Limited (MSC HK) Worldwide Routes Introduction Some Ports Worldwide Agents Photo Gallery Our History Photo Gallery Our Services MSC China Agencies

4 MSC is a privately-owned company, founded in 1970 and is one of the leading global shipping lines of the world.

5 Quantity of vessels Quantity of Total TEU's carried Intake capacity


7 350 dedicated local offices supported by an MSC staff worldwide of over 28,000 professionals




11 AntwerpAntwerp Jebel Ali Ningbo Ashdod Jeddah PiraeusJebel AliNingboAshdodJeddahPiraeus BaltimoreBaltimore Karachi Port Louis Barcelona PusanKarachiPort LouisBarcelonaPusan Las PalmasLas Palmas Bremerhaven La Spezia QingdaoBremerhavenLa SpeziaQingdao Buenos AiresBuenos Aires Le Havre Rio de Janeiro CharlestonLe HavreRio de JaneiroCharleston Long BeachLong Beach Santos Felixstowe Manzanillo ShanghaiSantosFelixstoweManzanilloShanghai FremantleFremantle Melbourne Singapore Hamburg MombasaMelbourneSingaporeHamburgMombasa SydneySydney Hong Kong Mumbai Valencia HoustonHong KongMumbaiValenciaHouston New OrleansNew Orleans Veracruz Istanbul New York-Maher VeracruzIstanbulNew York-Maher

12 Established in 1996. The the wholly owned ship agency of MSC S.A. in the people’s Republic of China.

13 MSC China Agencies Hong KongHong Kong - Shenzhen - Guangzhou - Xiamen - Fuzhou - Zhongshan - Shanghai - Hangzhou - Ningbo - Qingdao - Tianjin – Shenzhen Guangzhou Xiamen Fuzhou Zhongshan Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo Qingdao Tianjin Beijing



16 MSC Hong Kong - Services SILK Express LION Service Port(s) of loading in ChinaShanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Valencia, Le Havre, Felixstowe, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Jebel Ali Region ServedNorthwest European Continent, North & West Africa, East Coast South America Port(s) of loading in ChinaQingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Beirut, Antwerp, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Jeddah Region ServedEast Mediterranean, Northwest European Continent, Scandinavia LION Service

17 MSC Hong Kong - Services DRAGON Express Port(s) of loading in ChinaXingang, Ningbo, Shanghai, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Piraeus, Naples, La Spezia, Fos, Barcelona, Valencia, Jeddah, Jebel Ali Region ServedEast & West Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, North & West Africa TIGER Service Port(s) of loading in ChinaShanghai, Qingdao, Ningbo, Fuzhou, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Istanbul, Constanta, Gemlik, Piraeus, Jeddah, Jebel Ali, Bandar Abbas, Colombo, Port Kelang Region ServedTurkey, Black Sea

18 MSC Hong Kong - Services FALCON Service GOLDEN GATE PENDULUM Service Port(s) of loading in ChinaShanghai, Ningbo, Chiwan Port(s) of discharge at destination Nhava Sheva, Bandar Abbas, Jebeli Ali, Dammam, Port Qasim Region ServedThe Middle East, South Asia Port(s) of loading in ChinaHong Kong, Chiwan, Yantian, Ningbo Port(s) of discharge at destination Port Everglades, New York, Savannah, Freeport, Manzanillo, Long Beach Region ServedU.S.A. (All-water East Coast), Mexico, Caribbean

19 MSC Hong Kong - Services PEARL RIVER Express Port(s) of loading in ChinaQingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, YantianLong BeachU.S.A. (IPI / MLB) Port(s) of discharge at destination Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, YantianLong BeachU.S.A. (IPI / MLB) Region ServedQingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, YantianLong BeachU.S.A. (IPI / MLB) NEW ORIENT Express Port(s) of loading in ChinaXiamen, Chiwan, Hong Kong, Yantian Port(s) of discharge at destination Long Beach, Oakland Region ServedU.S.A. (IPI / MLB)

20 MSC Hong Kong - Services ANDES Express WALLABY Service Port(s) of loading in ChinaChiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Ningbo Port(s) of discharge at destination Iquique, Valparaiso, San Vicente, Buenaventura, Manzanillo Region ServedMexico, West Coast South America, Costa Rica Port(s) of loading in ChinaXiamen, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney Region ServedEast Australia, New Zealand

21 MSC Hong Kong - Services CHEETAH Service CAPRICORN Service Port(s) of loading in ChinaShanghai, Chiwan, Hong Kong Port(s) of discharge at destination Durban, Port Louis, Pointe des Galets Region ServedSouth & East Africa, Indian Ocean Islands Port(s) of loading in ChinaVia Singapore Port(s) of discharge at destination Fremantle Region ServedWest Australia

22 We strive for quality excellence. We do things right, the first time, every time

23 Web-site:

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