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Adjectives Day 1.

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1 Adjectives Day 1

2 Adjectives for Number, Size, and Shape
Words for number, size, and shape are adjectives. The words a and an are also adjectives. An apple has small, round seeds. The word on describes how many apples-one. Small describes the size of the seeds. Round describes the shape of the seeds.

3 Circle the adjective that describes the number, size or shape of something.
Watermelons have oval seeds. Peaches have large pits. Cherries have one pit. Pea Pods hold round peas. The pumpkin had triangular eyes. There was a bright moon last night. Please bring me the big chair. Have you ever had a square pizza? The boy had little hands. We have two assemblies this week.

4 Day 2

5 Circle the adjectives that show number, size and shape.
If I had a pumpkin patch, it would be a lot of fun! I would carve a small pumpkin. I would cut two square eyes and one round nose. I would cut one large mouth and three big teeth. Do you think it would be fun to have a pumpkin patch?

6 Underline the adjective that tells how many.
We had four games last week. I had three basketball games. I had one soccer game. There were several fans there. I scored eight points in my first game. Our team has eleven players on it. My friend scored six points. I only have three games left. My mom said I could have two friends play after the game. Would you like to play two sports at the same time?

7 Day 3

8 Circle the adjective. Oval bean seeds were planted in the garden.
Six seeds grew slowly. Tiny leaves soon pushed up. There were five plants left. Then long beans appeared. I saw small seeds inside. I will plant six seeds again. I hope I have some pretty plants grow soon. It would be nice to have some orange pumpkins for Halloween. We could have three pumpkins at our doorstep.

9 Day 4

10 Underline the adjective.
1. We bought huge pumpkins at the store. 2. Dad cut them with a saw. 3.Mom made round pies with the pulp. 4. Pumpkins begin as oval seeds. 5. Seeds are planted in small hills. 6.The hills have about five seeds in them. 7. If you are lucky, you will have tiny leaves shoot up from the ground. 8. Soon you will have small pumpkins.

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