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B RINGING T ECHNOLOGY TO P UBLIC T RANSPORTATION Milestone #1 Richard Speyer Rachel Tannenbaum Alan Schwartz.

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Presentation on theme: "B RINGING T ECHNOLOGY TO P UBLIC T RANSPORTATION Milestone #1 Richard Speyer Rachel Tannenbaum Alan Schwartz."— Presentation transcript:

1 B RINGING T ECHNOLOGY TO P UBLIC T RANSPORTATION Milestone #1 Richard Speyer Rachel Tannenbaum Alan Schwartz

2 P ROBLEM Tourists often have difficulties acclimating to the transit system in new cities Route planning Finding common attractions Locals may not use Metro System because they don’t know enough about it Find local attractions Bus times, train times, transfers

3 I NTERVIEW Q UESTIONS Wanted questions to focus on Current use of Metrolink for locals Potential uses for visitors (ask how they use metro systems in other cities) Find out what type of features they would need at a Metrolink platform Who we interviewed Metrolink Users (at stations) Infrequent Users of all age groups

4 I NTERVIEW R ESULTS When you use the Metrolink, do you usually take the same couple routes, or do you go to new places? Most common answer as the same few routes Special occasions such as sporting events How often do you use the Metrolink for multiple destinations on the same day? Most people said it would be extremely rare

5 I NTERVIEW R ESULTS ( CONTINUED ) Do you use online trip planners? If so what do you like/dislike? A lot of people use the Metrolink website online and found the time table inconvenient and confusing Were not as aware of route planning available online Some users thought it would be useful to include other attractions as well as directions

6 I NTERVIEW A NALYSIS We thought multiple destinations might be an interesting feature Interviews didn’t yield much interest in this feature Users expressed interest in the ability to find local attractions Overall, users seemed excited about the convenience of finding destinations and times at the platform.

7 U SER T ASK E XAMPLE You are visiting St. Louis and are staying with family near the Skinker stop on the MetroLink. On your first day, you decide that you want to visit the Arch. You arrive at the station at 8 AM and want to get directions now but not leave until 10 AM as you are meeting a friend at Kayak's for breakfast first. Also, since you don't have any small bills, you want to buy tickets later after you eat. Print out your directions so you’ll remember where to go.

8 Ticket Directions

9 Where would you like to go? Popular Locations Stops Search Page 1 of 3 Lambert Airport MainDelmar Loop Lambert Airport East North Hanley UMSL North Rock Road More... Shrewsbury Sunnen Maplewood-Manchester Brentwood Clayton Forsyth UCity - Big Bend Skinker Forest Park- Debaliviere Richmond Heights Central West End Wellston

10 Where would you like to go? Popular Locations Stops Search Page 1 of 3 Arch Busch Stadium Zoo Botanical Gardens Art Museum Grant's Farm Science Center Brewery Cathedral Basilica History Museum Union Station Galleria Scottrade Center Edward Jones Dome City Museum Browse Categories...

11 Start Location: Skinker Destination: Arch (Arch – Laclede’s Landing) Starting Time: Page 2 of 3 Choose your time and confirm Yes No Now Is this correct?

12 Start Location: Skinker Destination: Arch (Arch – Laclede’s Landing) Starting Time: Page 2 of 3 Choose your time and confirm Yes No 10:00 AM Is this correct?

13 Page 3 of 3 Print Exit Include Return Directions 1.Board Skinker Eastbound train.................. 10:03 10:14 10:27 2.Get off at Arch – Laclede’s Landing stop 3.Walk South for.5 miles 4.St. Louis Arch @ 11 N. 4 th Street Directions from Skinker stop to Arch (Arch – Laclede’s Landing) Times:

14 P RINTING... Yes No Would you like to purchase a ticket?

15 U SER T ASK N OTES “Popular Locations” was not a common method to find local attractions Users went to “Search” first or looked through “Stops” instead Left and Right Arrows were a source of confusion Users didn’t know what would happen if they were clicked There wasn’t a clear way to exit or start over if a mistake was made Icons and colors would be nice The arrow for drop down menus didn’t stand out enough Users expressed interest in more categories such as Shopping, Banking, Religious, Business, Kids

16 U SER T ASK A NALYSIS The most common method of use is “Popular Locations” Make that the initial screen instead of “Stops” The top locations should be under “Tourist Attractions” in Categories. Arrows should be eliminated because they only caused confusion Replace with buttons such as “Start Over” and “Go Back”

17 W HERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO ? StopsAttractionsSearch Tourist AttractionsKids’ Attractions Shopping Bars/Nightlife Sporting Hospitals Tourist Attractions Universities Museums Banking Churches/Religious Top Locations… Parks Office/Business Hotels Restaurants Entertainment Start Over

18 S KINKER TO A RCH (A RCH – L ACLEDE ’ S L ANDING ) FinishPrint Start Over Add Return Directions 1.Board Skinker Eastbound train..... 10:03 10:14 10:27 2.Get off at Arch – Laclede’s Landing stop 3.Walk South for.5 miles 4.St. Louis Arch @ 11 N. 4 th Street Times Go Back


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