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Technology Update Technology supporting the learning environment in the Cambrian School District Jamie Morse – Director of Technology Doug Livingston –

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1 Technology Update Technology supporting the learning environment in the Cambrian School District Jamie Morse – Director of Technology Doug Livingston – Asst Supt – Educational Services

2 This report reviews…  How technology offers Academic Support for teaching and learning  The role of technology in Information Management and Planning  Infrastructure Maintenance & Improvements

3 Academics – Technology supports teaching & learning by:  Providing teachers with management & planning tools for  Monitoring & reporting student performance  Managing plans and student information  Communicating with colleagues & parents  Engaging students in computer-assisted or facilitated learning experiences

4 Academic Technology provides:  Information storage and reporting of student data  Access to student data in as few places as possible  On-line information sources and server-based programs for student learning  Performance reporting system that includes technology for plain paper scanning and teacher made assessments  Tools that enhance the teaching/learning process – document cameras, integrated presentation systems, smart boards

5 Academic Software that supports teaching includes:  Edusoft for benchmark testing Edusoft Edusoft  Power School for tracking student demographics, attendance, and for student grades reporting Power School Power School  Power School Parent Portal gives parents and students access 24/7 to attendance and student grade reporting for Grades 6-8 Power School Parent Portal Power School Parent Portal  SharePoint technology provides a web-based portal to support collaboration between educators with the potential to serve as a conduit between teacher and classes of students SharePoint SharePoint

6 Academic Software that directly supports learning includes:  Web-based Accelerated Reader – school- wide program targets challenge reading levels for each student Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader  Recommended math program - Envision - integrates technology into instructional design Envision  Rosetta Stone supports the acquisition of English language skills for second language learners Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone

7 Computer-assisted Instruction  ClassWorks is server-based and reinforces math and language instruction ClassWorks ClassWorks  Education Program for Gifted Youth – EPGY Education Program for Gifted Youth Education Program for Gifted Youth  Stanford University e-learning courses provide enrichment  Programs in mathematics, English, physics, computers  Piloted March to June at Fammatre by GATE students  Apangea is web-based and supports remedial tutoring. Apangea Apangea  Powered by an Artificial Intelligence engine.  A credentialed math teacher is available online.  This program is being reviewed for possible use in summer school

8 Academics – supporting the use of technology by middle school students  Computer Essentials  Daily keyboarding, Windows XP, Managing files/folders  The Internet: history, ethics, reliability, navigation  Applications: MS PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Web Page Creation  Journey Inside the Computer: hardware/software, networking  Computer 2  Programming (LOGOS) and Multimedia Web Design  Video Game Design & Digital Video Editing  Excel Spreadsheets  Media Production – PNN  Runs like a news station - 45 minute deadline to write, produce, direct, practice, edit, and perform the news program  Rotation through 10 positions

9 Information Management  Goals  Efficient use of student information  Rapid parent notification process  Search for substitute teachers  Control of the technology we have in the district  Update and provide access to Board meeting information and actions  Automate Food Services  High quality reliable data

10 Information Management  Power School Student Information System supports state reporting  CSIS, CBEDS, SNOR, R30, STAR  “Best Practices” BP grant supports the development of high quality data and integrated data system  Help Desk / Computer inventory system  Electronic School Board - Agenda software  Up-to-date school and district websites  Under Consideration:  Connect Ed – a Parent notification system  Sub Finder - Automatic substitute placement system  POS – Point of sales system to automate food services

11 Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvements  Create an easy way to request Technical Support  Create a Board Agenda information automated system  Create the means for students and staff to collaborate off campus  Track the number of computers and installations of licensed software  Remove the “Internet Bottleneck” by installing glass fiber between sites  Solve the “School Bottleneck” Issue by upgrading switches  Replace Pentium III with Pentium IV computers

12 Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvements  Install  a Help Desk System  Electronic School Board  SharePoint  Express Metrics to monitor computer use and licensed software  Connection between all schools and the COE is now 20MB  Connection between the MDF and the Classroom is 1GB  Continue to add additional Pentium IV computers  Replace the File Server at Ida Price

13 Infrastructure Maintenance and Improvements

14 Professional development supports the effective use of technology  Powerschool for classified and certificated staff members  How to use applications:  Rosetta Stone  Contribute for web authoring  MS Office including presentation software  Powerschool to generate report cards  Integrating technology into the teaching and learning process – Understanding by Design  SYSOPS provide ongoing school-level support  BP Cohort training sessions  Citrix – accessing school data/communications from home

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