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Midterm Planning Conference (MPC)

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Planning Conference (MPC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Planning Conference (MPC)
[Exercise Name] [Date]

2 Welcome and Introductions

3 Agenda Welcome and Introductions
Initial Planning Conference (IPC) Review Exercise Objectives Exercise Design Exercise Control and Evaluation Venue Site and Logistics Exercise Participants Exercise Timelines Review and Action Items Questions

4 Goals of Midterm Planning Conference (MPC)
Confirm exercise goals and objectives. Discuss exercise scenario. Confirm Exercise Planning Team and exercise participants. Identify evaluation team and requirements. Review draft exercise documents. Review exercise schedule and logistics.

5 Initial Planning Conference (IPC) Review
IPC minutes Scope Purpose Objectives Scenario Participating agencies Action items Exercise dates

6 Important Dates Final Planning Conference (FPC): [Date]
Controller/Evaluator Briefing: [Date] Exercise Conduct: [Date]

7 Exercise Objectives [Insert exercise objectives.]

8 Scenario [Describe the operations-based exercise scenario or list its characteristics. Elements listed may include date, location, time, weather, threat, hazard, agent, and casualty count.]

9 Documentation Applicable standard operating procedures (SOPs) and emergency operations plans (EOPs) [Master Scenario Events List (MSEL), if applicable] Exercise Plan (ExPlan) After Action Report (AAR)/Improvement Plan (IP)

10 Exercise Control Review control concept Controllers
Who will serve as controllers? When will controller training be conducted?

11 Exercise Evaluation Review evaluation approach
Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) Evaluators Who will serve as evaluators? When will evaluator training be conducted?

12 Venue Site and Logistics
Remaining logistical requirements: Determine communication needs. Confirm exercise venue. Identify participants and determine total numbers. Determine multimedia utilization.

13 Exercise Participants
Who else needs to participate in order to accomplish scenario objectives? How do we foster participation? What jurisdictions need to be simulated? How many observers should we expect?

14 Exercise Timeline [Insert exercise timelines and schedules.]

15 Review and Action Items
Create and distribute MPC minutes. Update draft scenario based on comments. Refine exercise objectives, assumptions, and constraints. Finalize ExPlan for distribution at FPC. Complete draft Controller and Evaluator (C/E) Handbook for review at FPC. Incorporate Exercise Planning Team observations and suggestions for improvement.

16 Questions

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