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Warwick Network 2008 Nick Hillard, Environment Manager The University’s Energy Challenge.

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Presentation on theme: "Warwick Network 2008 Nick Hillard, Environment Manager The University’s Energy Challenge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warwick Network 2008 Nick Hillard, Environment Manager The University’s Energy Challenge

2  Existing Energy Management  Future Challenges  Warwick HRI – some good news  2 brainstorming exercises to capture your ideas

3 Brainstorm 1  Working in pairs  Discuss your domestic energy situation:  Energy provider  Annual costs / recent increases  Energy conservation measures  Be prepared to share the findings with the group

4 Energy Management “..I would particularly urge everyone to reflect on energy use and make special effort to turn off PCs and lights when not in use” Prof. Nigel Thrift, Vice-Chancellor (14 th October 2008)

5  Consumption = c.180 million kWh  Energy spend = c.£8 million  Circa 2% of turnover  Carbon footprint = c.42,000 tonnes CO 2  Overall target to reduce CO 2 footprint by - 10% by 2010/11 Energy Use

6 Year Total energy Use (GWh) Energy Use

7 Energy Costs As of 1 st Oct 2008

8 Energy Management  Energy audits since the 1980’s  Collaborative work between academia and University administration  HE Carbon Management Programme  BREEAM Excellent Target on new builds  Strengthening of energy team


10 CHP and District Heating  Electricity generation (4.7MW e ), heating, hot water and chilled water (14.1MW th )  Capital costs of circa £5M (annual savings in the region of £1M pa.)  >16km u/g pipework covering c.60%  Maintenance costs less cf. stand alone plant  Optimisation of system includes thermal storage, increasing of summer heat load and ongoing system balancing.

11 Food for thought … 5no. 1kW wind turbines Scheduling 1no. CHP engine to switch off between midnight and 5am 5 tonnes per annum 25 tonnes per week

12 Food for thought …  2kW fan heater is equivalent to running more than 100 compact fluorescent lights  The standby cost of a vending machine can be £255pa (cf. an overall energy cost of £268)  500W halogen flood lights can be replaced by 60W low energy alternatives  A computer monitor left on standby cf switched off costs up to £10pa.

13  Campus development - business as usual:  Power : 12MW e => c.£3,000,000  Heat : 6MW th => c.£1,000,000  Water : 150,000m 3 => c.£250,000  Carbon dioxide emissions => c.50% Future Challenges

14 The Future  Planned additions to the network  Complete “ring” through Warwickshire land  New energy centre on Warwickshire land (biomass fuelled)  More absorption cooling for summer  Replacement of stand-alone boilers  Continue to focus on energy conservation

15 “45 pledges received” “7% reduction in electricity use” “Be an Energy Scrooge this Christmas” “CIBSE Campaign” Energy Saving Initiatives

16 Energy saving initiatives “StudentSwitchOff” - 8.6% average reduction - >500 tonnes CO2 Student-led environmental action week – showcases, seminars, petitions, parties etc Student Switch Off saves 500 tonnes Thursday, 15 May 2008 Thursday, 15 May 2008 So far this academic year, the Student Switch Off has now saved over 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere which is a fantastic result. A massive thanks must go out to the Eco-Power Rangers at the respective Universities who number over 2,750 (over 13% of the residents in halls) and are fulfilling their roles as ambassadors for positive change. Keep up the good work! The carbon dioxide saved by the Student Switch Off is equivalent to that produced by leaving a 15 Watt energy-saving lightbulb on for over 9,000 years! Check out the results sections for the overall data and the breakdown by individual University. So far this academic year, the Student Switch Off has now saved over 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere which is a fantastic result. A massive thanks must go out to the Eco-Power Rangers at the respective Universities who number over 2,750 (over 13% of the residents in halls) and are fulfilling their roles as ambassadors for positive change. Keep up the good work! The carbon dioxide saved by the Student Switch Off is equivalent to that produced by leaving a 15 Watt energy-saving lightbulb on for over 9,000 years! Check out the results sections for the overall data and the breakdown by individual University. The Carbon Academy is an NUS Services project, supported by NUS, People and Planet and the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges.

17 Brainstorm 2  Working in pairs/threes  Consider your own work area / general university operation  Identify potential projects in the following areas:  One quick-win electricity saving projects  A high profile renewable energy “showpiece”  One “Off the wall” initiative

18 The University’s Energy Challenge Existing Energy Management Future Challenges Warwick HRI – some good news 2 brainstorming exercises

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