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Polar Ice Biome By Jon Joshlin and Alex Bogert. Location of Polar Ice Biome 8/18/20152.

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Ice Biome By Jon Joshlin and Alex Bogert. Location of Polar Ice Biome 8/18/20152."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Ice Biome By Jon Joshlin and Alex Bogert

2 Location of Polar Ice Biome 8/18/20152

3 Polar Ice Biome This biome refers to the large polar ice cap found in the frigid zone environments of the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica. The Polar Ice biome is a marine biome that is rich in nutrients from the land around them, and contain ice. This makes the perfect environment for plankton, and plankton fuel the surrounding ecosystem. 8/18/20153

4 Climate Comparison 8/18/20154

5 5 Climate Basically, it's below freezing here year round. Summer daytime temperature: + 5 C Summer nighttime temperature: -30 C

6 Climate 8/18/20156

7 Plant Species It's ICE, folks! There are no higher plants; in some areas algae may grow in the snow and give it a pinkish color. With no exposed soil, it's hard for plants to take root, so there really isn't much of a base for a biological community on land (with the exception of those algae in the snow and perhaps a few insects that feed on them). 8/18/20157

8 Animal Species Few animals live in the Polar Ice Biome because they have to adapted to extreme conditions to live here. Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) 8/18/20158

9 Animal Species Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) 8/18/20159

10 Animal Species Penguins 8/18/201510

11 Animal Species Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) 8/18/201511

12 Phytoplankton 8/18/201512

13 Animal Species Arctic Fox 8/18/201513

14 Animal Species Arctic Hare 8/18/201514

15 Animal Species Arctic Wolf 8/18/201515

16 Polar Bear 8/18/201516

17 Animal Species Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) 8/18/201517

18 Walrus 8/18/201518

19 Threats There aren't a lot of people running out to build houses on the polar ice biome. Development is not a major problem, nor is there much pressure from human populations (although pollution problems near human settlements can be severe; it is a great technical challenge to effect efficient sewage treatment in a cold environment, for instance). 8/18/201519

20 Threats The biggest threat, however, is from oil and gas development and the resulting global warming. 8/18/201520

21 Oil Drilling 8/18/201521

22 Global Warming 8/18/201522

23 Global Warming 8/18/201523

24 Global Warming 8/18/201524 1979 2003

25 Polar Ice Biome The End!! 8/18/201525

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