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Kaelyn McKee.  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaelyn McKee.  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaelyn McKee


3  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.

4  Antonyms are words with opposite meanings

5 Synonyms Antonyms Same Opposite

6 Can you think of a synonym for… Fast? Small? Loud? Quick Little Noisy

7 Can you think of an antonym for… Dirty? Day? Tall? Clean Night Short

8  Now that we understand what synonyms and antonyms are, how can we use them in writing?

9  Use synonyms to replace the green words.  The silly boy jumped all around the room.  The goofy boy hopped all around the room.

10  Use an antonym to replace the green word.  Our teacher gives us hard homework.  Our teacher gives us easy homework.

11  Words that have the same meanings ◦ Synonyms  Words that have opposite meanings ◦ Antonyms  Using synonyms and antonyms will help us improve our writing skills!

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