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Presented By: Christiaan Cilliers Jacques Brink. Satellite tracking as a whole no longer revolves around delivering positional and exception data to clients.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Christiaan Cilliers Jacques Brink. Satellite tracking as a whole no longer revolves around delivering positional and exception data to clients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Christiaan Cilliers Jacques Brink

2 Satellite tracking as a whole no longer revolves around delivering positional and exception data to clients. It now comprises of being able to deliver a complete solution to the end-user with meaningful information which is pertinent to the specific needs of the client. Glideslope has moved way beyond the point of vehicle tracking and is now at the point of integrating live tracking information into client-based systems. In case where this seamless integration has been fully implemented, Glideslope’s clients enjoy effective and efficient management of their devices and staff that result in reduced cost and improved efficiency.

3 1. Shad O GPS Tracker: The convergence of GPS Satellites, GSM Networks and the internet along with personal GPS Tracking Devices will allow you extract information on the whereabouts of anyone Or anything, in real-time, 24/7. 2. Shad O Sports: A Pre-paid tracking device with no contract! The Shad O Sport unit is a palm size GPS That offers a personal level of security and peace of mind providing real-time tracking Solutions. It comes with a push to call button and geo-fencing settings with precise Alert notifications via email or SMS. 3. Enfora: Full-featured for the demanding fleet operator, this quad-band platform with voice capa- Bilities provides an interface to select Garmin PND’s via the optional FMI plug-in. Flexible customization through built-in programmable rules engine, a network router & Control automation capabilities.

4 1. You can manage and track your vehicles from any where in the world. It does not matter where you are. 2. It records your cars mileage. It records accurate Km readings and will inform you when your vehicle is due for a service. Like your cars odometer. 3. No Software needs to be installed on your computer, no software charges! Ours is web based and works on a website. 4. We don’t bind you to any contract like competitors, we work on a month to month bases. However if the client so choose to rent the device over a 24 or 36 month contract and charged only one instalment, it can be done. 5. Voice Capability to your Garmin. Send precise coordinates to your Garmin from Your device. Dispatching for fleet owners. 6. External backup battery if your cars power gets cut. 7. Customise the device to suit your specific needs and on what and when to report on rule braking. 8. Live real time tracking which can be played back at any time. Intervals can be set by customer over the air. 9. All regions and maps of the world is loaded on the Web, that is why other competitors can’t track in all the regions or countries. You have to be at the computer which has their software to be able to do any tracking. 10. GEO fencing and perimeter setup to alert you on any of: Over speeding, Harsh breaking, unauthorized movement, Tampering with device, Accidents, or any alert that you want to know of. 11. Sends the alerts to your Phone and e-mail. 12. The device is movable and can be used in more than one car. Take it with you where ever you go. Switch between cars. 13. Over the air configuration. 14. No external antenna needed as it has an internal antenna. Easy fitment and saving on fitment cost. 15. No extra charge for Internet hub connection, we don’t load software on your computer. Web based: 16. Make phone calls to the vehicle and have conversations to the driver. 17. Can listen in on any conversation taking place in the vehicle. 18. At the end of the day it is the clients prerogative to choose what to track and give alerts on, we will customize it to the client’s specifications and needs.

5 Tel: 061 – 402 562 Fax: 061 – 402 779 Mobile: 085 585 0614 E-mail:

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