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Page 1 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March RIB production with SPIRAL 2 1.Versatile and evolutive 2.Fission fragments with D beamGoal > 10 13 fissions/s.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March RIB production with SPIRAL 2 1.Versatile and evolutive 2.Fission fragments with D beamGoal > 10 13 fissions/s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March RIB production with SPIRAL 2 1.Versatile and evolutive 2.Fission fragments with D beamGoal > 10 13 fissions/s fusion-evaporation with heavy ions 3.Basic configuration :  Fission fragments produced by n-induced fission  Converter d-n with a carbon wheel  UCx fissile target - low or high density (Gatchina)  Possibility to couple different ions sources (1+)  1+/n+ (charge breeder) approach UCx D C ISECR 1+n+

2 Page 2 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March UCx d, 3,4 He,... UCx d n 0.15mA 5.10 12 f/s 6kW Fission of 240 Pu,... E x ≥ 50 MeV 4.5 mA 10 13 f/s  =2.3g/cm 2 V=240cm 3 5 mA 5.10 13 f/s  =11g/cm 2 V=240cm 3 5 mA 2.10 14 f/s  =11g/cm 2 V=1000cm 3 6kW (limit) Fission of 239 U E x = 20 MeV with converter... without converter... 40 MeV deuteron, 5 mA  200 kW dissipation in the converter acces to a wider mass region Fission yields

3 Page 3 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March on target x 10 -2 - 10 -3 towards experiment d (40 MeV, 4.3 mA) + C + UC (2.3 g/cm 3, 363 g) Fission yields (low density and with converter)

4 Page 4 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March T1/2 (s) Diff.Eff.-t Eff.-tube 1+1+/n+Acc.Total 132400.310.830.990. 1331.40.0650.160.860. Efficiencies for Sn isotopes M.G. Saint-Laurent  Sn isotopes D 4 mA on C with UC x low density target (10 13 fissions/s). UCx target IS Example : production from D beam

5 Page 5 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Thick target p,d,…,HI Fusion-evaporation and transfer reactions residues produced by thick target method (like ISOL@GSI) example 58 Ni + 50 Cr  100 Sn 1 + ~1 pps HI Thin target separator Spectroscopy of N=Z A≈100 Fusion-evaporation residues produced by thin target method (In-Flight ) example 28 Ni + 58 Mg  80 Zr 1 + ~ 3 x 10 4 pps Primary Heavy Ion beams at 14.5 A.MeV of 1 mA, up to Ar Production from Heavy Ion Beams  neutron deficient RIB  neutron rich RIB

6 Page 6 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March 4. Fusion reaction with exotic beam 1. Fission products 3. N=Z 5. Transfermiums In-flight (Z=106, 108) 2. High Ex fission products Regions of the nuclear chart covered by...

7 Page 7 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Plug housing C converter and UC x target dose rate 32 Sv/h at 1 m and 34 mSv/h after 1 year rotating C wheel 2 m concrete  dose rate < 7.5  Sv/h primary beam (deuterons) exotic beam Target & Ion Source : the Plug solution

8 Page 8 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Detail of the rotating wheel UC 2 target Carbon « standard » Ti support R = 385 mm Beam size: 10 x 25 mm First study

9 Page 9 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Must be an evolutive and versatile machine Optimised for q/A=1/3 ions and must accelerate D + (q/A=1/2) No stripper, to make a direct profit of the ECR sources evolutions for heavy ions, as far as beam energy is concerned 1 mA for ions (up to Argon) and 5 mA for deuterons Injector: RFQ with a 100% Duty Cycle Exit Energy: 0.75 A.MeV - 1.5 A.MeV (according to the frequency) LINAC: Independant Phase Superconducting Cavities based on QWRs and/or HWRs up to 40 MeV or 14.5 A.MeV Frequency : 88 MHz and 176 MHzor 176 MHz for the whole linac gradient ~ 6-8 MV/m ( = Vacc /  ) ~ 30-40 resonators DRIVER 14.5 A.MeV ions 40 MeV deuterons SourceInjectorLinear accelerator

10 Page 10 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March example of ACCEL cryostat (4 cavities, 2 solenoids) SC Solenoid + steering coils + active screening Deuteron Source ex. SILHI-type (permanent magnets) QWR Argonne RFQ (Cu plated SS version) Main driver components

11 Page 11 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March deuterons (5 mA) : “ downgrade” of SILHI source or micro-phoenix or... heavy ions q/A=1/3 (1 mA) cw mode, voltage = 60 kV,  < 200  mm mrad state-of-the-art : 18 O 6+ 1 mA 36 Ar 12+ 0.2 mA  High Frequency & high B 1. A fully superconducting ECRIS (close to the GYROSERSE project) Bmax = 4 T; Brad = 3 T; large ECR zone, F = 28 GHz, and possibly above 2. A compact source, with lower magnetic field & higher power density (A-PHOENIX) technology based on HTS coils and permanent magnetsBmax = 3 T; Brad= 1.6 T SERSE at LNS (14-18 GHz) PHOENIX (28 GHz) Primary Sources R&D

12 Page 12 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Low Energy Beam Transfer (LEBT) Goal :to transport and to match and 2 types of beam to RFQ with very low loss energy : 20 keV/n D + (5 mA, 40kV)q/A=1/3 (1mA, 60kV)

13 Page 13 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Beam Dynamics studies determine the optimal choice of linac frequency resonator types transition energies (RFQ output, geometric betas) Nb of resonators / cryostat,etc... and should also accelerate heavier ions (q/A~1/6) 2 options : 88/176 MHz or 176 MHz for the whole linac pro’s and con’s 88 MHz requires QWRs  easier fabrication and cleaning but dipole fields only partially compensated 176 MHz only  only HWRs could be used but more dissipation in the RFQ, requires higher RFQ output energy Linac architecture

14 Page 14 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March classical brazed Cu 88 or 176 MHz separated functions 88 MHz with rf joints 88 or 176 MHz Cu plated SS 88 MHz Different technological solutions for the RFQ 4-rod RFQ, IH-type RFQ  cheaper but low-frequency 4-vane RFQ  cw operation & high transmission IAP Frankfurt

15 Page 15 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March 1/21/3 Phase space at the RFQ output Ex. 88 MHz4-vaneLength = 5mEnergy = 0.75 A.MeV aperture = 8 - 10 mm vane voltage = 100 -113 kV Modulation 1-2 Transmission 99,95% (1/2)99,93% (1/3)

16 Page 16 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Legnaro-type QWR Argonne_type QWR and HWR (with field asymmetry compensation) ~ 40 resonators at 6 MV/m~ 30 resonators at 8 MV/m Resonators

17 Page 17 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March phase advance too large ! Beam dynamics in the SC linac 2 essential rules to avoid  dilution + beam loss : 1. phase advance < 90° 2. long. & trans. matching between tanks  favours large Nb cavities / tank solenoid instead of quad focusing 1 solenoid / cavity at low energy to keep the beam size < the cavity aperture (30 mm max) B z < 7-8 T to keep classical technology NbTi SC solenoid

18 Page 18 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March CIME SC LINAC Deuteron40 MeV Heavy ions15 MeV/u RFQ charge breeder 1+ / N+ Low energy RIB Fission fragments <6 MeV/nucléon Separator Target-Source system Deuteron Source Q/A= 1/3 ion source Schematic lay-out (1)

19 Page 19 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March ECR Sources (d and q/A=1/3 ions) RFQ SC LINAC 40 MeV and 14.5 A MeV F. Daudin Injection to CIME Low energy RIB stable heavy ions post-accelerator CIME Schematic lay-out (2)

20 Page 20 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March GANIL expansion

21 Page 21 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March APD ~ 2 years Nov 2004 Time schedule

22 Page 22 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March Driver light (heavy) ions Long-term future (1) can be used as a post-accelerator with future upgrade in energy SPIRAL 2 Energy upgrade

23 Page 23 Rencontre de Moriond, 17-22 March production postaccelerator Long-term future (2) or can be used as the low energy part of a future high energy driver SPIRAL 2 Energy upgrade

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