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WASTE RECEPTION FACILITIES IN MEDCRUISE PORTS Aimilia Papachristou Policy Advisor-MedCruise 5ο Forum Διάλογου για τα Πετρελαιοειδή Απόβλητα και Κατάλοιπα.

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Presentation on theme: "WASTE RECEPTION FACILITIES IN MEDCRUISE PORTS Aimilia Papachristou Policy Advisor-MedCruise 5ο Forum Διάλογου για τα Πετρελαιοειδή Απόβλητα και Κατάλοιπα."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASTE RECEPTION FACILITIES IN MEDCRUISE PORTS Aimilia Papachristou Policy Advisor-MedCruise 5ο Forum Διάλογου για τα Πετρελαιοειδή Απόβλητα και Κατάλοιπα


3 27,02 millions 27,02 millions passenger movements 14.428 14.428 cruise calls 70 port members (>100 ports), 32 associates 20 countries MedCruise: Bringing together ports in the Med & adjoining seas MedCruise member traffic 2013 Source: Cruise Activities in MedCruise ports (2014)

4 A Growing Membership empowers the Association Cruise Passenger Movements Evolution in MedCruise ports Source: Cruise Activities in MedCruise ports (2014)

5 MedCruise Objectives Promote cruise destinations and ports in the Med and adjoining seas. Collaborate on: –Training –Environment –Policies & Operational issues Develop quality passenger shipping experiences: –Preserve diversity and authenticity. –Manage congestion –Shared return: local communities, ships, passengers.


7 What do Med ports do? We know that Environmental management is challenging but essential (“licence to operate and to grow”) We work together and commit to actions –Professional cooperation (The MedCruise Professional Development Course) –Assisting tools –Proactive voluntary self-regulation Added value for both the sector and individual ports Trends provide inspiration for further improvement

8 Note: Environmental priorities change over time Source: ESPO, various years


10 Project Overview Med Cruise ports care: Waste reception facilities MedCruise partnered with other actors to map the existing waste reception facilities in Mediterranean ports Cruise lines will soon know where and how they can discharge waste Ports will learn which are the best practices

11 Why? Rules (MARPOL73/78 Annex V) Principles for waste management Waste Hierarchy INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS A COMPLEX ISSUE At SeaAshore Storage Segregation Reuse Treatment Incinerators Recycling Energy Recovery Reception Storage Segregation Treatment Recycling Re-use Compost Biogas Energy recovery Transfer to Centralized Station

12 Packaging Define a plan for the recovery or re-use of 30% Bio-waste Re-use the economic value of 90% Paper Define a plan for the recovery or re-use of 40% Waste prevention (reduction, minimization) Reuse Recycle Energy recovery Disposal Project Overview MedCruise partnered with other actors to identify concrete actions within the framework of the European Directive on waste, the so- called 3Rs: Reduction, Re- use, Recycling and revised Marpol Annex V. Med Cruise Ports care: Waste Management

13 WASTE RECEPTION FACILITIES AT MEDCRUISE PORTS Extracts from data collected as part of MedCruise ports participation at the Sustainable Development project


15 GARBAGE RECEPTION FACILITIES (GRF) Working hours of GRF at the port

16 GARBAGE RECEPTION FACILITIES per type of carbage Plastics Food Wastes Domestic Wastes Cooking Oils Incinerator Ashes Operational Wastes Cargo Residues Animal Carcass Fishing Gear Truck ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Container ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Tank ✓✓✓✓✓ Forklift ✓✓✓✓ Vessel ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Cages ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barge ✓✓✓ Skip ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Dumpster ✓ Plastic IBCs ✓ Barrels ✓ Packages ✓ Drum ✓ Bags ✓ Pipes ✓

17 Procedures followed for garbage reception from the Waste Declaration Form till the garbage reception Agent informs Port Authorities on the ship call Waste Declaration Form before arrival (~24h) Terminal and/ or Port Authority are notified

18 Main requirements for garbage reception in terms of packaging & labelling Different garbages, different packaging Segregation, Separation –Paper, Glass, Plastic, Metal: Bulk, Boxes, Containers –Wood, Textile: Containers and Bags –Food: Bags –Hazardous waste: ADR (Accord européen relative au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route) and IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods), based on Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods”, issued by the UN

19 Main reasons for not accepting garbage reception ReasonNo. Delays in delivering1 Lack of garbage disposal request3 Inappropriate package6 Improper or no segregation3 Out of scope (e.g. ashes, batteries etc)3 Large quantities1 Hazardous garbage2 All above reasons1

20 SERVICES OFFERED PRIOR TO GARBAGE DISPOSAL Does the port provide storage inside its area? If yes, for which product types? Product type% A.Plastics38% B.Food wastes33% C.Domestic wastes38% D.Cooking oil28% E.Incinerator ashes22% F.Operational wastes33% G.Cargo residues38% H.Animal carcass(es)5,5% I.Fishing gear11%

21 SERVICES OFFERED PRIOR TO GARBAGE DISPOSAL Does the port offer segregation services?

22 Garbage disposal methods used in the port

23 Proprietary status of the port reception facilities N=17

24 Fee collection scheme applied at the port Other: Combined system (direct and indirect fees) The service is provided by specialized companies, no fees applied by port Charges per m 3

25 Exemptions rules applied at the port Based on: –The ship’s tonnage –Regularity of calls –Frequency of calls –Days of berth at port –National laws (e.x. Spain: Royal Decrees 1381/2002 and 1084/2009)

26 Authorities responsible for procedures & controlling proper execution of waste reception & handling services N=20 AuthorityNo. Port Authority8 Coast Guard4 Harbour Master2 Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanism 1 Ministry of Environment2 Environment and planning authorities1 Local Municipality2

27 Remember why all these -Illegal to discharge waste into the sea -Develop Corporate Image of friends of the environment -Passenger feeling moral consumers -In short: Recovery has an economic value

28 Thank you Aimilia Papachristou Policy Advisor

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