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Who We Are  The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors® Foundation was created to support initiatives for advancing commercial real estate as a professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Who We Are  The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors® Foundation was created to support initiatives for advancing commercial real estate as a professional."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who We Are  The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors® Foundation was created to support initiatives for advancing commercial real estate as a professional practice.  SIOR and the SIOR Foundation are two separate and distinct organizations.  SIOR dues do not support the SIOR Foundation.  The SIOR Foundation is 100% dependent on charitable contributions.  The SIOR Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

3 Our Mission The mission of the SIOR Foundation is to promote and support initiatives that educate, expand and enrich the commercial real estate community.

4 Our Vision We envision that SIOR Foundation-sponsored initiatives will be recognized inside and outside the commercial real estate industry as preeminent in advancing professional practice.

5 What We Do We make a difference … for SIOR members and their chapters, for students, for the commercial real estate community

6 How We Make a Difference Through contributed funds, the SIOR Foundation supports:  SIOR Educational Programs and Speakers  SIOR Chapter and Community Programs  Scholarships  Partnerships in Education  Research and Publications  Emerging Issues in Commercial Real Estate

7 Annual Fundraising Campaigns:  The “1% Solution”  Option to donate on Conference Registration Forms  Phonathon in December  Special Event in the Spring  SIOR Foundation Donation Table at Conferences  Year-End Appeal Letter in October  Email Appeals How We Raise Funds

8 “Please join me this year in giving to the Foundation through The 1% Solution. “ The 1% Solution: A New “Easy” Way to Give Pledge Now – Pay When You’re Paid. David J. Zimmer, SIOR, FRICS 2010-11 President, SIOR

9 Works How It Works  Designed for SIOR Co-Op transactions  SIOR members donate 1% of broker commissions on Co-Op deals.  If all SIORs participate the SIOR Foundation could meet its annual operating budget from this program alone.  Example: $100,000 commission x 1% = $1,000  Donation is tax-deductible.  You can do it, even if your cooperating broker doesn’t.  New: 1% Solution Pledge. Sign now. No payment deadline, pay when you’re paid.  New: 1% Solution check-off option on SIOR Cooperative Transaction Report forms. Sign when you report and get recognized.

10 Other Ways to Give  Cash donations  Gifts of Appreciated Stock or Property  Gifts of Real Estate  Planned Gifts

11 Examples of Planned Gifts:  Will  IRA  Charitable Remainder Trust (Annuity or Unitrust)  Charitable Gift Annuity  Charitable Lead Trust  Life Insurance Policy  Life Estate Agreement Planned Gifts

12  Annual Cumulative Giving recognition. (Currently donors of a total $1,000 or more during the fiscal year)  Annual Exclusive High-Donor “Stars” Wine Tasting Receptions at SIOR Fall World Conferences.  Donor listings in the SIOR Professional Report.  Legacy Society listing for Planned Gift donors.  New! Lifetime Giving Recognition – Special Listings. Donor Recognition Programs

13 Named Fund Opportunities Any SIOR, Chapter, group, or corporate entity may create a new named fund:  In Memory Of or In Honor Of a colleague, loved one, estate, family, SIOR Chapter or corporation.  Minimum $100,000.  Purpose compatible with the SIOR Foundation mission.  Part of the overall Capital Campaign.

14 Mildred C. (Millie) Hanson, SIOR, Memorial Fund To Honor and Support Women in Commercial Real Estate Over 95 donors $392,730 pledged Awards and expenses come from earnings Named Fund Example

15 The “Millie” Award 2012 Recipient: Lynn Schenck, SIOR Jones Lang LaSalle The Mildred C. Hanson, SIOR Memorial Scholarship 2012 Recipient: Jillian Woodliff Terry College of Business-Real Estate, Class of 2013, University of Georgia Named Fund Awards

16 How Funds Have Been Used

17 SIOR Professional Report Steve Lewis Author of “Cloud Computing-Is it Time to Make the Leap” And 6 other articles in 2012 Steve Bergsman Author of “Straddling the Fence” And 7 other articles in 2012

18 Bryan Clark, San Diego State University, 2009-2010 Recipient of SIOR Foundation – SIOR San Diego Chapter Scholarship “… I have had no greater honor in my student and professional career than being chosen to receive this …SIOR-SIOR Foundation Scholarship.” SIOR Chapter Matching Scholarships

19 Kevin Beaudry, SIOR, MCRE “The SIOR Foundation’s Matching Funds Program gave our Chapter the confidence to add new recruiting events. These events have had a very positive impact in helping us drive SIOR Canada’s new recruiting and branding message.” SIOR Chapter Matching Programs

20 How Funds Will Be Used

21 2012-13 Chapter Matches Apply by August 31:  Up to $6,000 for scholarships  Up to $2,500 for educational programs, speakers and research  $2,000 for a Municipal Report Card Study ($4,000 limit—first to ask, first to be served).

22 Why Give to the SIOR Foundation? To give back to the profession that has given us so much and to ensure the future of the profession for generations to come.

23 Help Us Make A Difference …for SIOR members and SIOR Chapters, …for students, …for the commercial real estate community.


25 Thank You for your gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure! Questions & Answers:

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