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Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS 1 MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 2 — Basic Editing.

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Presentation on theme: "Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS 1 MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 2 — Basic Editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS 1 MICROSOFT WORD Lesson 2 — Basic Editing

2 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 2 Objectives Select text. Delete and type over text. Undo and redo recent actions. Cut, copy, and paste text. Use drag and drop to move or copy text.

3 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 3 Objectives (cont.) Check the spelling and grammar of a document. Find and replace text. Use the Thesaurus. Insert the date and time.

4 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 4 Terms Used in This Lesson Automatic grammar checking Automatic spell checking Clipboard Copy Cut Drag and drop Overtype mode Paste Selecting Spelling and Grammar Checker Thesaurus

5 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 5 Selecting Text Selecting – highlighting a block of text.

6 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 6 Selecting Text (cont.)

7 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 7 Selecting Text (cont.)

8 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 8 Backspace, Delete, and Overtype Text Backspace key – deletes characters to the left of the insertion point. Delete key – deletes characters to the right of the insertion point. Overtype – replaces or types over existing text. Double-click OVR on the status bar or press the Insert key.

9 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 9 Using Undo and Redo Undo – reverses recent actions. Click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar, or Edit, Undo Redo – reverses an Undo action. Click the Redo button on the Standard toolbar, or Edit, Redo

10 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 10 Clipboard Clipboard – a temporary storage place. The Clipboard is displayed in task pane. Can hold up to 24 cut or copied items

11 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 11 Cutting Text Cut – removes selected text from the document and places it on the Clipboard. Edit, Cut. or click the Cut button on the Standard toolbar.

12 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 12 Pasting Text Paste – text is copied from the Clipboard to the location of the insertion point in the document. Edit, Paste. or click the Paste button on the Standard toolbar.

13 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 13 Copying Text Copy – a copy of the selected text is placed on the Clipboard while the original text remains in the document. Edit, Copy. or click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.

14 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 14 Using Drag and Drop Drag and Drop – easiest way to copy and moving text a short distance Place the pointer on the selected text and hold down the mouse button until a small box appears. While still holding down the mouse button, drag the text to the desired location.

15 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 15 Automatic Spell and Grammar Checking Automatic Spell Checking – identifies spelling errors as you type with a wavy red line. Automatic Grammar Checking – identifies grammatical errors with a wavy green line as you type.

16 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 16 Spelling and Grammar Checker Spelling and Grammar Checker – used to check the spelling and grammar of a document after you finish keying. Tools, Spelling/Grammar. or click the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar.

17 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 17 Find and Replace Commands Find and Replace – editing commands that find a specific word in a document and allow you to replace it with a new word. Edit, Find/Replace. Or use Option button beneath the scroll bar on Right. Use binoculars for find/replace feature.

18 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 18 Find and Replace Dialog Box Find Replace Format specifications Options Replace Replace All Find Next

19 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 19 Thesaurus Thesaurus – finds a synonym for a word in a document. Select the word, Tools, Language, Thesaurus. Can also Rt. Click, Synonym or Thesaurus

20 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 20 Inserting the Date and Time Insert, Date/Time. Choose format. date will be updated each time the document is opened if Update automatically is checked.

21 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 21 Date and Time Dialog Box

22 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 22 Summary You can speed operations by selecting blocks of text. Delete text using Backspace and Delete. Replace text using Overtype mode. Undo recent actions using the Undo command.

23 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 23 Summary (cont.) Use Redo to reverse an Undo action. Send text to the Clipboard by using the Cut or Copy command. Retrieve text by using the Paste command. The Find command moves the insertion point to the word or phrase for which you are searching.

24 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 24 Summary (cont.) The Replace command allows you to replace a word in the Find box with a word you key in the Replace box. Automatic spell checking identifies misspelled words with a wavy red underline. Automatic grammar checking identifies grammatical errors with a wavy green underline.

25 Word – Lesson 2 Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS Pasewark & Pasewark 25 Summary (cont.) The Thesaurus is used to find a synonym for a word in the document. A date can be inserted in a document using the Date and Time command on the Insert menu.

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