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Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Faculty Member, Doctoral Programs Union Institute and University and Integrative Health Educator Health Medicine Center Walnut Creek,

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Presentation on theme: "Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Faculty Member, Doctoral Programs Union Institute and University and Integrative Health Educator Health Medicine Center Walnut Creek,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. Faculty Member, Doctoral Programs Union Institute and University and Integrative Health Educator Health Medicine Center Walnut Creek, CA

2  60% allopathic care (drugs, surgeries, vaccines)  25% alternative and complementary health care  15% self-care

3  60% enhanced self care  25% alternative and complementary medicine or integrative care from practitioners  15% allopathic care

4  Stress reduction  Optimal nutrition  Regular physical exercise  Sense of life purpose, self-awareness and self- expression  Right relationship to others and the environment

5  It’s not what’s prescribed---it’s what you do, how you do it, and how frequently you do it.  Healthy lifestyle and mind-body self care


7  Adrenaline up  Blood pressure up  Breath rate up  Muscle tension up  Intestinal activity down  Immune response down  Brain cortical activity down  Survival-oriented decisions up

8  Cortisol increase  increased belly fat  Blood sugar up  Insulin up  Cholesterol up  Immune response down  Chronic inflammation up

9 Every major illness and condition, including  Heart disease  Diabetes  Cancer  Infections  Autoimmune diseases  Chronic pain  Anxiety, depression  Early death

10  Enhance immunity  Reduce chronic inflammation  Decrease blood pressure  Normalize blood sugar  Promote growth & development of brain cells  Improve mood and sense of well-being  Speed up healing processes

11  Meditation  Yoga  Qigong  Guided visualization  Progressive relaxation exercises  Autogenic training and biofeedback  (Cardiovascular aerobic exercise)

12  The biggest client of food processors is the fast food industry.  See the documentary: “Food, Inc.”  Many people are out of touch with what they eat and with what natural whole food is.

13 AVOIDCONSUME  Artificial sweeteners  Aspartame (Equal)  Saccharin (Sweet ‘n Low)  Sucralose (Splenda)  High fructose corn syrup  corn syrup  corn sweeteners  Natural sweeteners  Raw honey  Brown rice syrup  Agave syrup  Maple syrup  Sugar (sucrose), small amounts  Stevia (herb)

14 AVOIDCONSUME  Hydrogenated fats  Cottonseed oil  Canola oil  Sunflower, safflower, soy, peanut, other liquid and solid “vegetable oil”  Butter  Coconut oil  Palm oil  Lard & tallow from free-range animals  Olive oil--<350 Degrees

15 AVOIDCONSUME  Conventional animal meat (fed corn & soy)  Conventional poultry  Farmed fish, including “Atlantic salmon”  Conventional eggs  Free range animal meat, including the whole animal—organ meat, bone broth, etc.  Free range chickens— whole animal  Wild fish in moderation  Free range eggs

16 AVOIDCONSUME  Vegetables cooked over 24-48 hours ago  Produce and herbs from China and India  Conventional farmed produce  Same foods, over and over again  Raw > cooked  Fresh vegetables, lightly cooked  Local organic produce  Wide variety of vegetables & fruits

17 AVOIDCONSUME  Soda pop  Tap water  Bottled water  Drink less acidic beverages: tea, coffee, beer, wine  Quality water; ionized water is best (email me for details!)  Fermented low- alcoholic beverages such as kombucha, Rejuvelac, beet kvass  Drink still alkaline water, pH over 8.0

18  Yogurt  Sauerkraut  Kimchee  Buttermilk  Raw cheese  Sour cream

19  Eat foods in season  Shop at farmers’ markets instead of grocery stores  Grow your own food:  Organic gardening with compost  Sprout edible seeds indoors for salads

20  Avoid fast food  Avoid nonfat foods  Eat less carbohydrates with increasing age  Eat high quality food; eat less; eat slowly  Whole foods take more time to chew and satisfy sooner  Big meals early in day; small meals later on  Vigorous exercise early in the day, 4 times/wk  Fast one day per week, taking only water


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