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Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG1 56th IETF Meeting - March 2003 - RMON Working Group Emile STEPHAN France Telecom R&D IPv6 & SUBIP Protocol identifiers.

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Presentation on theme: "Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG1 56th IETF Meeting - March 2003 - RMON Working Group Emile STEPHAN France Telecom R&D IPv6 & SUBIP Protocol identifiers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG1 56th IETF Meeting - March 2003 - RMON Working Group Emile STEPHAN France Telecom R&D IPv6 & SUBIP Protocol identifiers needs

2 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG2 6QM IST project. IPv6 protocol identifier needs SUB IP protocol identifier needs Usage Conclusion Summary

3 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG3 IPv6 QOS measurement: The project goal is the research, development and integration of the different pieces needed for the correct measurement of the Quality of Service in IPv6 networks. September 2002 - September 2004 Work Plan:  WP2 Requirement Study for IPv6 QoS Measurement;  WP3 Development of IPv6 Measurement Technology;  WP4 System Integration, Testing, and Evaluation;  WP5 Dissemination, Liaison and Interconnection. 6QM IST project

4 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG4 TypeP: TypeP is defined as a display string. It consists in a list of dot separated protocol names. Each protocol name has been previously defined using the macro PROTOCOL-IDENTIFIER (PI) of the RFC 2895. TypePaddress: TypePaddress is defined as a display string. It consists in a list of space separated parameters. A parameter corresponds to a parameter of a TypeP. Example : The RFC2896 defines the PI ‘ip’ and ‘ipip4’. Each one have a parameter. The TypeP 'ip.ipip4' has 2 parameters. A valid TypePaddress value is ''. Needs : Update the existing PIs with PIs for IPv6 and SUB IP to get e.g.: A valid TypePaddress of the typeP ‘ip.ipip6.udp’ will be ' 2001:0798:16::1’ IPPM REPORTING MIB protocol identifier needs

5 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG5 IPv6 IPv6 in IPv4 IPv4 in IPv6 SUB IP Vlan MPLS … SUB IP protocol identifier needs

6 Emile Stéphan56th IETF - RMON WG6 Conclusion IPv6 and SUB IP Protocol identifier needed for the IPPM REPORTING MIB How can managers and agents interoperate if the number of parameters differ ? RMON2 MIB: How can current managers and agents interoperate if the PI of a protocol is not defined ? How to continue ?

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