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Media Strategy 14.

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1 Media Strategy 14

2 The Media-Planning Process
Involves the process of designing a scheduling plan that shows how advertising time and space will contribute to the achievement of marketing objectives 2

3 The Media-Planning Process
1. Selecting the target audience 2. Specifying media objectives 3. Selecting media categories and vehicles 4. Buying media 3

4 Selecting the Target Audience
Four major factors (1) Geographic (2) Demographic (3) Product usage (4) Lifestyle/psychographics 4

5 Specifying Media Objectives
Reach Frequency Weight Continuity Cost 5

6 Reach Percentage of target audience that is
exposed to an advertisement at least once during a certain time frame (usually four weeks) 6

7 Factors determining the Reach
More people are reached when a media schedule uses multiple media The number and diversity of media vehicles used By diversifying the day parts 7

8 Specifying Media Objectives
Reach Frequency Weight Continuity Cost 8

9 Frequency Average number of times an advertisement reaches
the target audience in a four-week period 9

10 Frequency 10 Dodge Rambler Advertised in Rolling Stone Magazine
Target-Audience Member Week A B C D E F G H I J Total Exposures 1 2 3 4 Exposure 5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Summary Statistics % % C F,H A,E,I,J D,G B Frequency Distribution (F) Percentage F Percentage F+ Audience Members 10

11 Specifying Media Objectives
Reach Frequency Weight Continuity Cost 11

12 Weight Gross rating points, or GRPs, are
an indicator of the amount of gross weight that a particular advertising schedule is capable of delivering GRPs=Reach(R) X Frequency(F) 12

13 Determining GRPs in Practice
GRPs are the sum of all vehicle ratings in a media schedule Rating: proportion of the target audience presumed to be exposed to a single occurrence of an advertising vehicle in which the advertiser’s brand is advertised 13

14 The Concept of ERPs Do not worry about this 14

15 How Many Exposures are Needed?
Three-Exposure Hypothesis The minimum number of exposures needed for advertising to be effective is three 15

16 How Many Exposures are Needed?
The Efficiency-Index Procedure Do not worry about this. 16

17 Specifying Media Objectives
Reach Frequency Weight Continuity Cost 17

18 Continuity How advertising is allocated during
the course of an advertising campaign : how should the media budget be distributed? 18

19 Continuity Continuous schedule Pulsing Flighting
Shelf-Space model of advertising 19

20 Continuous, Pulsing, and Flighting Schedules
200 400 600 J F M A S O N D Continuous Pulsing Flighting Advertising Schedules Ad $ (in thousands) (months) 20

21 Shelf-Space Model of Advertising
(1) Consumers’ first exposure to an advertisement is the most powerful (2) Achieving a high level of weekly reach for a brand should be emphasized over acquiring heavy frequency 21

22 Specifying Media Objectives
Reach Frequency Weight Continuity Cost 22

23 1-800-COLLECT Media Strategy
1-800-Collect media strategy guide 23

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