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CMS, Professional Website & Research Themes. Professional Website (PWP) Purpose: To represent college staff’s professional work through a personal website.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS, Professional Website & Research Themes. Professional Website (PWP) Purpose: To represent college staff’s professional work through a personal website."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS, Professional Website & Research Themes

2 Professional Website (PWP) Purpose: To represent college staff’s professional work through a personal website (The content, format and controls have been defined by the PWP sub-group) SOURCE of DATA College system information -HR for personal information and security for the security photo Publications -The Library’s Reference Manager Database Other personal information - formatted -This is where the content is to follow a set format -e.g. Awards to have the following fields: Award title, Awarding Body, Year of Award -Information is stored in a PWP database Other personal information – free text -This is where the content can be anything the owner would like -e.g. text, images, files etc -Information is stored in portal

3 Professional Website (PWP) Purpose: To represent college staff’s professional work through a personal website (The content, format and controls have been defined by the PWP sub-group) Show the PWP for an individual. Demonstrate updating content. How a user can set up a link(s) from their Professional website to their research groups. Set up a new PWP.

4 Research themes Purpose: To make college research more visible & accessible on the web To do this through a research taxonomy (Themes) To enable users to find cross departmental research on a particular category (This approach has been defined by the Research sub-group) Current ways Research Groups display their content 1.Within the department’s website 2.A separate website using the departmental branding 3.A separate website using non-departmental branding Explain the themes concept. Demonstrate how a research content owner assigns Themes to their research content. Demonstrate the Themes tree to search for research content. Demonstrate how research groups, that are not in portal, can be included in research themes.




8 Business School feedback Editing: very easy to use, the online help feature is excellent - big improvement on our current system Managing the site appears to be relatively straight forward Research Themes navigator seems like a very useful tool Like very much the PWP layout In conclusion they are happy to move across to portal as long as PWP can be branded using the departmental branding. Further requested enhancements PWP: personal information, to have the department field as a link to the department Research Groups which are sub-site: to have a link back to the main site News & Events: the proposed specification for this meets BS’s requirements


10 Personal Information Data source Professional namePWP* SurnameCollege ForenameCollege Middle initialCollege TitlesCollege HonoursCollege Also known asCollege Job TitleCollege FacultyCollege Department/DivisionCollege AddressCollege PhoneCollege FaxCollege MobileCollege EmailCollege Personal WebsiteCollege PhotoCollege ** Automated feed from college systems College = college systems (i.e. security, HR) Publications = The Library’s Reference Manager Database Manually entered by user PWP = Other personal information - formatted, which is stored in a database Free text = Other personal information – free text, which is stored in portal * The default entry for this is the user’s title and surname ** The user can also load up their own photo to replace the security photo Further Information

11 Research Data source InterestsFree text FundingFree text Research GroupPWP Research StaffPWP Research Student SupervisionPWP Experimental FacilitiesPWP Honours and AwardsData source AwardsPWP External Positions/CommitteesPWP Membership of professional bodiesPWP Links with Academic BodiesPWP Other significant activitiesFree text Plenary LecturesFree text Home Data source Summary informationFree text Further Information Automated feed from college systems College = college systems (i.e. security, HR) Publications = The Library’s Reference Manager Database Manually entered by user PWP = Other personal information - formatted, which is stored in a database Free text = Other personal information – free text, which is stored in portal

12 Publications Data source Journal Articles Publications Books Publications Chapters in Books Publications Conference Contributions Publications Other Free text Commercial Activities Data source ConsultanciesPWP Spin-Out InvolvementPWP Other ActivityFree text Teaching Data source Postgraduate courses/modulesPWP Undergraduate courses/modulesPWP Short course teachingPWP Academic Training Programme (Graduate Schools Training Programme) PWP Other Teaching (eg Master classes, external courses, etc) Free text Further Information Automated feed from college systems College = college systems (i.e. security, HR) Publications = The Library’s Reference Manager Database Manually entered by user PWP = Other personal information - formatted, which is stored in a database Free text = Other personal information – free text, which is stored in portal

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