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SHMD 249 11/04/2012 Reaction Time Speed. Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting their elbow on the table.

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Presentation on theme: "SHMD 249 11/04/2012 Reaction Time Speed. Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting their elbow on the table."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHMD 249 11/04/2012 Reaction Time Speed


3 Procedure: The person to be tested stands or sits near the edge of a table, resting their elbow on the table so that their wrist extends over the side. The assessor holds the ruler vertically in the air between the subject's thumb and index finger, but not touching. Align the zero mark with the subjects fingers. The subject should indicate when they are ready. Without warning, release the ruler and let it drop - the subject must catch it as quickly as possible as soon as they see it fall. Record in meters the distance the ruler fell. Repeat several times (e.g. 10 times) and take the average score.

4 Target population: sports requiring good hand- eye coordination and quick reactions, such as race car driving, boxing and racket sports. Comments: results for left and right hands can be expected to be different, therefore this should be controlled for or at least the hand used recorded with the results.

5 distance (cm)time (seconds)distancetimedistancetimedistancetime 10.045260.230510.323760.394 20.064270.235520.326770.396 30.078280.239530.329780.399 40.090290.243540.332790.402 50.101300.247550.335800.404 60.111310.252560.338810.407 70.120320.256570.341820.409 80.128330.260580.344830.412 90.136340.263590.347840.414 100.143350.267600.350850.416 110.150360.271610.353860.419 120.156370.275620.356870.421 130.163380.278630.359880.424 140.169390.282640.361890.426 150.175400.286650.364900.429 160.181410.289660.367910.431 170.186420.293670.370920.433 180.192430.296680.373930.436 190.197440.300690.375940.438 200.202450.303700.378950.440 210.207460.306710.381960.443 220.212470.310720.383970.445 230.217480.313730.386980.447 240.221490.316740.389990.449 250.226500.319750.3911000.452

6 Reaction Light Board Test Purpose: to measure reaction time, hand-eye quickness and coordination. Equipment required: Bosu™ ball, instrumented light boardBosu™ ball Scoring: The score is the number of lights that are pressed during the test, out of a total possible of 90.

7 Procedure: The light board is constructed so that when active, the board displays a target light that moves to different cells across the board. The lights are located a different distances on lines radiating out from the center of the board. The athlete stands upon a Bosu ball and facing the light board. The light board is positioned so that the center is directly in front of the face. The athlete tries to press as many active lights as possible.


9 40 Meter Sprint Purpose: The aim of this test is to determine acceleration and speed. Equipment required: measuring tape or marked track, stopwatch or timing gates, cone markers, flat and clear surface of at least 60 meters.

10 Procedure: The test involves running a single maximum sprint over 40 meters, with the time recorded. A thorough warm up should be given, including some practice starts and accelerations. Start from a stationary position, with one foot in front of the other. The front foot must be on the starting line. The person timing should stand at the finish line with one arm held high, and call ‘ready’ followed by a sweep down their arm quickly to start the subject (do not call out ‘go’ due to the time delay in the subject hearing the call). As the arm sweeps down, the tester should start the stopwatch which is held in the downward sweeping arm, and finish the stopwatch as their chest passes through the finish line.

11 Results: Three trials are allowed, and the best time is recorded to the nearest two decimal places. Reliability: weather conditions and running surface can affect the results, and these conditions should be recorded with the results. If possible, set up the track with a crosswind to minimize the effect of wind, and if running on grass wait until the surface is dry.

12 10 x 5m Shuttle Test Purpose: this is a test of speed and agility. Equipment required: stopwatch, measuring tape, marker cones, a flat non-slip surface. Scoring: Record the total time taken to complete the 50 m course.

13 Procedure: marker cones and/or lines are placed five meters apart. Start with a foot at one marker. When instructed by the timer, the subject runs to the opposite marker, turns and returns to the starting line. This is repeated five times without stopping (covering 50 meters total). At each marker both feet must fully cross the line.

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