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Team 13 John Ashmore, Brian Bell, Jason Giles, Jing Li.

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1 Team 13 John Ashmore, Brian Bell, Jason Giles, Jing Li

2 Components Likely to Fail Complexity; Multiple I/O pins ◦Microcontroller on base station– PIC32MX  Failure Rate = 6.88/1 million hours ◦ 1 failure every 16.58 years ◦Microcontroller on mobile platform– PIC32MX  Failure Rate = 8.16/1 million hours ◦ 1 failure every 13.98 years ◦AL242 Video Decoder  Failure Rate = 2.80/1 million hours ◦ 1 failure every 40.74 years

3 Components Likely to Fail High Operating Temperature ◦Battery/Voltage Regulators – base station  Failure Rate =.8368/1 million hours ◦ 1 failure every 136.32 years ◦Battery/Voltage Regulators – mobile platform  Failure Rate =.8736/1 million hours ◦ 1 failure every 130.58 years ◦LCD screens – LCT-H320240M35W  Commercial Product already, failure rate assumed to be acceptable ◦Swann Cameras SW231-WCH  Commercial Product already, failure rate assumed to be acceptable

4 Microcontroller Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 1ACommunication Failure with PS2 controller PS2 controller malfunction/softw are bugs Inability to control system Logic AnalyzerLowRenders design inoperable but reparable 1BReset MalfunctionPushbutton Shorts/Too much EMI Unpredictable behavior of device Tested with DMMLowRenders design inoperable but reparable

5 Video Processing Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 2ACamera stops transmitting video signal Environmental interference to wireless transmission Unable to view video feed in goggles Observation of distortion in video signal in goggles LowLoss of remote viewing, solution: deploy vehicle within range 2BAL242 clock failure crystal ocsillator malfunctions Video signal display ceases oscilloscope to clock signal Low 2CAL242 Synch signal fails AL242 internal error Video signal display in goggles becomes displaced Observation of distortion in video signal in goggles Low 2DLCD screen overheats poor venhilation/power overload/specific display component shorts Potentially leak lcd chemicals/Worst case scenario results in overstimulating eyes - causing momentary blindness ObservationHighUnrepairable/Pote ntial bodily harm to user

6 Wireless Functional Block Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 3AWireless transceiver loses connection out of range/environmen tal interference/anten na malfunction control of vehicle at range is lost ObservationLowReparable

7 Power Supply Failure No.Failure ModePossible CausesFailure EffectsMethod of Detection CriticalityRemarks 4AVoltage goes to 0External shorts/Failure of certain components/Batte ry header disconnect Device loses power; device ceases function Observation/DM M LowTypically reparable 4BVoltage above specifications Voltage regulator breakdown, resistors short/stay open Microcontroller and other sensitive devices are overloaded Observation/DM M MediumUnreparable; no damage to user 4CBattery overheatsshort of certain components, most likely decoupling capacitors battery loses charge, worst case scenario is Li-ion battery explodes ObservationHighUnreparable; potential damage to user from battery explosion 4DUnstable voltage output/voltage swing Voltage regulator breakdown, minor components have weak connection Digital devices lose logic functionality OscilloscopeLowReparable

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