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Formulas that Regulate Qi & Blood
HBR class 11
Formulas that Regulate the Qi
*Escape Restraint Pill (yue ju wan)
C: Xiang Fu D: Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Zhi Zi, Shen Qu Pattern: Constraint due to stagnant qi; "six stagnations" Indications: Focal distention and a stifling sensation in the chest and Focal distention and a stifling sensation in the abdomen, fixed pain in the hypochondria, belching, vomiting, acid regurgitation, mild coughing with copious sputum, decreased appetite and indigestion.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Unless modified, this formula is contraindicated in cases of stagnation due to deficiency.
*Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction (ban xia hou po tang)
C: Ban Xia D: Hou Po, Fu Ling A: Sheng Jiang E: Zi Su Ye Pattern: Plum-pit qi; binding of Qi and Phlegm in the throat Indications: A feeling of something caught in the throat that can neither be swallowed nor ejected, a stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondria, a moist or greasy, white tongue coating, and a wiry, slow or wiry, slippery pulse. There may also be coughing and vomiting.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: This formula is contraindicated in patients presenting with a flushed face, a bitter taste in the mouth, and a red tongue with scanty coating. This formula is comprised of warm, acrid, or fragrant substances which are drying and dispersing in nature and can therefore easily injure the yin and fluids. Thus, the formula is appropriate only in cases of constrained qi and phlegm.
Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive, and Wine Decoction (gua lou xie bai bai jiu tang)
C: Gua Lou Xie Bai, Bai Jiu Pattern: Painful obstruction of the chest due to upper burner yang deficiency. Indications: Pain in the chest which often radiates to the upper back, wheezing, cough with copious sputum, shortness of breath, a thick, greasy tongue coating, and a pulse that is either submerged and wiry or tight.
Galangal and Cyperus Pill (liang fu wan)
Gao Liang Jiang, Xiang Fu Pattern: Stagnation of Liver qi with cold congealing in the Stomach Indications: Epigastric pain that responds favorably to warmth, a stifling sensation in the chest, hypochondriac pain, painful menstruation, and a white tongue coating.
Melia Toosendan Powder (jin ling zi san)
Jin Ling Zi (Chuan Lian Zi), Yan Hu Suo Pattern: Liver constraint with heat. Indications: Intermittent epigastric and hypochondriac pain, hernial pain, or menstrual pain that is aggravated by the ingestion of hot food or beverages, and is accompanied by irritability, a red tongue with a yellow coating, and a wiry or rapid pulse.
Top-quality Lindera Powder (tian tai wu yao san)
Wu Yao, Mu Xiang, Xiao Hui Xiang, Qing Pi, Gao Liang Jiang, Bing Lang, Chuan Lian Zi, Ba Dou Pattern: Cold stagnation in the Liver channel (shan qi/hernial disorder) Indications: Lower abdominal pain radiating to the testicles, a pale tongue with a white coating and either a submerged and slow or a wiry pulse.
*Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward (su zi jiang qi tang)
C: Su Zi D: Ban Xia, Hou Po, Qian Hu A: Rou Gui, Dang Gui E: Sheng Jiang, Su Ye, Zhi Gan Cao, Da Zao Pattern: Phlegm-cold obstructing the Lungs with Kidneys unable to grasp the qi (excess above and deficiency below). Indications: Coughing and wheezing with watery, copious sputum, a stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm, shortness of breath marked by relatively labored inhalation and smooth exhalation, and a white tongue coating that is either slippery or greasy.
Indications, continued: There may also be pain and weakness of the lower back and pain and weakness of the legs, edema of the extremities, and/or fatigue. This condition is known as excess above and deficiency below. CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Inappropriate for treating Lung and Kidney deficiency with no externally-contracted pathogenic influence, and in cases of wheezing and a productive cough due to heat in the Lungs.
Four Milled-Herb Decoction (si mo tang)
Ren Shen, Bing Lang, Chen Xiang, Wu Yao Pattern: Constraint and clumping of Liver Qi due to injury from emotional upset. Indications: An irritable, stifling sensation in the chest and diaphragm together with labored breathing, wheezing, epigastric focal distension and fullness, and loss of appetite.
Inula and Hematite Decoction (xuan fu dai zhe tang)
C: Xuan Fu Hua Ban Xia, Sheng Jiang, Ren Shen, Zhi Gan Cao, Da Zao Pattern: Phlegm turbidity obstructing the interior together with weak, deficient Stomach qi. Indications: Unremitting belching, hiccough, regurgitation, nausea or vomiting, hard epigastric focal distention, a white, slippery tongue coating, and a wiry, deficient pulse.
*Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction (ju pi zhu ru tang)
C: Chen Pi, Zhu Ru D: Ren Shen, Sheng Jiang A: Gan Cao, Da Zao Pattern: Rebellious qi due to heat from deficiency in the Stomach Indications: Hiccough, nausea, dry heaves, or retching accompanied by a tender, red tongue and a deficient, rapid pulse. Also for vomiting resulting from debility after a prolonged illness, or heat from deficiency in the Stomach.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: This formula is contraindicated in cases of heat from excess or cold from deficiency.
*Arrest Wheezing Decoction (ding chuan tang)
C: Ma Huang, Yin Xing D: Xing Ren, Su Zi, Ban Xia, Kuan Dong Hua A: Sang Bai Pi, Huang Qin E: Gan Cao Pattern: Wheezing caused by wind-cold constraining the exterior and phlegm-heat smoldering in the interior. Indications: Coughing and wheezing with copious, thick, and yellow sputum, labored breathing, a greasy, yellow tongue coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse. There may also be simultaneous fever and chills.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Inappropriate in cases of externally-contracted wind- cold which present with no sweating and internal phlegm-heat. Also inappropriate in cases of chronic asthma with qi deficiency and a frail pulse.
Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction (ding xiang shi di tang)
Ding Xiang, Shi Di, Ren Shen, Sheng Jiang Pattern: Rebellious qi due to cold from deficiency of the Stomach Indications: Hiccough, belching or vomiting with a stifling sensation in the epigastrium, focal distension of the chest, a pale tongue with white coating, and submerged, slow pulse.
Formulas that Invigorate the Blood
*Peach Pit Decoction to Order the Qi (tao he cheng qi tang)
C: Tao Ren, Da Huang D: Gui Zhi A: Mang Xiao E: Zhi Gan Cao Pattern: Blood buildup (xu xue) in the lower burner which is caused by the accumulation of blood stasis and heat. Indications: Acute lower abdominal pain, incontinence of urine, night fevers, delirious speech, irritability, restlessness and thirst, and a submerged, full, or choppy pulse.
Indications, continued: In more severe cases there may be manic behavior. Women will usually experience dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea. CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated during pregnancy. If there are still exterior symptoms, the exterior should first be released before using this formula.
*Drive out Blood Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction (xue fu zhu yu tang)
C: Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Chuan Xiong D: Chi Shao, Chuan Niu Xi A: Sheng Di Huang, Dang Gui, Chai Hu, Jie Geng, Zhi Ke E: Gan Cao Pattern: Blood stasis in the chest with impairment of blood flow in the area above the diaphragm. Indications: Pain in the chest and hypochondria, chronic, stubborn headache with a fixed, piercing quality, chronic, incessant hiccough, a choking sensation when drinking, dry heaves, depression or low spirits accompanied by...(continued)
Indications, continued:
Indications, continued: ...accompanied by a sensation of warmth in the chest, palpitations, insomnia, restless sleep, irritability, extreme mood swings, evening tidal fever, a dark-red tongue, dark spots on the sides of the tongue, dark or purplish lips, dark or purplish complexion, or dark or purplish sclera, and a choppy or wiry, tight pulse. CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Because the actions of this formula in invigorating the blood and dispelling blood stasis are very strong, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and in most cases which involve excessive menstrual bleeding. It is also contraindicated in cases with bleeding diathesis or any active hemorrhagic disorder.
Associated Formula #1 Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Area Below the Diaphragm Decoction (ge xia zhu yu tang ) Chao Wu Ling Zhi, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Tao Ren, Mu Dan Pi, Chi Shao, Wu Yao, Yan Hu Suo, Gan Cao, Xiang Fu, Hong Hua, Zhi Ke Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, promotes the movement of qi, and alleviates pain. For blood stasis and Liver qi stagnation in the area below the diaphragm with palpable abdominal masses accompanied by fixed pain, or abdominal masses which are visible when lying down.
Associated Formula #2 Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen Decoction (shao fu zhu yu tang) Chao Xiao Hui Xiang, Chao Gan Jiang, Yan Hu Suo, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Mo Yao, Guan Gui, Chi Shao, Pu Huang, Chao Wu Ling Zhi Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, warms the menses, and alleviates pain. For blood stasis accumulating in the lower abdomen characterized by palpable masses which may or may not be painful, or lower abdominal pain with no palpable masses, or lower abdominal distention, or lower back pain or lower abdominal distention during menstruation, or frequent menstruation (3-5 times per month) with dark or purple menstrual blood (usually with clots), or abnormal uterine bleeding accompanied by lower abdominal soreness and pain.
Sudden Smile Powder (shi xiao san)
Wu Ling Zhi, Pu Huang Pattern: Retention of blood stasis which obstructs the vessels that serve the lower abdomen. Indications: Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, retention of the lochia, post partum abdominal pain, acute, colicky pain in the lower abdomen, severe pain in the middle abdomen, or epigastric pain.
Salvia Decoction (dan shen yin)
C: Dan Shen Tan Xiang, Sha Ren Pattern: Blood stasis and qi stagnation in the middle burner. Indications: Abdominal or epigastric pain which may radiate upward accompanied by signs and symptoms of blood stasis and qi stagnation.
Tonify the Yang and Restore Five-tenths Decoction (bu yang huan wu tang)
C: Huang Qi Dang Gui Wei, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao, Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Di Long Pattern: This is deficiency of the normal and yang qi together with blood stasis obstructing the channels. Indications: Sequelae of wind-stroke including hemiplegia, paralysis, and atrophy of the lower limbs, facial paralysis, slurred speech, drooling, dry stools, frequent urination or urinary incontinence, a white tongue coating, and a moderate pulse.
*Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill (gui zhi fu ling wan)
C: Gui Zhi, Fu Ling D: Shao Yao A: Mu Dan Pi, Tao Ren Pattern: Blood stasis in the womb. Indications: Mild, persistent uterine bleeding of purple or dark blood during pregnancy accompanied by abdominal pain that increases with pressure.
Indications, continued:Also for such problems as immobile masses in the lower abdomen with pain and tenderness, abdominal spasms and tension, amenorrhea with abdominal distention and pain, dysmenorrhea, and retention of the lochia. All of these problems are accompanied by a choppy pulse. CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Use with extreme caution during pregnancy or post partum with no blood stasis. Use only when there is a confirmed diagnosis of blood stasis producing this pattern.
Generation and Transformation Decoction (sheng hua tang)
Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Tao Ren, Gan Jiang, Gan Cao Pattern: Post-partum blood stasis due to cold invading the womb. Indications: Retention of the lochia accompanied by cold and pain in the lower abdomen, a pale-purple tongue or a pale tongue with purple spots, and a thin, submerged and choppy pulse.
*Warm the Menses Decoction (wen jing tang)
C: Wu Zhu Yu, Gui Zhi D: Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao, E Jiao, Mai Men Dong A: Mu Dan Pi, Ren Shen, Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Ban Xia Pattern: Deficiency cold of the Conception and Penetrating vessels with blood stasis obstructing the channels. Indications: Mild, persistent uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation (either early or late), extended or continuous menstrual flow, bleeding between periods, pain, distention, and cold in the lower abdomen, infertility, dry lips and mouth, low-grade fever at dusk, warm palms & soles.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Contraindicated in cases with abdominal masses due to blood stasis from excess.
Seven-Thousandths of a Tael Powder (qi li san)
Xue Jie, Hong Hua, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, She Xiang, Bing Pian, Er Cha, Zhu Sha Pattern: Stagnant Qi and Blood Stasis due to traumatic injury Indications: Bruising, swelling, and pain, accompanying traumatic injuries such as broken bones and torn sinews, and bleeding due to lacerations.
Fantastically Effective Pill to Invigorate the Collaterals (huo luo xiao ling dan)
Dang Gui, Dan Shen, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao Pattern: Stagnant Qi and Blood Stasis obstructing the collateral vessels. Indications: pain in various locations such as the heart, stomach, abdomen, back, leg or arm, bruising and swelling due to traumatic injury , rheumatic pain, fixed abdominal masses, internal or external ulceration, a dark tongue or one with static points, and a wiry pulse.
Formulas that Stop Bleeding
Ten Partially-charred Substances Powder (shi hui san)
Da Ji, Xiao Ji, He Ye, Ce Bai Ye, Bai Mao Gen, Qian Cao Gen, Zong Lu Pi, Zhi Zi, Da Huang, Mu Dan Pi Pattern: Fire blazing in the middle and upper burners that injures the blood vessels, due to Liver fire attacking the Stomach. Indications: Vomiting up blood, spitting up blood, or coughing up blood. These symptoms usually occur as acute bleeding disorders with sudden onset.
Four-Fresh Pill (si sheng wan)
Sheng Ce Bai Ye, Xian Di Huang, Sheng He Ye, Sheng Ai Ye Pattern: Heat in the blood causing bleeding in the upper jiao. Indications: Coughing, spitting or vomiting of blood or nosebleeds, particularly of bright-red blood. Accompanying signs and symptoms include a dry mouth and throat, a red or deep-red tongue, and a wiry, rapid or forceful wiry rapid pulse
Sophora Japonica Flower Powder (huai hua san)
C: Huai Hua Ce Bai Ye, Jing Jie Sui, Zhi Ke Pattern: Wind-heat in the Intestines and Stomach or accumulation of damp-heat in the Intestines and Stomach. Indications: Bright-red bleeding from the rectum during defecation which typically precedes (but may also follow) the passage of stool, blood in the stools, hemorrhoids with either bright-red or dark-red bleeding, a red tongue body, and a wiry, rapid or soggy, rapid pulse.
Cephalanoplos Decoction (xiao ji yin zi)
C: Xiao Ji Ou Jie, Pu Huang, Sheng Di Huang, Hua Shi, Mu Tong, Dan Zhu Ye, Zhi Zi, Dang Gui, Zhi Gan Cao Pattern: Heat stagnation in the lower burner causing blood in the urine. Indications: Bloody painful urinary dysfunction (with blood in the urine and urinary frequency, urgency, burning, and pain) or simple blood in the urine, accompanied by thirst, irritability, a red tongue with a thin, yellow coating, and a rapid, forceful pulse.
Yellow Earth Decoction (huang tu tang)
Fu Long Gan, Sheng Di Huang, E Jiao, Bai Zhu, Gan Cao, Fu zi, Huang qin Pattern: Spleen Yang Deficiency with Spleen unable to manage Blood Indications: Blood in the stool, vomiting or spitting up of blood, nosebleeds, abnormal uterine bleeding of pale red blood accompanied by cold extremities, a wan complexion, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a submerged, thin and forceless pulse
Ass-hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction (jiao ai tang)
C: E Jiao, Ai Ye Sheng Di Huang, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao, Gan Cao Pattern: Injury and deficiency of the penetrating and conception vessels. Indications: Abdominal pain with uterine bleeding, excessive menstruation, menstruation with constant spotting, post partum bleeding, or bleeding during pregnancy. The blood is pale and thin without clots, and is accompanied by weakness and soreness of the lower back, a dull complexion, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and a thin, frail pulse.
Formulas that Stabilize and Bind
*Jade Windscreen Powder (yu ping feng san)
C: Huang Qi D: Bai Zhu A: Fang Feng Pattern: deficiency of the exterior with weak and unstable protective qi Indications: Aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds, a shiny, pale complexion, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a floating, deficient, and soft pulse.
Oyster Shell Powder (mu li san)
Mu Li, Huang qi, Ma Huang Gen, Fu Xiao Mai Pattern: Spontaneous sweating due to unstable protective qi. Indications: Spontaneous sweating that is worse at night, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, irritability, general debility, letargy, a pale-red tongue and a thin, frail pulse.
Tangkuei and Six-Yellow Decoction (dang gui liu huang tang)
Dang Gui, Sheng Di Huang, Shu Di Huang, Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Huang Bai, Huang Qi Pattern: Night sweats due to raging fire from deficiency. Indications: Fever, night sweats, red face, dry mouth and parched lips, irritablity, dry stols, dark and scanty urine, a red dry tongue and a rapid pulse.
True Man's Decoction for Nourishing the Organs (zhen ren yang zang tang)
Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Mu Xiang, Rou Gui, Wei Rou Dou Kou, He Zi, Zhi Ying Su Ke, Zhi Gan Cao Pattern: Abandoned disorder from loss of fluids due to chronic diarrhea or dysentery. Indications: Chronic diarrhea or dysentery, with unremitting diarrhea to the point of incontinence and, in severe cases, prolapsed rectum. The diarrhea may contain pus and blood, and there may be tenesmus. Accompanying symptoms include mild, persistent abdominal pain better with pressure and warmth, lethargy, wan complexion, reduced appetite, soreness of the lower back, lack of strength in the legs, a pale tongue with white coating, and a slow thin pulse.
*Four-Miracle Pill (si shen wan)
C: Bu Gu Zhi D: Rou Dou Kou A: Wu Zhu Yu, Wu Wei Zi E: Sheng Jiang, Da Zao Pattern: Daybreak diarrhea from Kidney & Spleen Yang deficiency Indications: Diarrhea which occurs daily just before sunrise, lack of interest in food and inability to digest what is eaten, soreness of the lower back with cold limbs, fatigue and lethargy, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and a submerged, slow, and forceless pulse.
Indications, continued: There may also be abdominal pain.
CAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS: Without modification, this formula should not be used if there is accumulation or stagnation in the Stomach or Intestines.
Mantis Egg-Case Powder (sang piao xiao san)
Sang Piao Xiao, Long Gu, Ren Shen, Fu Shen, Yuan Zhi, Shi Chang Pu, Gui Ban, Dang Gui Pattern: Leakage of Essence and urine due to Deficiency of Kidney and Heart Qi Indications: Frequent urination, (sometimes to the point of incontinence), urine the color of rice water sometimes with spermatorrhea. Also disorientation, forgetfulness, pale tongue with white coating, thin slow frail pulse.
Shut the Sluice Pill (suo quan wan)
Yi Zhi Ren, Wu Yao, Shan Yao Pattern: Frequent urination from Deficiency of Bladder Qi associated with Deficiency Cold in the Kidneys Indications: Frequent, clear, and prolonged urination or enuresis accompanied by a pale tongue with a white coating and a submerged, frail pulse.
Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell (gui zhi jia long gu mu li tang)
C: Gui Zhi, Bai Shao Long Gu, Mu Li, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Gan Cao Pattern: Deficiency of both Yin and Yang with lack of communication between Heart and Kidney Indications: Spermatorrhea (in men) or dreaming of sexual intercourse (in women), lower abdominal contraction and pain, a cold sensation at the tip of the penis, occasionally watery diarrhea, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia and dream-disturbed sleep, loss of hair, and a hollow, slow pulse.
Fetus Longevity Pill (shou tai wan)
Tu Si Zi, Sang Ji Sheng, Xu Duan, E Jiao Pattern: Restless Fetus due to Deficiency of Kidney Qi leading to instability in Penetrating and Conception vessels. Indications: Soreness and distension of the lower back, a sensation of collapse in the lower abdomen, and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. Also may include dizziness, tinnitus, weak legs, frequent urination tot he point of incontinence, a pale tongue with a white, slippery coating, and a submerged, frail pulse at the rear position.
Stabilize Gushing Decoction (gu chong tang)
C: Bai Zhu, Huang Qi Shan Zhu Yu, Bai Shao, Duan Long Gu, Duan Mu Li, Hai Piao Xiao, Zong Lu Tan, Wu Bei Zi, Qian Cao Gen Pattern: Uterine bleeding due to Spleen unable to manage Blood Indications: Uterine bleeding or profuse menstrual bleeding in which the blood is thin and pale, and either gushes out or continuously trickles out. Accompanying signs and symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, a pale tongue, and a deficient and big or thin and frail pulse.
*Stabilize the Menses Pill (gu jing wan)
C: Gui Ban, Bai Shao D: Huang Qin, Huang Bai A: Xiang Fu, Chun Gen Pi Pattern: Uterine bleeding from Blood heat due to Liver constraint Indications: Continuous menstruation or uterine bleeding that alternates between trickling and gushing of blood. The blood is very red and may contain dark- purple clots. Accompanying signs and symptoms include a sensation of heat and irritability in the chest, abdominal pain, dark urine, a red tongue, and a rapid, wiry pulse.
End Discharge Decoction (wan dai tang)
C: Chao Bai Zhu, Chao Shan Yao, Ren Shen Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Jiu Chao Che Qian Zi, Chai Hu, Jiu Chao Bai Shao, Jie Sui Tan, Gan Cao Pattern: Liver constraint and qi deficiency which injures the Spleen and causes dampness to descend. Indications: Profuse vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow in color, thin in consistency, not particularly foul-smelling, and usually continuous. Accompanying signs and symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, a shiny, pale complexion, loose stools, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a soggy and frail or moderate pulse.
Change Yellow [Discharge] Decoction (yi huang tang)
Shan Yao, Qian Shi, Huang Bai, Che Qian Zi, Yin Xing Pattern: Spleen Qi Deficiency with Damp Heat of Lower Burner Indications: Long-term, unremitting vaginal discharge that is yellowish-white in color, viscous, and fishy-smelling. Also may include pale-yellow complexion, dizziness, sensation of heaviness in the head, reduced appetite, occasional loose stools, delayed menstruation with pale blood, a pale tongue with thin white coating, and a soft slippery pulse that may be submerged.
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