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GRADUATE STUDY IN THE UK The Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, and Gates Cambridge Scholarships.

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1 GRADUATE STUDY IN THE UK The Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, and Gates Cambridge Scholarships

2 MELISSA RIGGS COORDINATOR National And International Scholarships & Fellowships 928.523-6357

3 U NDERSTANDING E DUCATION IN THE UK  Taught (1 year usually) vs Research (2 years usually)  Independent, subject-focused  College Houses 3

4 U NDERSTANDING E DUCATION IN THE UK  Taught (1 year usually) vs Research (2 years usually)  Independent, subject-focused  College Houses


6 M ARSHALL S CHOLARSHIP "A close accord between our two countries is essential to the good of mankind in this turbulent world of today, and that is not possible without an intimate understanding of each other. These scholarships point the way to the continuation and growth of the understanding which found its necessity in the terrible struggle of the war years." --George C. Marshall British government award Mission: Enhance and maintain the special relationship between US and UK 6

7 M ARSHALL S CHOLARSHIP What is it? Marshall Scholarships ordinarily provide for two years of post- baccalaureate study at any participating university in the United Kingdom, with the possibility of a third year for students continuing for a doctorate. In special circumstances, students may apply for a one-year scholarship only. There are few restrictions as to field of study, but applicants must be academically prepared to undertake their proposed course. 7

8 M ARSHALL S CHOLARSHIP Selection Criteria Candidates who have the potential to excel as scholars, as leaders, and as contributors to improved UK-US understanding. There are three equally weighted selection criteria:  Academic merit 3.7 GPA Seriousness of Purpose in your Field  Leadership potential  Ambassadorial potential Compelling reason to study in the UK! Compelling and LogicalFit with program, person, resources Think outside the box 8

9 M ARSHALL S CHOLARSHIP Eligibility  Be a citizen of the U.S.  Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. by September 2016  Have graduated from college or university after April 2013  Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.7  Not have studied for or hold a degree or degree- equivalent from a British university 9

10 M ARSHALL S CHOLARSHIP Application Rank two university choices/plans NAU endorsement letter Four letters of recommendation List of principal activities Four essays: Personal statement Proposed academic program/outlined research proposal Ambassadorial potential Leadership Post-tenure plan Hard-copy official transcript(s) Finalist interview (Los Angeles, early-mid November) 10


12 M ITCHELL S CHOLARSHIP What is it? A highly competitive annual award that offers the opportunity to pursue one year of postgraduate study in any field at one of 11 institutions of higher learning on the island of Ireland 12

13 M ITCHELL S CHOLARSHIP Selection Criteria Sustained commitment to public service and community integrity, fairness Scholarly excellence and intellectual curiosity No minimum gpa Outstanding record of leadership Compelling reason to study in Ireland! Compelling and logical Fit with program, person, resources 13

14 M ITCHELL S CHOLARSHIP Eligibility Must be 18 years of age but not yet 30 by October 1 of application year Must be U.S. citizen Must have undergraduate degree from accredited university before beginning study as Mitchell Scholar Do not have to be Irish-American to apply Individuals from all academic fields can apply 14

15 M ITCHELL S CHOLARSHIP Application Rank at least three different university choices NAU endorsement List of principal activities Four letters of recommendation Personal statement essay Transcripts, photo Semifinalist video (Skype) interview (late Oct) Finalists interview in Washington, DC (3 rd week Nov) 15

16 M ITCHELL S CHOLARSHIP No feedback from anyone on your Personal Statement essay! 16


18 R HODES S CHOLARSHIP What is it? The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional all-round students from diverse countries around the world to study at the University of Oxford. Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship program in the world. It aims to nurture public- spirited leaders for the world's future, and to promote international understanding and peace. 18

19 R HODES S CHOLARSHIP Selection Criteria In Rhodes’ will, he specifies: literary and scholastic attainments energy to use one's talents to the full truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness, and fellowship moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings (i.e., outstanding intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to serve.) Compelling reason to study at Oxford! Compelling and LogicalFit with program, person, resources 19

20 R HODES S CHOLARSHIP Eligibility a citizen of the United States (or 5-year permanent resident who has attended a US university). Or a citizen from select countries—see the website. at least 18 but not yet 24 years of age on October 1 in the year of application sufficiently advanced academically to assure completion of a bachelor’s degree before October 1 in the year following selection 20

21 R HODES S CHOLARSHIP Application NAU endorsement 5 to 8 letters of recommendation: 4 of these must be from academics a personal essay not exceeding 1000 words and certified as the applicant’s own work a list of principal activities a certified transcript(s) a passport-size photograph proof of citizenship Finalists must attend a reception and personal interview, and remain for possible re-interviews and the election announcement, in the city serving the district region (LA), on the Friday and Saturday before Thanksgiving. Telephone and electronic interviews are not permitted. 21

22 R HODES S CHOLARSHIP No feedback from anyone on the Personal Statement essay! –But see video at scholarship/ –Also see > Tips for Applications > Personal Statement 22


24 G ATES C AMBRIDGE S CHOLARSHIP What is it? The Gates Cambridge Scholarship program was established in 2000 when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $210 million to the University of Cambridge. The scholarships are awarded to exceptional applicants from outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at Cambridge. The program aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others. 24

25 G ATES C AMBRIDGE S CHOLARSHIP Criteria Outstanding intellectual ability Leadership potential A commitment to improving the lives of others A good fit between the applicant's qualifications and aspirations and the postgraduate program at Cambridge for which he/she is applying (Research your proposed degree using the Graduate Studies Prospectus and the Cambridge department website.) 25

26 G ATES C AMBRIDGE S CHOLARSHIP Eligibility A citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom. Applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: o PhD (three-year, research-only degree); o MSc or MLitt (two-year, research-only degree); o or a one-year postgraduate course (e.g., MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA, etc.) 26

27 G ATES C AMBRIDGE S CHOLARSHIP Application You need to apply for admission as a postgraduate student to the U of Cambridge and the Gates Cambridge Scholarship at the same time, using the same application pack Submit the following documents to the Graduate Admissions Office by the relevant deadline: –GRADSAF application form (includes a Gates Cambridge section and essay) –Academic transcripts –2 academic references –1 personal reference (for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship) Finalists interview in Washington, DC (early February) 27

28 Emphases: what makes them just a bit different? All require academic excellence, demonstrated leadership potential, ability to be a good ambassador Marshall—extraordinary academics Rhodes—moral character, exceptional all around Mitchell—sustained public and community service Gates Cambridge—global network, improve lives

29 Finding a university/program/faculty:  Marshall website info on the UK universities  UK individual university websites  UK University Guides (SundayTimes, imes Good University Guide, Guardian, Daily Telegraph,)  Literature review in your research area for faculty names & locations  GENIUS searchable database:  British Council:  British Council in US for students: Education in Ireland:  Global rankings  NAU faculty Ask faculty in your department for univ/program advice Talk to faculty who have lived, studied, taught in the UK See

30 For successful applications:  Thoughtful, well-written essays—strongly professional in their “proposal” aspects, but also sharing who you are personally.  A compelling explanation of why that country and that scholarship  Evidence that candidate has done the necessary research to find appropriate programs at appropriate universities  Career plans that will make a significant contribution to field and society  Innovative, exciting research and potential for leadership in your field  Strong letters of recommendation that show personal connection to applicant  Strong transcript with courses that clearly prepare candidate for proposed field of study  Knowledge of UK

31 General Application Process: Rhodes, Mitchell, Marshall  University must nominate (NAU competitive process)  Good to talk with Melissa if you plan to apply  Meet NAU internal deadline requirements: July 6, 2015 or earlier  Selection Committee evaluates apps, selects nominees  Do online application  Revision, Revision, Revision – work with Melissa and mentors where possible  Early October official deadlines—SUBMIT EARLY  November national or regional interview of finalists

32 Final Application Deadlines. Plan to be finished one week ahead if you want final feedback.  MarshallOctober 1  MitchellOctober 1  RhodesOctober 7 (1 st Wed)  Gates CambridgeOctober 15 (Round 1)

33 How Competitive? INCREDIBLY

34 Use My Website: Tips for Applications section !!! How to write proposals and personal statements and more Recommendations for Reference Writers: Letters to Melissa first Archived Workshops

35 Have a Back-Up Plan Apply to more than one of these scholarships (customize apps, though!) Apply to the UK university separately, pursue international scholarships there, research and teaching assistantships, etc. UK funding resources recommended by the British Council: > Other Major Scholarships > Graduate Study in the UK Look into the Fulbright US Student Program:

36 Sponsored by: U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs Administered by: Institute of International Education (IIE)

37 For more information, visit: U.S. Student Program Two Major Types of Grants Research/Study 900 awards 8-12 months ~140 countries Independent research, graduate study, or creative (arts) projects abroad English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) 900 awards 8-12 months ~70 countries Help teach English and U.S. culture in the classroom

38 For more information, visit: Eligibility U.S. citizen by application deadline At least bachelor’s degree by start of grant No doctorate by application deadline Proficiency in written and spoken language of host country (varies by country) Be able to build a compelling case for the fit between your background, the grant, and your future

39 Grant Benefits For more information, visit: Round-trip Airfare Monthly Stipend * Accident & Sickness Coverage Other Possible Benefits *  Support For Dependents  Research Allowance  Tuition  Language Lessons  Enhancement Activities  Disability-Related Accommodations * Varies, dependent on grant and host country

40 For more information, visit: Application Components Basic Personal Data Essays Statement of Purpose  Research/Study: 2 page max  ETA: 1 page max Personal Statement (1 page max) Reports / References Foreign Language Evaluation Three (3) References Transcripts (unofficial to start with) Other Research/Study: Affiliation Letter(s) Special Opportunities have additional requirements Arts: Supplementary Materials

41 For more information, visit: To Identify an Affiliation/Institution Talk to professors in your field Seek out NAU Faculty with international expertise in your country: see Check resources in your field’s professional organization(s) Do a literature review, check citation indexes: help available at Cline Library GENIUS searchable database: (use VPN or NAU computer) Google search and other study abroad sites that list institutions by country identify Fulbright Scholars in your country and contact them

42 For more information, visit: Application Timeline Design Project, Prepare Application Campus Interview National Application Deadline National Screening Committees Commissions/Embassies Foreign Scholarship Board Final Notification March 31 - Sept Sept / Oct October 13, 2015 Nov / Dec Jan - May Mar - June

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