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REPORT ON LAND AUDIT PROJECT Department of Rural Development and Land Reform.

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Presentation on theme: "REPORT ON LAND AUDIT PROJECT Department of Rural Development and Land Reform."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPORT ON LAND AUDIT PROJECT Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

2 Background In 2010 the Department of Rural Development and Reform as the custodian of Cadastral Information for the Republic of South Africa initiated Land Audit project. The audit was conducted for State owned land and Desktop analysis for Privately owned land

3 Scope of work State Land Audit Determination of how much land is owned by state and what is it used for and who are the occupants/users. All spheres of government Former homelands Public land (Ingonyama) State owned enterprises The exercise excluded surveyed land not registered.

4 Scope of work (Cont..) Private Land Audit Provide statistical information pertaining to land ownership in the Republic of South Africa in terms of: Gender Race (Not obtainable) Nationality/Citizenship (Yes) Percentage share - where an individual owns a land as a result of company ownership (Not yet available from CPIC) Marital Status Living Status (yes)

5 Distribution of Registered State Land Parcels Per Province Province Number of Land Parcels State Owned Land Extent (Ha) Percentage Eastern Cape113 195 1 510 5539% Free State163 012 845 0845% Gauteng249 057 304 1372% KwaZulu-Natal148 956 4 695 24528% Limpopo53 203 2 551 79015% Mpumalanga115 109 1 875 14611% North West139 186 2 409 77814% Northern Cape56 263 1 829 34711% Western Cape117 527 1 040 8016% Totals1 155 508 17 061 882100%

6 Distribution Of Registered State Land Parcels Per Province

7 State Land Parcels category - National Government Entities – Parastals, other government entities Municipalities – Local, metropolitan and Transitional, old municipalities National – National Departments, RSA, Union of South Africa, former homelands etc Provincial – Provincial Government Not Classified – appropriate category still to be identified DESCRIPTION Number of Land Parcels Extent (Ha) Percentage GOVERNMENT ENTITY 74 053 3 812 22822.3% MUNICIPALITY 58 856 2 105 93312.3% NATIONAL 919 267 6 870 30140.3% PROVINCIAL 99 891 3 179 90818.6% NOT CLASSIFIED 3 441 1 093 5116.4% Totals 1 155 508 17 061 882100%

8 Distribution Of Registered State Land Parcels per Category


10 Land Use of State Land- National Land UseTotalPercentage Agriculture & Fisheries 4 027 05119.7% Commercial 1 224 2716.0% Community Services 1 813 1288.9% Conservation 1 867 7089.1% Forestry 1 540 2687.5% Industrial & Storage 60 8750.3% Mining 53 0370.3% Protection Services 353 8411.7% Recreation & Leisure 2 716 31113.3% Un-matched General Plan 17 5790.1% Residential 3 456 20216.9% Transport 568 2252.8% Undeveloped Land( Vacant) 2 061 66210.1% Utilities & Infrastructure 492 2492.4% Water 176 1380.9% TOTAL EXTENT (Ha) 20 428 544100% “Un-matched General Plan” are land parcels that could not be identified by field workers due to differences of the layout the ground compared to how it is represented on approved plans.

11 Land Use of State Land- National “Un-matched General Plan” are land parcels that could not be identified by field workers due to differences of the layout the ground compared to how it is represented on approved plans.

12 Land Use Results – Province LAND USEGPNCWCNWMPUKZNECLMPFSTOTAL Agriculture & Fisheries 23 249 777 021 32 266 1 215 025 153 748 20 701 132 968 1 466 030 206 043 4 027 051 Commercial 2 264 137 457 1 932 17 946 7 732 8 352 19 995 939 810 88 783 1 224 271 Community Services 6 111 129 221 19 448 94 037 22 363 8 174 34 261 1 414 370 85 142 1 813 128 Conservation 6 383 394 149 579 029 161 587 66 297 73 719 231 635 165 559 189 350 1 867 708 Forestry 4 549 2 380 82 491 145 579 150 574 85 039 239 397 829 207 1 052 1 540 268 Industrial & Storage 292 11 765 942 4 173 9 783 1 006 1 306 17 201 14 407 60 875 Mining 1 254 13 134 690 23 640 2 897 6 6 975 2 221 2 222 53 037 Protection Services 5 118 103 501 80 318 8 451 13 972 3 981 5 718 80 262 52 520 353 841 Recreation & Leisure 99 174 260 472 82 524 595 127 318 243 14 671 272 154 937 929 136 016 2 716 311 Un-matched General Plan 1 092 12 550 2 317 109 96 236 84 668 426 17 579 Residential 26 837 703 659 23 420 537 567 229 299 351 384 147 790 1 197 261 238 986 3 456 202 Transport 17 143 84 372 85 126 22 023 19 647 34 318 40 394 165 729 99 473 568 225 Undeveloped Land (Vacant) 31 824 106 441 117 290 448 646 36 066 292 668 389 567 539 662 99 499 2 061 662 Utilities & Infrastructure 51 40 747 40 526 55 072 13 376 5 962 8 482 283 534 44 499 492 249 Water 1 362 23 688 10 658 9 009 24 007 18 620 32 871 55 923 176 138 TOTAL EXTENT (Ha) 225 340 2 778 230 1 172 006 3 339 639 1 053 103 924 225 1 549 347 8 072 315 1 314 339 20 428 544

13 Land User Results – National Land UserTotal Extent (Ha)Percentage Government Department 5 767 97728.2% Municipality 3 902 42419.1% Organization 531 4842.6% Private Person 926 0314.5% Public Entity 455 4072.2% Traditional Authority 5 223 43825.6% Unknown 3 632 21017.8% TOTAL 20 438 971100.0%

14 Land User Results – National

15 Land User Results – Per Province LANDUSER_NAMEGPKZNLMPNWNCWCMPUFSECTOTAL Government Department 46 850 178 079 2 923 146 358 256 752 638 331 936 390 812 554 216 232 044 5 767 977 Municipality 61 400 54 217 507 827 675 578 1 337 719 790 445 48 249 323 661 103 328 3 902 424 Organization 6 898 39 129 195 505 55 031 96 373 766 52 897 27 483 57 402 531 484 Private Person 21 086 19 906 309 158 242 701 122 787 531 91 471 39 939 78 451 926 031 Public Entity 2 335 14 321 32 244 44 162 57 888 1 257 62 802 34 987 205 412 455 407 Traditional Authority 7 033 544 213 3 483 784 927 200 16 511 148 108 655 63 413 72 480 5 223 438 Unknown 90 162 74 361 620 652 1 036 711 394 313 46 923 298 219 270 639 800 231 3 632 210 TOTAL 235 764 924 225 8 072 315 3 339 639 2 778 230 1 172 006 1 053 105 1 314 339 1 549 347 20 438 971

16 Private Land Ownership

17 Distribution of Private Land Per Province Province Number of Land ParcelsExtent in HaPercentage EASTERNCAPE 544 977 11 370 08411.8% FREESTATE 439 350 11 857 16012.3% GAUTENG 1 392 800 1 181 5181.2% KWAZULUNATAL 731 594 4 297 2354.5% LIMPOPO 206 001 8 844 0839.2% MPUMALANGA 329 145 4 805 3445.0% NORTHERN CAPE 175 896 35 210 99836.5% NORTH-WEST 334 321 7 481 9427.7% WESTERNCAPE 645 601 11 502 42711.9% Totals 4 799 685 96 550 791100.0%

18 Distribution of Private Land Per Province

19 Private Land Ownership per category Private Individuals– Natural persons Companies – Close Corporations, PTY LTD, etc (excluding State Companies eg Telkom PTY LTD, ESKOM ) Trust – All trust as registered by the Master of the high court Private Organisation – Churches, Not Classified – appropriate category still to be identified OWNER TYPEExtent in HaPercentage INDIVIDUALS 46 582 64348.2% COMPANIES 21 479 58322.2% TRUST 25 821 47626.7% PRIVATE ORGANISATION 2 665 5262.8% NOT CLASSIFIED 1 5640.0% TOTAL 96 550 791100.0%

20 Private Land Ownership per category

21 Private Land Ownership per category per Province OWNER_TYPELMPFSNCKZNGPWCECNWMPUTOTAL INDIVIDUALS3 380 080 5 588 728 19 795 242 1 377 519 471 506 4 241 632 6 090 795 3 640 021 1 997 120 46 582 643 COMPANIES3 529 628 1 829 059 5 607 865 1 513 116 543 308 2 944 080 1 904 513 1 819 760 1 788 253 21 479 583 TRUST 1 269 780 4 329 431 8 972 298 1 220 636 111 819 3 999 913 3 256 755 1 793 819 867 026 25 821 476 PRIVATE ORGANISATION 663 058 109 943 835 566 185 964 54 886 316 802 118 021 228 342 152 945 2 665 526 NOT CLASSIFIED 1 536 0 28 - 1 564 TOTAL 8 844 083 11 857 160 35 210 998 4 297 2351 181 518 11 502 427 11 370 084 7 481 942 4 805 344 96 550 791


23 Individuals Land Owners

24 Province Gender (Ha) Total MaleFemaleNot Identified Eastern Cape3,364,966448,733144,8983,958,597 Free State3,054,269777,577139,3693,971,215 Gauteng221,760107,13511,193339,204 KwaZulu-Natal896,201177,720111,6631,185,584 Limpopo942,831304,71749,7111,297,259 Mpumalanga878,623255,21628,9701,162,810 North West1,821,884557,66296,5622,476,108 Northern Cape9,080,5902,083,258146,52011,310,369 Western Cape2,465,129479,14092,2103,036,478 Total22,726,2525,191,159821,09628,737,622


26 Consolidate Land Ownership ProvinceProvince Extent State Owned Land Extent (Ha) Private Owned Land Extent (Ha) State Land % Privat e Land % Total Extent Unaccou nted Extent Eastern Cape168917001510553113700849%67%12880637401106324% Free State12982600845084118571607%91%127022442803562% Gauteng1817800304137118151817%65%148565533214518% KwaZulu-Natal93328004695245429723550%46%89924803403204% Limpopo125756002551790884408320%70%1139587211797289% Mpumalanga76495001875146480534425%63%668049096901013% North West104881002409778748194223%71%98917205963806% Northern Cape372888001829347352109985%94%370403452484551% Western Cape129463001040801115024278%89%125432284030723% Totals121973200170618829655079114%79%11361267383605277%

27 Consolidate Land Ownership


29 Sectional Schemes

30 Private Sectional Schemes ProvinceSectional SchemeSectional units EASTERNCAPE339538058 FREESTATE391630052 GAUTENG24377396120 KWAZULUNATAL13413158245 LIMPOPO10269338 MPUMALANGA133014125 NORTH-WEST219319332 NORTHERNCAPE1041134 WESTERNCAPE9602187290 Total59356853694

31 Thank You

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