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Welcome to Primary 3’s (and Mr Potato Head’s) highlights! Primary 3’s Highlights.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 3’s (and Mr Potato Head’s) highlights! Primary 3’s Highlights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 3’s (and Mr Potato Head’s) highlights! Primary 3’s Highlights

2 Visiting Tesco for our Farm to Fork Challenge.. We will remember….

3 Look how brave we were!

4 Learning about measure..

5 The Snail Trail..

6 Learning about Scotland and castles..

7 We made shortbread..

8 Working together..

9 The Hotseat!!

10 Meeting Santa!

11 Watching the eclipse live!

12 We made fruit kebabs..

13 Making ‘Whirry Bang’ cars.. With the help of the P6/7’s

14 Fun in the activity room with topic..

15 The Nativity

16 We have had such a busy year!!

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