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Art, Culture and Social Issues in Modern Period Issues and difficulties in Defining art Benefits of Art After High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Art, Culture and Social Issues in Modern Period Issues and difficulties in Defining art Benefits of Art After High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art, Culture and Social Issues in Modern Period Issues and difficulties in Defining art Benefits of Art After High School

2 Art in all forms can display wealth, power and prestige. Because of the high value of art, it may seem affordable to only an elite class of patrons and collectors. Some works of art, however, were created specifically to appeal to the general populace.

3 Issues and Difficulties in Defining Art

4 Art objects may lack the qualities long associated with art, such as beauty, skilled craftsmanship, and clear organization. Conceptual artist Jeff Koons, for example, assembles sculpture from commercially manufactured products such as vacuum cleaners and lawn ornaments.

5 Visual Culture Includes motion pictures, television, advertising, and comic books Instead of giving special attention to sculpture, painting, or architecture.

6 The major difficulty in defining art lies in the fact that art implies value – Monetary Social Intellectual

7 Critics and historians today often try to avoid the division between high and low art, substituting for “high art” terms such as : “art with capital A” “art-as-such” “serious art”

8 Benefits of Art After High School

9 The modern application of several forms of art will change their attitude towards art appreciation. The students must be able to apply this knowledge in a more concrete way and for the individuals to be able to “sustain” their life using the basic necessity of either being “employed”, or starting a small “business”.

10 Art related activities, which can help them in their day-to-day subsistence and existence, will make their lives more meaningful and relevant. Connecting art appreciation and modern application of this knowledge is both a challenge and a social responsibility.

11 Art is everywhere and art answers man’s basic human needs.

12 Reference From the book of : Vilma V. Perez Lillian N. Luna Crisanto E. Tomas Danilo A. Clemente, Ed.D MAPEH-CAT IV

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