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Basic Geography Review

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1 Basic Geography Review
Ms. Crone 2012

2 Basic Geography Review
Relative and absolute location Types of maps Physical and political Basic Geography info Continents and oceans Basic vocabulary Hemisphere, equator Geographic Coordinate System Latitude and longitude, Prime Meridian, Equator, International Date Line

3 Basic Geography Info


5 Types of maps There are many different types of maps. Types of maps and projections: Physical maps Cultural maps Political maps Population maps And many more.. A map projection is any method of representing the surface of a sphere or other three-dimensional body on a plane.

6 Map Projections of the Earth

7 The US and Canada with Political Boundaries
Map 31 of 76 The US and Canada with Political Boundaries

8 The US and Canada: Physical Map
Map 29 of 76 The US and Canada: Physical Map

9 The US and Canada with Population Density
Map 32 of 76 The US and Canada with Population Density

10 The US and Canada with Economic Activities and Resources
Map 33 of 76 The US and Canada with Economic Activities and Resources

11 The US and Canada with Natural Hazards
Map 34 of 76 The US and Canada with Natural Hazards

12 World Map: Political with Climate Zones
Map 10 of 76

13 World Map: Political with Ecosystems
Map 11 of 76

14 Basic vocabulary Hemisphere- ½ of the earth
Northern and Southern, Eastern and Western

15 Basic Vocabulary Equator- The imaginary great circle around the earth's surface, equidistant from the poles and perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation. Cuts the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere

16 Geographic Coordinate System

17 Latitude [aka parallels]
Latitude is the measure of how far north or south a location is from the equator.  Measured in degrees by how far away from the equator (North or South) a place is. 66½o N 23½o N 0o 23½o S 66½o S

18 Longitude [aka meridians]
Longitude is a measure of how far East or West a place is from the Prime Meridian.  Prime Meridian = 0o (Greenwich, England) International Date Line 180o All lines to the right of the PM is East, and all lines to the left are West.

19 Relative and Absolute Location
Relative location- a places location compared to another place West of Fruitvale Absolute location – a place’s position on the globe, the geographic coordinates of the place (33o N, 95o W) One absolute location, many relative location

20 How to find a place using its coordinates.
(33o N, 95o W) 1st number is the latitude- how far north or south of the equator a place is 2nd number is the longitude, how far east or west of the Prime Meridian a place is So, this means this location is in the northern hemisphere and is west of the prime meridian

21 (33o N, 95o W)

22 Now, Lets Practice… 40° N, 73°W 30° N, 31° E 33° S, 151° E
New York 30° N, 31° E Cairo, Egypt 33° S, 151° E Sydney, Australia 35° N, 139° E Tokyo, Japan 33° S, 18° E Cape Town, South Africa 51° N, 0° W London, UK 34° N, 118° W Los Angeles, CA

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