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Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
Chapter 3 Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) SJTU Zhou Lingling
Outline Introduction Operation in the Active Mode
Analysis of Transistor Circuits at DC The transistor as an Amplifier Graphical Analysis Biasing the BJT for Discrete-Circuit Design Configuration for Basic Single Stage BJT Amplifier High frequency Model SJTU Zhou Lingling
Introduction Physical Structure Circuit Symbols for BJTs
Modes of Operation Basic Characteristic SJTU Zhou Lingling
Physical Structure A simplified structure of the npn transistor.
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Physical Structure A dual of the npn is called pnp type. This is the simplified structure of the pnp transistor. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Circuit Symbols for BJTs
The emitter is distinguished by the arrowhead. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Modes of Operation Modes EBJ CBJ Application Cutoff Reverse
Switching application in digital circuits Saturation Forward Active Amplifier Reverse active Performance degradation SJTU Zhou Lingling
Basic Characteristics
Far more useful than two terminal devices (such as diodes) The voltage between two terminals can control the current flowing in the third terminal. We can say that the collector current can be controlled by the voltage across EB junction. Much popular application is to be an amplifier SJTU Zhou Lingling
Operation in the Active Mode
Current flow Current equation Graphical representation of transistor’s characteristics SJTU Zhou Lingling
Current Flow Current flow in an npn transistor biased to operate in the active mode. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Collector Current Collector current is the drift current.
Carriers are successful excess minority carriers. The magnitude of collector current is almost independent of voltage across CB junction. This current can be calculated by the gradient of the profile of electron concentration in base region. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Base Current Base current consists of two components.
Diffusion current Recombination current Recombination current is dominant. The value of base current is very small. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Emitter Current Emitter current consists of two components.
Both of them are diffusion currents. Heavily doped in emitter region. Diffusion current produced by the majority in emitter region is dominant. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Profiles of Minority-Carrier Concentrations
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Current Equation Collector current Base current Emitter current
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Explanation for Saturation Current
Saturation current is also called current scale. Expression for saturation current: Has strong function with temperature due to intrinsic carrier concentration. Its value is usually in the range of 10-12A to 10-18A. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Explanation for Common-Emitter Current Gain
Expression for common –emitter current gain: Its value is highly influenced by two factors. Its value is in the range 50 to 200 for general transistor. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Explanation for Common-Base Current Gain
Expression for common –base current gain: Its value is less than but very close to unity. Small changes in α correspond to very large changes in β. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Recapitulation Collector current has the exponential relationship with forward-biased voltage as long as the CB junction remains reverse-biased. To behave as an ideal constant current source. Emitter current is approximately equal to collector current. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Graphical Representation of Transistor’s Characteristics
Characteristic curve relates to a certain configuration. Input curve is much similar to that of the diode, only output curves are shown here. Three regions are shown in output curves. Early Effect is shown in output curve of CE configuration. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Output Curves for CB Configuration
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Output Curves for CB Configuration
Active region EBJ is forward-biased, CBJ is reverse-biased; Equal distance between neighbouring output curves; Almost horizontal, but slightly positive slope. Saturation region EBJ and CBJ are not only forward-biased but also turned on; Collector current is diffusion current not drift current. Turn on voltage for CBJ is smaller than that of EBJ. Breakdown region EBJ forward-biased, CBJ reverse-biased; Great voltage value give rise to CBJ breakdown; Collector current increases dramatically. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Output Curves for CE Configuration
(a) Conceptual circuit for measuring the iC –vCE characteristics of the BJT. (b) The iC –vCE characteristics of a practical BJT. SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Early Effect Curves in active region are more sloped than those in CB configuration. Early voltage. Effective base width and base width modulation. SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Early Effect(cont’d)
Assuming current scale remains constant, collector current is modified by this term: Narrow base width, small value of Early voltage, strong effect of base width modulation, strong linear dependence of on SJTU Zhou Lingling
Analysis of Transistor Circuit at DC
Equivalent Circuit Models Analysis Steps Examples SJTU Zhou Lingling
Equivalent Circuit Models
Large-signal equivalent-circuit models of the npn BJT operating in the forward active mode. In practical DC analysis, constant voltage drop model is popular used. SJTU Zhou Lingling
DC Analysis Steps Using simple constant-voltage drop model, assuming , irrespective of the exact value of currents. Assuming the device operates at the active region, we can apply the relationship between IB, IC, and IE, to determine the voltage VCE or VCB. Check the value of VCE or VCB, if VC>VB (or VCE>0.2V), the assumption is correct. VC<VB (or VCE<0.2V), the assumption is incorrect. It means the BJT is operating in saturation region. Thus we shall assume VCE=VCE(sat) to obtain IC. Here the common emitter current gain is defined as forced=IC/IB, we will find forced< . SJTU Zhou Lingling
Examples Example 5.4 shows the order of the analysis steps indicated by the circled numbers. Example 5.5 shows the analysis of BJT operating saturation mode. Example 5.6 shows the transistor operating in cutoff mode. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Examples(cont’d) Example 5.7 shows the analysis for pnp type circuit. It indicates the the current is affected by ill-specified parameter β. As a rule, one should strive to design the circuit such that its performance is as insensitive to the value of β as possible. Example 5.8 is the bad design due to the currents critically depending on the value of β. Example 5.9 is similar to the example 5.5 except the transistor is pnp type. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Examples(cont’d) Example 5.10 shows the application of Thévenin’s theorem in calculating emitter current and so on. This circuit is the good design for the emitter is almost independent of β and temperature. Example 5.11 shows the DC analysis for two stage amplifier. Example 5.12 shows the analysis of the power amplifier composed of the complimentary transistors. SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Transistor as an Amplifier
Conceptual Circuits Small-signal equivalent circuit models Application of the small-signal equivalent circuit models Augmenting the hybrid π model. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Conceptual Circuit (a) Conceptual circuit to illustrate the operation of the transistor as an amplifier. (b) The circuit of (a) with the signal source vbe eliminated for dc (bias) analysis. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Conceptual Circuit(cont’d)
With the dc sources (VBE and VCC) eliminated (short circuited), thus only the signal components are present. Note that this is a representation of the signal operation of the BJT and not an actual amplifier circuit. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Small-Signal Circuit Models
Transconductance Input resistance at base Input resistance at emitter Hybrid π and T model SJTU Zhou Lingling
Transconductance Expression Physical meaning gm is the slope of the
iC–vBE curve at the bias point Q. At room temperature, SJTU Zhou Lingling
Input Resistance at Base and Emitter
Input resistance at emitter Relationship between these two resistances SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Hybrid- Model The equivalent circuit in (a) represents the BJT as a voltage-controlled current source (a transconductance amplifier), The equivalent circuit in (b) represents the BJT as a current-controlled current source (a current amplifier). SJTU Zhou Lingling
The T Model These models explicitly show the emitter resistance re rather than the base resistance rp featured in the hybrid-p model. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Augmenting the Hybrid- Model
Expression for the output resistance. Output resistance represents the Early Effect(or base width modulation) SJTU Zhou Lingling
Models for pnp Type Models derived from npn type transistor apply equally well to pnp transistor with no changes of polarities. Because the small signal can not change the bias conditions, small signal models are independent of polarities. No matter what the configuration is, model is unique. Which one to be selected is only determined by the simplest analysis. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Graphical Analysis Graphical construction for the determination of the dc base current in the circuit. Load line intersects with the input characteristic curve. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Graphical Analysis(cont’d)
Graphical construction for determining the dc collector current IC and the collector-to-emitter voltage VCE in the circuit. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Small Signal Analysis Graphical determination of the signal components vbe, ib, ic, and vce when a signal component vi is superimposed on the dc voltage VBB SJTU Zhou Lingling
Effect of Bias-Point Location on Allowable Signal Swing
Load-line A results in bias point QA with a corresponding VCE which is too close to VCC and thus limits the positive swing of vCE. At the other extreme, load-line B results in an operating point too close to the saturation region, thus limiting the negative swing of vCE. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Biasing in BJT Amplifier Circuit
Biasing with voltage Classical discrete circuit bias arrangement Single power supply Two-power-supply With feedback resistor Biasing with current source SJTU Zhou Lingling
Classical Discrete Circuit Bias Arrangement
by fixing VBE by fixing IB. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Classical Discrete Circuit Bias Arrangement
Both result in wide variations in IC and hence in VCE and therefore are considered to be “bad.” Neither scheme is recommended. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Classical Biasing for BJTs Using a Single Power Supply
Circuit with the voltage divider supplying the base replaced with its Thévenin equivalent. Stabilizing the DC emitter current is obtained by considering the negative feedback action provided by RE SJTU Zhou Lingling
Classical Biasing for BJTs Using a Single Power Supply
Two constraints Rules of thumb SJTU Zhou Lingling
Two-Power-Supply Version
Resistor RB can be eliminated in common base configuration. Resistor RB is needed only if the signal is to be capacitively coupled to the base. Two constraints should apply. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Biasing with Feedback Resistor
Resistor RB provides negative feedback. IE is insensitive to β provided that The value of RB determines the allowable signal swing at the collector. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Biasing Using Current Source
Q1 and Q2 are required to be identical and have high β. Short circuit between Q1’s base and collector terminals. Current source isn’t ideal due to finite output resistor of Q2 SJTU Zhou Lingling
Application of the Small-Signal Models
Determine the DC operating point of BJT and in particular the DC collector current IC(ICQ). Calculate the values of the small-signal model parameters, such as gm=IC/VT, r=/gm=VT/IB, re=/gm=VT/IE. Draw ac circuit path. Replace the BJT with one of its small-signal models. The model selected may be more convenient than the others in circuits analysis. Determine the required quantities. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Basic Single-Stage BJT Amplifier
Characteristic parameters Basic structure Configuration Common-Emitter amplifier Emitter directly connects to ground Emitter connects to ground by resistor RE Common-base amplifier Common-collector amplifier(emitter follower) SJTU Zhou Lingling
Characteristic Parameters of Amplifier
This is the two-port network of amplifier. Voltage signal source. Output signal is obtained from the load resistor. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Definitions Input resistance with no load Input resistance
Open-circuit voltage gain Voltage gain SJTU Zhou Lingling
Definitions(cont’d) Short-circuit current gain Current gain
Short-circuit transconductance SJTU Zhou Lingling
Definitions(cont’d) Open-circuit overall voltage gain
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Definitions(cont’d) Output resistance of amplifier proper
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Definitions(cont’d) Voltage amplifier Voltage amplifier
Transconductance amplifier SJTU Zhou Lingling
Relationships Voltage divided coefficient SJTU Zhou Lingling
Basic Structure Basic structure of the circuit used to realize single-stage, discrete-circuit BJT amplifier configurations. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Common-Emitter Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Common-Emitter Amplifier
Equivalent circuit obtained by replacing the transistor with its hybrid-p model. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Characteristics of CE Amplifier
Input resistance Voltage gain Overall voltage gain Output resistance Short-circuit current gain SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary of CE amplifier
Large voltage gain Inverting amplifier Large current gain Input resistance is relatively low. Output resistance is relatively high. Frequency response is rather poor. SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Common-Emitter Amplifier with a Resistance in the Emitter
SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Common-Emitter Amplifier with a Resistance in the Emitter
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Characteristics of the CE Amplifier with a Resistance in the Emitter
Input resistance Voltage gain Overall voltage gain Output resistance Short-circuit current gain SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary of CE Amplifier with RE
The input resistance Rin is increased by the factor (1+gmRe) The voltage gain from base to collector is reduced by the factor (1+gmRe). For the same nonlinear distortion, the input signal vi can be increased by the factor (1+gmRe). The overall voltage gain is less dependent on the value of β. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary of CE Amplifier with RE
The reduction in gain is the price for obtaining the other performance improvements. Resistor RE introduces the negative feedback into the amplifier. The high frequency response is significant improved. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Common-Base Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Common-Base Amplifier
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Characteristics of CB Amplifier
Input resistance Voltage gain Overall voltage gain Output resistance Short-circuit current gain SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary of the CB Amplifier
Very low input resistance High output resistance Short-circuit current gain is nearly unity High voltage gain Noninverting amplifier Current buffer Excellent high-frequency performance SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Common-Collector Amplifier or Emitter-Follower
SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Common-Collector Amplifier or Emitter-Follower
SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Common-Collector Amplifier or Emitter-Follower
SJTU Zhou Lingling
Characteristics of CC Amplifier
Input resistance Voltage gain Overall voltage gain Output resistance Short-circuit current gain SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary for CC Amplifier or Emitter-Follower
High input resistance Low output resistance Voltage gain is smaller than but very close to unity Large current gain The last or output stage of cascade amplifier Frequency response is excellent well SJTU Zhou Lingling
Summary and Comparisons
The CE configuration is the best suited for realizing the amplifier gain. Including RE provides performance improvements at the expense of gain reduction. The CB configuration only has the typical application in amplifier. Much superior high-frequency response. The emitter follower can be used as a voltage buffer and exists in output stage of a multistage amplifier. SJTU Zhou Lingling
Internal Capacitances of the BJT and High Frequency Model
The base-charging or diffusion capacitance Junction capacitances The base-emitter junction capacitance The collector-base junction capacitance High frequency small signal model Cutoff frequency and unity-gain frequency SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Base-Charging or Diffusion Capacitance
Diffusion capacitance almost entirely exists in forward-biased pn junction Expression of the small-signal diffusion capacitance Proportional to the biased current SJTU Zhou Lingling
Junction Capacitances
The Base-Emitter Junction Capacitance The collector-base junction capacitance SJTU Zhou Lingling
The High-Frequency Hybrid- Model
Two capacitances Cπ and Cμ , where One resistance rx . Accurate value is obtained form high frequency measurement. SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Cutoff and Unity-Gain Frequency
Circuit for deriving an expression for According to the definition, output port is short circuit SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Cutoff and Unity-Gain Frequency(cont’d)
Expression of the short-circuit current transfer function Characteristic is similar to the one of first-order low-pass filter SJTU Zhou Lingling
The Cutoff and Unity-Gain Frequency (cont’d)
SJTU Zhou Lingling
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