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WSP Criminal Records Conference Judicial Information Systems Sara Armfield Court Education Professional Administrative Office of the Courts.

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Presentation on theme: "WSP Criminal Records Conference Judicial Information Systems Sara Armfield Court Education Professional Administrative Office of the Courts."— Presentation transcript:

1 WSP Criminal Records Conference Judicial Information Systems Sara Armfield Court Education Professional Administrative Office of the Courts

2 Person Records S *PR- Person Records *S- Security Settings JIS Judicial Information Systems

3 Law Tables Law tables used by all 3 court levels Maintained by AOC Person Records Person Records JIS Judicial Information Systems

4 JIS Law Tables SCOMIS 1.Criminal 2.Civil 3.Domestic 4.Probate/ Guardianship 5.Adoption/ Parentage 6.Mental Illness/ Alcohol 7.Dependency 8.Juvenile Offender 9.Judgments Case Types Person Records Judicial Information Systems Superior Court Management Information System

5 Law Tables Person Records JCS JIS SCOMIS Judicial Information Systems Superior Court Management Information System Juvenile and Corrections System

6 Law Tables Person Records JCS JIS SCOMIS ACORDS Judicial Information Systems Superior Court Management Information System Juvenile and Corrections System Appellate Court

7 Law Tables Person Records JCS JIS SCOMIS JABS Judicial Information Systems Superior Court Management Information System Juvenile and Corrections System ACORDS Appellate Court

8 JIS Applications Also Communicate Externally Washington State Patrol Caseload Forecast Council (SGC) Local Law Enforcement Agencies Criminal Dispositions Warrants National Crime Information Center Criminal LFO Data Identifiers & Billing Status Traffic Citations Criminal Complaints Driver Identifiers *Traffic Dispositions Department of Licensing Criminal Sentences Secretary of State Felony Convictions FTAs Vehicle Owner Info. *Manual only or manual and electronic exchanges Seattle MC Spokane MC* Pierce Superior Denied Persons Database No Contact Orders* Firearm Prohibition Orders* Department of Corrections

9 Odyssey Law Tables Person Records JCS JIS SCOMIS JABS Judicial Information Systems Superior Court Management Information System Juvenile and Corrections System ACORDS Appellate Court

10 Odyssey Superior Court Case Management System Odyssey data will be replicated into JIS and SCOMIS Party information to be replicated both ways between JIS/SCOMIS and Odyssey Case information will be replicated one way – from Odyssey to SCOMIS AOC has standards for data being received by those courts not using Odyssey. – Data exchanges are being worked out between those courts and AOC.

11 Odyssey Superior Court Case Management System Pilot Court (Lewis County) – Goes live June 15, 2015 Thurston, Yakima, and Franklin County Early Adopter Sites – November 2, 2015 Snohomish County – May 2016 Spokane County – November 2016 Everyone else

12 Odyssey Superior Court Case Management System

13 CLJ-CMS Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Case Management System Very early stages Another 6 months of requirement gathering Procurement process of at least a year After a vendor is chosen, another 1-2 years for the product to be tailored to fit our requirements and rolled out to a pilot court

14 CLJ-CMS Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Case Management System

15 Navigating JIS-Link JIS and SCOMIS

16 Navigating JIS-Link Access data in JIS and SCOMIS Identify useful JIS and SCOMIS commands Locate resources on Washington Courts Web site 16

17 District and Municipal Courts Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (CLJ) Use JIS to: – Enter person data – File cases – Schedule hearings – Receipt money – Establish legal financial obligations How the system is used

18 Superior Court Courts of general jurisdiction Use JIS to: – Enter person data – Initiate filing of some case types – Enter protection orders – Establish legal financial obligations Use SCOMIS to: – Manage cases – Schedule hearings How the system is used

19 Difference Between JIS & SCOMIS JIS = PeopleSCOMIS = Cases

20 Source document filed with the court: Paper Ticket eTicket Prosecutors Complaint How is a case filed?

21 Person Business Rules A set of rules to maintain accuracy and integrity 3-matching identifiers Name DOB Physical Description Address History Other (SID#, DOC#, Driver’s License #, FBI#)

22 How is a case filed? JIS Document is filed in JIS Using existing Person Record Creating a new Person Record If additional information filed later, will be attached as an AKA

23 > Access JIS Link > Download Bluezone Where to log in to JIS Link

24 Exactly eight characters One upper case letter One lower case letter One number Only 3 special characters allowed, but not required: @, #, $ Can not use three or more consecutive characters of name – John Smith may not use “Joh”, “John”, “Smi”, or “Smith” in password Changed every 90 days Remembers last 10 passwords Five failed attempts = revocation – Contact Site Coordinator to be reset Password Rules

25 Login to JIS-Link

26 Searching in JIS DCH - Defendant Case History – Looking up a specific persons criminal history where the person is the Defendant SNCI - State Name Case Index – Provides a list of cases statewide for a person including criminal and civil cases CNCI - Court Name Case Index – Provides a list of cases for a specific court

27 Search DCH Defendant Case History


29 Result - DCH


31 Select a Person Record  DCH

32 Search - SNCI SNCI – List of cases statewide


34 Result - SNCI

35 Search - CNCI CNCI – List of cases in one court.

36 Search - CNCI Possible Person Types to search for: IN: Individual Person CV: Civil Person PR: Parking Defendant OF: Law Enforcement Officer AT: Attorney

37 Search CNCI

38 Person - PER

39 Person - ADH

40 Person - AKA

41 Person - IOH Party Code: DEF OFF RSP PYR PYE RTN Party Code: DEF OFF RSP PYR PYE RTN Person Code: IN CV PO OF JG EX Person Code: IN CV PO OF JG EX

42 Person - IOH

43 Case - CAN Superior Court Cases Only

44 Case - CARI

45 Case - CDK District & Municipal Court Cases Only

46 Case - CDT

47 Case - CFHS

48 Case - CIVI

49 Case - CSD

50 Case - CVJI

51 Case - DJV

52 Case - JTSI

53 Case - NCC

54 Case - VIO

55 Case – ORD/ORDI x

56 Case ORD/ORDI

57 Case - PKV



60 Case - PLS / Shift /

61 Searching in SCOMIS Change to another county


63 Basic Screen

64 Names Screen

65 Docket Screen

66 Sentence Screen

67 Charge Screen

68 Resources JIS-Link Resource Guide & Washington Courts Website Resource Guide included with this presentation online at WWW.WSP.WA.GOV under Hot TopicsWWW.WSP.WA.GOV Resource Guide includes: – JIS Command list for Level 22 security – Information contained on each screen – How to interpret those screens (ie. codes and their definitions) – SCOMIS Basic Command list

69 Useful Links Washington Courts Website Odyssey Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Case Management System Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Case Management System JIS-Link JIS-Link Customer Manual JIS/SCOMIS Codes Manual


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