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How To Get Good Grades In Ten Easy Steps THS 2010-2011.

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2 How To Get Good Grades In Ten Easy Steps THS 2010-2011

3 Step One: Believe in Yourself “To succeed, we must first believe that we can.” Michael Korda

4 Step Two: Be Organized If you are organized, you have what you need, when you need it. Use an assignment notebook. Use three-ring notebooks for class notes. Use folders for schoolwork. Have phone numbers for classmates. Keep your locker neat. Get organized before you go to bed.

5 Comments and Questions West Valley High School

6 Step Three: Manage Your Time Well With good time management, you have time to do the things you have to do, and you still have time for the things you want to do. Use class time and study halls. Create your own study plan. Prepare for sabotage.

7 Step Four: Be Successful in the Classroom How do you enjoy school more and get higher grades? Learn how to adapt to different teachers. Be in school, on time, everyday. Be prepared for each class. Sit in the front of class if possible. Be aware of your body language and nonverbal behavior.

8 Classroom Success Continued Always do your homework. Participate in class. Be a good group member. Treat others with courtesy and respect. Involve your parents.

9 Comments and Questions West Valley High School

10 Step Five: Take Good Notes Tests usually cover material that has been presented and discussed in class. How do you take good notes? Be an active listener. Take notes to help you pay attention. Recognize important information.

11 Good Notes Continued Take notes that are easy to read. –Put the name of the class, the date, and the page# at the top of each page of notes. –Be organized –Use symbols and abbreviations. –Use Pencil or erasable pen. –Identify key words in the margin. Go over your notes as soon as possible.

12 Step Six: Know How to Read a Textbook When you know how to read a textbook, you comprehend and remember what you read. SQ3R Survey (Scan) –Subtitles, bold and italic print, summaries, charts and review questions. Questions –Out of the headings to highlight points.

13 Reading a Textbook Continued Read –To answer/with a purpose. Review –Scan the material to check your comprehension.

14 Study Smart Continued Use tricks to help you memorize information. Know how to write a paper. Use tricks when making a presentation or speech. Learn word processing.

15 Step Eight: Use Test-Taking Strategies In addition to studying, what else can you do to further improve your test performance? Get off to a good start. Develop a plan. Mark questions that you want to return to. Increase your odds on multiple-choice questions. Look for key words in True/False questions.

16 Test-Taking Continued Know how to approach essay questions. Be prepared for open book tests. Check your answers. Go over all returned tests.

17 Step Nine: Reduce Test Anxiety A little test anxiety before a test improves your concentration and alertness. Excessive worry, or test anxiety, will lower your test scores. Start studying earlier. Mentally practice testing. If you act confident, you may find that you feel more confident.

18 Step Ten: Get Help When You Need It When you have a problem, do something to resolve it. Talk to your parents, school counselor, teachers, secretary, or principal.

19 Comments and Questions Tahquitz High School

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