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SCONUL Study Tour Blake Library University Of Technology, Sydney Thursday 8th September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SCONUL Study Tour Blake Library University Of Technology, Sydney Thursday 8th September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCONUL Study Tour Blake Library University Of Technology, Sydney Thursday 8th September 2005

2 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20052 Program Program 9.00am – 9.30amWelcome, overview, IFLA’s interest in scholarly communication (Alex Byrne) 9.30am – 10.00amIncreasing return on investment in information resources (Ann Flynn & Carol Scott) 10.00am – 10.30amChanging the dynamics of scholarly communication - UTSePress & Systrum (Fides Lawton) 10.30am – 10.45amIntroduction to UTS Structure & Library Managers 10.45am – 11.15amMorning tea with Library Managers

3 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20053 Program 11.15am – 12.00pmNew models of information services (Sally Scholfield & Pamela Leuzinger) 12.00pm – 12.30pmExposing Australian and New Zealand Postgraduate Research: ADT (Tony Cargnelutti & Andrew Wells) 12.30pm – 1.00pmChallenges at UNSW (Andrew Wells) 1.00pm – 1.45pmLunch with UTS & UNSW Library Managers 1.45pm – 2.30pmStaffing for the future (Fides Lawton, Alex Byrne & Andrew Wells)

4 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20054 Dinner  7.00pmDinner with Unison members (University Librarians in NSW & ACT) at  Waterfront Restaurant, 19 Hickson Road, The Rocks  Suggest walk to Darling Harbour, take a ferry to Circular Quay, then visit the Rocks before dinner

5 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20055 High impact scholarly literature  Historically has mostly been published in northern Europe and the United States  Others benefit because of affinities of language or history (Australia, Canada) or efforts to participate (Japan)  Many virtually excluded

6 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20056 Exacerbated through commodification  Control of high impact journals by major commercial publishing houses  Surrender of control and intellectual property by scholars  High costs and continuing price increases for libraries

7 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20057 Consequences  Frustration  “Brain drain”  Revenue flows to ‘North’ –Research funding immeasurably better in ‘North’  Research from ‘South’ only validated if published in ‘North’ and usually peer reviewed in ‘North’  Capture of knowledge from ‘South’ by ‘North’

8 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20058 Scholarly publishing system  Self reinforcing system:  Research  Peer review  Journals  Databases (especially ISI)  Research money  Scholarship  Research

9 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 20059 The criterion  If scholarly publishing is to work it must work for scholars and researchers – and peoples – across the world

10 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200510 Current scholarly publication system - advantages  Significant levels of expertise and investment  High levels of quality assurance despite some concerns about peer review system  Advanced services such as Web of Knowledge, SciFinder  Secure systems

11 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200511 Scholarly publication - broader issues  Surrender of intellectual property by researchers and scholars  Weakening of public domain under current trends in IP law  Exacerbated in the digital environment thorough licensing

12 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200512 Scholarly publication – broader issues  Archiving & preservation have not been solved –Cannot rely on publishers – preservation is our responsibility  Many integration issues not resolved – interfaces, standards, etc  Standards (eg Z39.50, HTML, XML, OpenURL) not fully observed –Difficulty in using portals  Instability in both content and presentation

13 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200513 What is to be done?  How can we ensure that our faculty and students will have the access they need to the world’s scientific, technological and other literature?  How can we work together to create the conditions for successful implementation of digital libraries and the preservation of scholarly literature and research documentation?

14 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200514 The open access movement  Enabling the academy to reclaim its scholarly literature and challenge the commercialised publishing paradigms that have arisen over the last thirty years.  Gained force due to advocates esp. Stevan Harnad  Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities 2003, berlin/berlindeclaration.html berlin/berlindeclaration.html berlin/berlindeclaration.html

15 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200515 IFLA  IFLA Statement on Open Access to Scholarly Literature and Research Documentation, The Hague, IFLA, 2003 –

16 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200516 IFLA Statement  Supports open access publishing  But in a broader context …

17 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200517 IFLA Statement  Acknowledgement and defence of moral rights of authors  Adoption of effective peer review processes to ensure quality

18 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200518 IFLA Statement  Protection of to the public domain – IFLA/CLM  Opposition to governmental, commercial or institutional censorship – IFLA/FAIFE

19 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200519 IFLA Statement  Implementation of measures to overcome information inequality – IFLA/ALP  Implementation of mechanisms to ensure preservation and perpetual availability – IFLA/PAC

20 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200520 UTS initiatives  UTSePress and Systrum (

21 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200521 UTS initiatives  Australian Digital Theses Program  Institutional repository  Portal: a multidisciplinary journal of international studies (  New titles in the humanities and IT

22 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200522 Systrum  An inclusive, collaborative e-publishing initiative  Scaleable and open to large and small institutions  Federated searching  Builds on expertise and infrastructure of UTSePress  Advice and assistance during the establishment phase  Consultancy on major projects  Joint applications for funding

23 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200523 Other Australian Initiatives  ARROW –  APSR (Australian Partnerships for Sustainable Repositories) –  Australian Scholarly Publishers' Roundtable

24 Alex Byrne -SCONUL TOUR - 8 August 200524 Thank you Alex Byrne

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