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Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities John C. Birchfield 2008

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities John C. Birchfield 2008"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities John C. Birchfield 2008

2 Human Resources Management
Crisis management Safety & Security Advertise & Market Furniture, fixture & Equipments Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities

3 Human resource Human resource planning. Job analysis.
Job description & specification. Job advertising & selection. Employees’ expenses. Training.

4 BACK DOCK/RECEIVING Consideration must be given to proper screening of the receiving dock and especially to trash and garbage storage containers so that persons looking out of the building windows or walking along the street will not have a full view of the receiving dock and garbage containers. The receiving dock must also be accessible to the kitchen for these reasons:

5 The depth of the dock (distance from front to back) should permit a person to
walk back and forth, with space for goods stored temporarily on wooden pallets. Usually 8 or 10 feet (2.4 to 3.0 meters [m]) is sufficient. The length of the dock should accommodate the number of delivery trucks that are likely to be unloading at one time. For most foodservice operations, a receiving clerk can check in only one or two trucks at a time, and a single or at the most a double truck width is usually sufficient. A third truck width for a trash/garbage vehicle is also desirable. A range of 10 to 15 feet of width (3.0 to 4.6 m) per truck should be used as a standard, depending on the angle for backing to the dock.


7 Support Spaces for Receiving/Dock Area.

8 Dry Storage Space Requirements.

9 Space Required for Paper and Cleaning Supplies Storage.

10 Calculating Volume Required for Refrigerated and Frozen Storage.

11 Walk-in Requirements.

12 General Description of the Space
In a well-designed kitchen, the food preparation area is divided into four general areas. Although in a small kitchen these areas are often combined, recognition of each of the areas is an important part of the design. The four working areas of a kitchen are: ❏ Pre-preparation ❏ Hot-food preparation ❏ Cold-food preparation ❏ Final preparation

13 Kitchen Size in Relation to Dining Room Size.



16 Service Area Space Requirements for Table Service Restaurants-Limited menu

17 Service Area Space Requirements for Luxury Table Service Restaurants—Extensive Menu.

18 Dining Area Space Requirements.

19 A typical calculation to determine the size of a dining area and
support service area for a restaurant serving a moderately priced menu with 200 seats follows. ❏ Determine the size of the support area from the chart. A 200-seat restaurant would need 200 square feet (18.6 sq m) of server station space. ❏ Determine the size of the dining room. Multiply 200 seats by 16 square feet per chair, which equals 3,200 square feet (1.5 sq m per chair, equaling 300 sq m). ❏ Calculate the number of persons who could be served in one hour in this restaurant. Multiplying 200 seats by 1.5 turns equals 300 persons per hour.

20 Space Requirements for Bars in Restaurants.

21 Maher Fouad

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