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Strategic Prevention Framework Training Presenters: Rebecca Alfaro, MSW Connie Greene, MA, CPS, CAS, CSW Bob Goldschlag, JD, CCM.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Prevention Framework Training Presenters: Rebecca Alfaro, MSW Connie Greene, MA, CPS, CAS, CSW Bob Goldschlag, JD, CCM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Prevention Framework Training Presenters: Rebecca Alfaro, MSW Connie Greene, MA, CPS, CAS, CSW Bob Goldschlag, JD, CCM

2 INTRODUCTION GCADA and Guidelines Handouts

3 Strategic Prevention Framework AssessmentAssessment CapacityCapacity PlanningPlanning ImplementationImplementation EvaluationEvaluation SustainabilitySustainability Cultural CompetencyCultural Competency

4 Putting the Puzzle Together Capacity Assessment Planning Implementation & Evaluation

5 The Agenda For Tonight Create a vision statement Create a mission statement Develop a strategic plan based on your logic model utilizing CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Change Evaluation

6 Vision & Mission Statements

7 Vision Statement “The dream—how your community will be when all the outcomes are met.” Your long term fantasy for a perfect community

8 Vision Statement Example: The vision for Utopia Alliance is a healthy, vibrant community, free of misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

9 Mission Statement What the Alliance’s role is in making the vision a reality. Example: The Mission of the Utopia Alliance is to transform the Township of Utopia into a community that nurtures youth and families by engaging residents in the process of ongoing community problem solving to reduce substance abuse.

10 Difference between Vision & Mission While the Vision is a dream, the Mission is more concrete and action oriented.

11 Developing the Plan of Action In order to develop the plan you must understand –Community Level Change –CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Change

12 Community Level Change (Environmental Strategies ) Prevention efforts aimed at changing or influencing community conditions rather then individuals or groups of individuals Only a part of what Alliances will be doing

13 CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Level Change To effect change an alliance must develop a diverse range of strategies and interventions.

14 CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Level Change INDIVIDUALLY FOCUSED Provide information Build skills Provide social support Community Focused Reduce barriers / enhance access Change consequences / incentives Alter the physical design of the environment Change policy and rules

15 Strategy 1: Providing Information Educational presentations, workshops, seminars or other presentations. Examples: – Media –Brochures –Billboards –Meetings –Forum –Web-based communications

16 Strategy 2: Enhancing Skills Activities designed to increase the skills of participants to achieve population-level outcomes. Examples: –Workshops and seminars –Training and technical assistance

17 Strategy 3: Providing Support Creating opportunities for individuals to participate in activities that reduce risk or enhance protection Examples: –Providing alternative activities –Mentoring –Referrals –Support groups

18 Strategy 4: Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers Improving systems and processes to increase the ease, ability and opportunity to utilize services. Examples: –Cultural and language sensitivity – Childcare –Transportation

19 Strategy 5: Changing Consequences Increasing or decreasing the probability of a specific behavior by altering the consequences of that behavior Increasing public awareness Individual and business rewards Taxes, citations, and fines Revocation/loss of privileges

20 Strategy 6: Physical Design Changing the physical design or structure of the environment to reduce risk or enhance protection –Parks –Landscape –Signage –Lighting –Outlet density

21 STRATEGY 7: Modifying/Changing Policies Formal change in written procedures, by-laws, proclamations, rules or laws with written documentation, and/or voting procedures: Workplace initiatives Law enforcement procedures and practices Public policy actions Systems change within government, communities and organizations

22 Strategic Planning Key Documents 1.Logic Model 2. Guidelines 3. Form 7 Alliance Action Plan

23 Utopia Hypothetical Logic Model Problem Root Cause Local Conditions Risk Factor Underage Drinking Availability Merchants are Not Carding Merchants are Accepting Fake ID’s Supporting Data Supporting DataSupporting Data

24 Form 7 Alliance Action Plan Logic Model Information (Top of Form) Plan for Action Plan for Implementation Plan for Evaluation

25 Form 7 Logic Model Information Alliance Name: Utopia County: Paradise Last Updated: 9/25/13 Drug Priority: (Problem)

26 Form 7 Logic Model Information Alliance Name: Utopia County: Paradise Last Updated: 9/25/13 Drug Priority: Underage Drinking Root Cause:

27 Form 7 Logic Model Information Alliance Name: Utopia County: Paradise Last Updated: 9/25/13 Drug Priority: Underage Drinking Root Cause: Availability/Access

28 Form 7 Logic Model Information Alliance Name: Utopia County: Paradise Last Updated: 9/25/13 Drug Priority: Underage Drinking Root Cause: Availability/Access Goal:

29 Form 7 Logic Model Information Goal: To reduce availability of alcohol to minors Local Condition:

30 Form 7 Logic Model Information Local Condition: Merchants are not carding or are accepting false ID’s

31 Form 7 Logic Model Information Local Condition: Merchants are Not Carding or Are Accepting False ID’s Objective:

32 Form 7 Logic Model Information Local Condition: Merchants are Not Carding or Are Accepting False ID’s Objective: Increase the number of merchants carding and knowledgeable in identifying fake ID’s

33 Form 7 Logic Model Information Strategy: (CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Change )

34 Form 7 Logic Model Information Pick at least one from the first three and at least two from the last four of the CADCA 7 Strategies

35 Form 7 Logic Model Information Strategies: Enhancing Skills (CADCA 2) Changing Consequences (CADCA 5) Modifying/Changing Policies (CADCA 7)

36 Form 7 Plan for Action Activity/Program: (Name of Activity)

37 Form 7 Plan for Action Activity/Program: Responsible Beverage Server Training Brief Description: –Main Purpose –What will be learned –How will they benefit

38 Form 7 Plan for Action Activity/Program: Responsible Beverage Server Training Brief Description: RBST’s will be offered on a regular basis to servers….Local merchants will be encouraged to create and enforce a policy mandating RBST for employees.

39 Form 7 Plan for Action When, Where and How: –When will it take place –What is the time frame –How much –How often

40 Form 7 Plan for Action When, Where and How: Bi-monthly of the course of a year, in 3 hours sessions, at merchant’s locations. Establishments will require new staff to attend. Participating establishments will be rewarded.

41 Form 7 Plan for Action Target Population A)Number of Participants B)Population

42 Form 7 Plan for Action Target Population: A) 180 servers and 20 local establishment B) Community at large Community Partners: –Who else is collaborating

43 Form 7 Plan for Action Community Partners: Local Merchants (to be identified) Chamber of Commerce

44 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Budget and Resources Breakdown of: DEDR Cash match In-kind

45 Form 7 Plan for Action Responsible Members for Implementation: Who is implementing Credentials or Qualifications

46 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Individuals Responsible for Implementation List names, credentials and what they will be doing

47 Form 7 Plan for Evaluation Five elements to evaluation: Process Short-term outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Long-term outcomes Long-term impact evaluation

48 Form 7 Plan for Evaluation Form 7– Plan for Evaluation –Process Indicators Tools to Measure Process –Outcome Indicators Short Terms Goals Tools to Measure Short Term Goals

49 Process Evaluation Examines the delivery of the intervention to determine if: the target audience was reached the Alliance stakeholders were engaged the activity was delivered as intended

50 Form 7 Plan for Evaluation Measure Process by: Number of session Number of unduplicated people attending each session

51 Form 7 Plan for Evaluation Measure Process: 30 unduplicated people over 6 sessions Total of 180 people trained

52 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Short Term Goals What would be learned/benefitted

53 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Short Term Goals Increased knowledge & skill regarding: accepting proper ID understanding need for policy

54 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Tools & Instruments for process

55 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Tools & Instruments for process Attendance sheets

56 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Tools and instruments for short term goals

57 Form 7 Plan for Implementation Tools and instruments for short term goals –Pre & post tests –Surveys –Interviews

58 Intermediate Outcomes Intermediate evaluation determines if the intervention is making a difference in the problems detailed in the Alliance’s local conditions identified on the logic model. Not before year two

59 Long Term Outcomes Long-term evaluation determines if the changes in the local conditions are affecting the root cause and ultimately reducing the problem as identified in the problem statement Not before year five

60 Long Term Impact Long-term impact identifies the long-term impact over a 5-10 year period and considers the long-term health and social consequences to the community. Long-term impact is determined when the Alliance conducts another needs assessment process in preparation for the next grant cycle


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