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Eta Sigma Gamma February 10th, 2015. Introduction ●Guest speaker ●Cornerstone ●Bulletin board ●Point opportunities ●Social events and profit share ●Big.

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Presentation on theme: "Eta Sigma Gamma February 10th, 2015. Introduction ●Guest speaker ●Cornerstone ●Bulletin board ●Point opportunities ●Social events and profit share ●Big."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eta Sigma Gamma February 10th, 2015

2 Introduction ●Guest speaker ●Cornerstone ●Bulletin board ●Point opportunities ●Social events and profit share ●Big Event ●PDIE Amy

3 Guest Speaker ●Everyone welcome Dr. Clark o BS in Health o MS in Public Health o PhD in Public Health ●Clinical Assistant Professor Austin

4 Cornerstone Updates ●Sorry about the last minute cancellation ●Construction in the Engineering building ●What is a cornerstone exactly? ●Walking paths from last semester - next 2 slides Amy



7 Bulletin Board ●This months theme is health apps! ●Doing research=teaching point ●Helping put up board=service point ●If you sign up please do it! ●Nikki is in charge of this and will communicate with you about what she needs and when to do the board Nikki

8 Upcoming Point Opportunities ●QPR, Citi-training, Child Protection training o After completion, please print your proof and bring to the next meeting o Citi-training is MANDATORY for all members o One training = 1 research point o We will email out CPT password soon ●Bulletin board o you can receive one teaching point and/or one service point o sign up with Nikki after meeting ●All members must have 8 or more points by the end of this semester o take into account absences and other circumstances Ashley

9 Social and Profit Share ●U Paint it ●Thursday, February 26th, all day event ●Bring friends!! ●We get a half price studio fee ●A portion of the sales go to ESG Shelby

10 Big Event ●Saturday, March 28th ●Mandatory for all members ●Sign ups close February 20th ●Exceptions? ●Invite your friends to do it with ESG ●Email will be sent out with instructions on how to register Amy

11 PDIE Professional Development Information Exchange ●Tuesday March 24th in Koldus 110 ●Deadline February 24th for requests ●Requests for health professionals? Email ●What Health professionals are attending? Austin

12 PDIE Austin Position FieldComingNeed Nurse Practitioner X PT X Chiropractor X OT PA Kaplan X School Health Health Department X Position FieldComingNeed Graduate Advising X Health/Family Educator Campus Health Educator Early Childhood Intervention Early Head Start X Career Center School of Public Health

13 Miscellaneous ●Dues (due tonight) o what do they cover and how much? o makes checks out to ESG and only pay with exact amount ●Absence policy o each absence = 2 additional points o what is excused and not excused? Shelby

14 Contact ●New Facebook group o TAMU ESG Spring 2015 ●If you need to contact us or have questions email ●Check out our website o Announcements o Schedule o Research Training Ashley

15 Upcoming Events ●Future Meetings (Tuesdays @ 5:30, Koldus 110/1) o February 24th o March 10th o April 7th ●PDIE- March 24th (Koldus 110) ●Big Event- March 28th ●Banquet- TBD @ Downtown Uncorked Nikki

16 Closing ●Any Questions? ●Sign in if you didn't get a chance ●Find Shelby to pay your dues ●Find Austin and Ashley to check points, absences, shirt size ●Find Nikki for bulletin board information Amy

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