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Political Parties The Two Main Parties. Political Parties Bryce “The Parties are two bottles, each having a label denoting the kind of liquor it contains,

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Presentation on theme: "Political Parties The Two Main Parties. Political Parties Bryce “The Parties are two bottles, each having a label denoting the kind of liquor it contains,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Parties The Two Main Parties

2 Political Parties Bryce “The Parties are two bottles, each having a label denoting the kind of liquor it contains, but each being empty”

3 Task Can you think of 3 areas where the political parties agree……clue, do not go into policy detail

4 Areas of Agreement 1) Protection of the Constitution 2) Protecting America’s Status Quo 3) The value of free enterprise and individualism

5 Broad Appeal Brogan “All Republicans claim to be Democrats and all Democrats claim to be Republicans” Tend to offer a broad range of similar programmes and rarely does one party wholly unite against the other However, aside from Reagans ideological route there is a difference in style, degree and method

6 Task Following on from last years task Can you draw a typical Democrat?

7 A typical Democrat is: Ethnic minority Trade Union Member Working Class Non-Protestant Urban Dweller Support Social Welfare Favour regulation of big business Support America as a leader of the free world

8 Task Same method can you draw a typical Republican?

9 A typical Republican White Male Middle Class College Educated Protestant Support law and order Believe in limited Govt. intervention Be wary of American involvement overseas Believe in Big Business and Individualism

10 Far too simplistic, in truth Democrats are: White and Black Working and Middle class Urban and Rural dwellers Republicans have: Business, professional and working people Small town religious fundamentalists and some city agnostics

11 Task Can you come up with 5 policy areas where Democrats and Republicans may differ?

12 Specific Issues Abortion Civil Rights Affirmative Action Role of Govt. in education Anti-poverty Welfare reform Medical Care Urban renewal Defence spending

13 Research Task Can you find specific policies from the Republicans and the Democrats on each of the issues mentioned in the previous slide? Don’t forget the split is more likely to be Liberal vs Conservative

14 PolicyLiberalsConservatives Role of GovtA regulator of public interest Free market solutions SpendingDisadvantagedReduce spending TaxesTax the Rich!Keep taxes down AbortionPro-ChoiceRight to life Affirmative Action In favourWary CrimeCauses rights of accused? Tough on crime School PrayerOpposedInfavour


16 Make-up if the Democratic Party The New Left Represents minorities Supports interventionalist policies to help the disadvantaged Neo Liberals Tax and spend policies Regulars Governmental intervention in economic and welfare matters Southerners (i.e. Bill Clinton / Al Gore) A more Conservative stance Pro free market

17 More to do with the Southerners Sympathetic to Civil Rights Democratic Leadership Council Organise and co-ordinate the more centrist elements Progressive Policy Unit A Washington think tank Forum for debate on Policy Has it’s own magazine ‘The New Democrat’


19 Some Common Republican themes Family – Support for family values Organised Labour – Dislikes Unions Minorities – Members tend to be the pioneers, WASPs (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) and are suspicious of new arrivals Foreign Policy – Deeply isolationist, with strong commitment to Americanism and patriotic goals. Protecting Americas stautus

20 The New Right

21 “The Government is the problem” – Reagan Emphasis on the market economy, relaxation of business controls, hostility to trade unionism and aim for low taxation (all very well unless you’ve got a Cold War to pay for!!) Supports business, the death penalty and school prayer Opposes abortion, drugs and pornography

22 Task Can you see any similarities between Ronnie Reagans policies and those of Big Thatch? Can you think of any policies the Religious Right may follow?

23 The Religious Right Religious values are the cement which holds Society together Believes in: Compulsory reporting of AIDS carriers Mandatory teaching of creationism Abolition of Abortion Rejection of Gun control Banning Roald Dahls “The Witches” in school libraries Exporting of convicts to Mexico


25 Pat Robertson – 700 club – SCARY! Says that Liberals believe that it is wrong to ridicule Hispanics, Blacks, the disabled, Women, Gays, but the liberals see Christians in the same light as Nazis! He believes the Women’s movement is Socialist, anti-family political movement, that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children and practice witchcraft oh and become Lesbians God does not want us to turn America over to radical feminists, militant homosexuals, profligate spenders or World Communists

26 Clinton Impeachment Trial Fortunately for world sanity the Religious Right ferociously chased Clinton, whose case was ultimately dismissed They have lacked power until 2004 election where they are credited (??) for re-electing Dubya

27 Main Make-up of the Republicans Economic Conservatives – Favour competition and free market Libertarian Right – Criticises increased role of Government, stressing freedom of the individual The Christian Right – Represents the hopes, fears and ahem prejudices of ‘ordinary’ white families from Small town or Suburban America

28 Task Can you work out who the following would vote for and why? Affluent Suburban voters Farmers Workers Medics Easy…….yay we are getting somewhere!

29 Party Structures At a national level parties only come together once every Four years For the rest of the time parties are loose coalitions - Decentralisation The party is regulated at the state/local level

30 RNC/DNC – Republican and Democratic National Committees The main national organisation in each party Their job is stop the national party organisation falling away altogether Research / produce pamphlets / raise money Also clear up finances from presidential campaign and plan for the next convention

31 Reasons for Party weakness 20 th Century impact Resurgence of Parties because Federal SystemGrowth of PrimariesIssues went off agenda Seperation of powers Development of mass media PACs started working with parties Broad ConsensusNew issues crossing party lines – Feminism etc. Internal party reforms IndividualismInterest Groups and PACs Support of candidates

32 Conclusion Parties are essential in any democracy Organise elections, simplify process and help translate choices to effective action Overall provide a link between voters and elected representatives

33 Question ‘Party decline’ or ‘Party renewal’? Do parties still play an important part in American politics?

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