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Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 workshop: programme.

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2 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 workshop: programme

3 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013  Generate elements to evaluate gaps in knowledge on existing formal educational programs in Europe and elsewhere  Improve current educational systems by incorporating on current implemented curriculum knowledge of climate change and urban sustainability  The contribution of stakeholders is essential if a market for a MSc post graduate course focused on Sustainability and Climate Change in Urban Environments has to be created in each country for future environmental managers! workshop: aim

4 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013

5  The partners Lahti University of Applied Sciences (LUAS, Finland), Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU, UK, Scotland) and University of Salento (UdS, Italy) have been funded an EU – Erasmus Life Long Learning Program concerning a new integrated Master’s course combining traditional urban planning with environmental science and management.  The project will last from October 2012 till June 2015. The programme will lean on a strong interaction with all types of stakeholders and partners from working life in every country. the RESCUE project

6 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 the project: associated partners

7 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 the project: associated partners

8 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 the project: webpage

9 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 the project: aim  Need for an integrated approach to adapt to and mitigate local and global climate change realities in a sustainable manner, by feeding three thematic strands (Science, Planning and Management) into a set of core urban modules intended for a Europe-based international Master’s programme

10 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 the project: learning path

11 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 Questionnaire about the challenges and knowledge gaps in education to collect ideas! the project: questionnaire

12 Interlinks between climate change, education and economic growth - Lecce (Italy), May 13, 2013 workshop: programme

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