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AP U.S. History Mr. Foster THE GREAT AWAKENING. Before 1730s, most colonies had established religions: Congregationalists in New England (basically Puritans)

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Presentation on theme: "AP U.S. History Mr. Foster THE GREAT AWAKENING. Before 1730s, most colonies had established religions: Congregationalists in New England (basically Puritans)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP U.S. History Mr. Foster THE GREAT AWAKENING

2 Before 1730s, most colonies had established religions: Congregationalists in New England (basically Puritans) Anglicans in New York and Southern Colonies (same as Church of England) 1. BEFORE THE GREAT AWAKENING

3 This was a religious movement that tried to infuse Christian churches with new zeal. George Whitefield 2. THE GREAT AWAKENING

4 Evangelicalism - “new birth” is the ultimate religious experience. Followers accept that they are sinners and ask for salvation.

5 Denounce obsession with profit and wealth All people are sinful Warn of the terrible punishments of eternal damnation Praise the saving grace of Jesus Promise social harmony by surrendering individual pride and renewing love and fear of God. 3. PRIMARY TENETS OF THE GREAT AWAKENING Jonathon Edwards

6 Tensions increased Wealthy classes were put off by condemnations of wealth Fights within congregations and denominations emerged over biblical interpretations. (New Lights vs. Old Lights) These fights became political (Indian policy, economic policy, slavery, etc.) 4. EFFECTS OF THE GREAT AWAKENING

7 Growth of higher education Theological debates showed the value of educational training.

8 Resistance to authority The activism involved in creating new institutions, the participation in debates & arguments all reinforced the sense that protest and resistance were acceptable.

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