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Founding Myth – Romulus and Remus  What is the story of Romulus and Remus?  Why might have used this story as a founding myth?

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Presentation on theme: "Founding Myth – Romulus and Remus  What is the story of Romulus and Remus?  Why might have used this story as a founding myth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Founding Myth – Romulus and Remus  What is the story of Romulus and Remus?  Why might have used this story as a founding myth?

2 The Legacy of Rome

3 Learning Objectives  Describe and explain the lasting features and influences of Ancient Rome on the modern world

4 Language  Do you know where the words “doctor”, “animal”, “circus” and “family” come from…these words come from the Latin language, spoken by the Romans

5 Law and Government  Our world would be very different if the Roman Empire had never existed.  Many words in the English language and many of our ideas about government come from the Romans.

6 Architecture and Construction  The same is true for our system of laws and our knowledge about construction.  Early Romans borrowed architectural ideas from the Greeks, but they also developed their own style.

7 The Legacy of Rome  Roman designs often included vaults, columns, domes and arches.  New architectural ideas meant that buildings could be constructed in brand new ways.

8 Architecture and Construction  Because of concrete and a new design, Roman theaters did not have to be built on natural slopes to have tiered seating…early Greek theaters are only found on slopes.


10 The Legacy of Rome


12  Columns, domes and arches still appear in many modern buildings.  Banks, homes and government buildings often use a Roman style.

13 Where is this?

14 And this?

15 Roman Ideas and Government Today  Roman ideas about law, as first written in the Twelve Tables, are with us today.  We, like the Romans, believe that all people are equal under the law and should be treated fairly.

16 Roman Influence on Culture  Today the alphabet of the Latin language, which expanded from 22 to 26 letters, is used throughout the Western World.  Latin shaped the languages of Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Romania.

17 Trajans Font  Originated on Trajans column in early Rome and now one of the most favoured fonts in cinema

18 Roman Influence on Culture  Many English words also come from Latin.  Scientists, doctors and lawyers still use Latin phrases throughout the daily lives.

19 Latin Medical Terms

20 Roman Influence on Culture  Ancient Rome also left a lasting mark on building in the Western world.  We still use concrete today for much of our construction and Roman architectural styles are still seen in public buildings today.

21 Christianity  Christianity really began in the Roman Empire.

22 Christianity  When Rome's government adopted Christianity in the 300’s C.E. it helped the new religion to grow and spread.  After Rome’s fall, many Roman ideas blended with those of Christianity.

23 Modern Culture

24 The Legacy of Rome  Which aspects of the Roman Empire are reflected in our present day cultures?  Answer in a well structured paragraph.

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