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Fashion in germany Danae Carson Nikki Wiegand Melissa Danner.

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion in germany Danae Carson Nikki Wiegand Melissa Danner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion in germany Danae Carson Nikki Wiegand Melissa Danner

2 clothes for girls Women wore dresses, skirts, blouses, slacks, blazers,wool coats, dress shoes, practical shoes and on their head they wore hats and scarves. -shirts were worn as undershirts. Wearing them as everyday clothing was unheard of in Germany.

3 Clothes for guys LederHosen are breeches made of leather; they may be either short or knee-length. The longer ones are generally called Bundhosen.leather

4 Differences Baggy clothing – If you could stick a second person in your outfit, you are going to stick out like a sore thumb here. Germans tend to wear their clothing cut pretty close to the body. Long is wrong? – With Americans, shirts often cover the hips. Shorts end below the knee, sometimes even mid-calf. Pants and jeans fall at least to the top of the instep if not further. Women in high heels often have pant inseams longer than their legs. Germans tend to wear shirts ending at the waist, or if longer, they wear them tucked in. Neither men or women are afraid to wear short shorts, pant legs often end at the ankle. Manpris (Capris cut for men) are quite popular, but it’s clear that they are capris, not long shorts. Track suits and sweats – Only in the gym and on the jogging trail here. Flip flopping – They’re starting to show up here, but if I see someone in flip flops, 90% of the time, it’s an American. The other 10% of the time it’s a teenage German. Germans do wear flip flops, but not in town, they are pool or home wear here. On the other hand, German middle aged and older men are often seen sporting socks and sandals. White sneakers, can you guess who wears ‘em? - Yup, Americans. Americans tend to wear big, chunky, basketball/cross-trainer sneakers everywhere they go. Germans, when they wear sneakers, tend to wear sleeker, thinner-soled, narrow sneakers in regular shoe colors (brown, black or tan vs. white or gray). Construction worker type shoes, like Doc Martens, are also not common except among the goth/punk crowds.

5 Old tradition Dirndl A dirndl is a traditional dress, which was worn in the Southern area of Germany. Originally, the dirndl is a simplified version of the folk costume. It was, in reality, the uniform of the Austrian servants, which was during the 19th century. In the ancient days, every village even had its own particular style of this dress. The dirndl comprises many garments that make up the entire outfit. This has a bodice, which is worn with a blouse, a full-length skirt, and an apron. The ancient days saw many simplistic designs of the dirndl. Today, one can come across many expensive versions of the same. This outfit was styled into a heavier design for the winter days. In such cases, materials such as thick cotton or wool were used for the skirts and aprons. The dirndl is worn today only for traditional events. In the earlier days, the dirndl was often in softer colors as compared to the brightly colored outfits one may see today. The designs available today are also modified to suit the modern trends. A knot on the apron of the dirndl is considered to be a symbol to indicate that the woman is married...GamsbartThe Gamsbart is also a part of traditional clothing. The Gamsbart is actually a tuft of hair that is used as a form of a decorative element. This is worn on the trachten hats. Here, the lower end of the hair is set into metal and the upper portion tufts out like a brush. As per the old traditions, these were placed only on hats. Even today, the Gamsbart is used as a part of clothing and is infused in female clothing as well.It was probably only till the 16th century that people who belonged to the lower strata of society had to wear shades of brown or gray. In fact, clothes in shades of blue were worn only on holidays. When the industrial revolution took place in the middle of the 19th century, factory made outfits started to conquer the markets. Even then, the end of the 19th century saw a revival of these native dresses. This can be seen in the modern styles of dirndls that are found today in the market.

6 1st Lederhosen The lederhosen mean leather pants in German. These are knee breeches, and were worn by the Germanic men of the Alpine areas and the surrounding locales. The lederhosen are made of leather. This traditional style was also worn by young boys till the age of 16. As compared to the traditional Bavarian garment, the lederhosen were less decorated in these cases. They always had features such as the suspenders and the front flaps. The lederhosen were worn in the mountains of South Germany and were preferred by riders and hunters.

7 2nd Tracht Traditional clothing cannot be complete without the mention of tracht. The style of the traditional tracht has resulted in the creation of the Landhausmode. Landhausmode sees its influences from the costumes that were worn by the farmers and the peasants. For this outfit, there is major use of linen and loden material

8 3rd This is worn on the trachten hats. Here, the lower end of the hair is set into metal and the upper portion tufts out like a brush. As per the old traditions, these were placed only on hats. Even today, the Gamsbart is used as a part of clothing and is infused in female clothing as well.It was probably only till the 16th century that people who belonged to the lower strata of society had to wear shades of brown or gray. In fact, clothes in shades of blue were worn only on holidays. When the industrial revolution took place in the middle of the 19th century, factory made outfits started to conquer the markets. Even then, the end of the 19th century saw a revival of these native dresses. This can be seen in the modern styles of dirndls that are found today in the market.

9 Thanks for reading

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