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Warm-up 3-25-15 Ch 22 L3 High Renaissance Respond to the following: 1. What is the location and medium of the Last Supper? 2. What is happening in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up 3-25-15 Ch 22 L3 High Renaissance Respond to the following: 1. What is the location and medium of the Last Supper? 2. What is happening in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up 3-25-15 Ch 22 L3 High Renaissance Respond to the following: 1. What is the location and medium of the Last Supper? 2. What is happening in the work? Obj: SWBAT analyze the significance of Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa by describing why the work is important Homework Due Today: School of Athens, Pieta, & David HW Responses Due Wed 3/26: School of Athens, Pieta, & David

2 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI, Last Supper (cleaned), ca. 1495–1498. Fresco (oil and tempera on plaster), 29’ 10” x 13’ 9”. Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.

3 3 Last Supper Narrative: -Christ & 12 disciples -Depicts moment when Christ states: “one of you will betray me.” And the disciples react, “is it I?” -Judas – in shadow, gripping coin purse, Peter grips a knife -Christ seems to offer bread to diners in refectory = Eucharist -Range of emotional responses—fear, doubt, rage, love Judas Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci

4 Quiz 3-24-15—On BLUE bubble sheet 1. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a: A) Member of the Medici family B) noble Roman woman C) wealthy Florentine woman D) Leonardo Da Vinci as a woman 2. Sfumato is: A) A slight blurring effect B) A preliminary sketch C) Modeling with light and shadow D) Use of continuous narrative 3. The Mona Lisa breaks Renaissance etiquette because: A) She sits with hands folded B) she is wearing clothing for leisure C) she is missing her eyebrows D) she looks into the viewer’s eyes

5 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Due Today: HW Responses: School of Athens, Pieta, & David PAST DUE: Mona Lisa HW Responses Hindu/Buddhist re-write HW Responses for Madonna & Angels, Birth of Venus, Pazzi Chapel Exit Slip on “Isaac and His Sons” Homework: Ch. 22 Reading--Work on Cue Cards (21) HW Responses Due Thurs 3/26: School of Athens, Pieta, David, Future Due Dates: This Week—daily quizzes in first 10 mins of class

6 Grades sent home Daylight Saving Time CAHSEE Testing 1:45 Dismissal LEAPs Day #2 No School Minimum Day SPRING BREAK Quiz on Ch 21 $$ Deadline for Test HW DUE Cue Cards Due Today HW DUE

7 H OMEWORK —D UE W ED 3/25/15 7 School of Athens, Raphael 1.Where is this work located? 2.What does this work represent? 3.Who are the various figures in the work? 4.Why were these figures chosen?

8 8 Pieta, Michelangelo 1.Who are the figures in the work? 2.Why is this work “unforgettable?” 3.What is controversial about the work? H OMEWORK —D UE W ED 3/25/15

9 9 David, Michelangelo 1.Who is figure in the work? What is the narrative? 2.Why was David chosen? 3.How is this David different from those before it? (Donatello’s & Verrocchio’s) H OMEWORK —D UE W ED 3/25/15

10 Homework—Due Thurs 3/26/15 10 Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo 1.Who is the patron of the work? 2.What is the narrative of the ceiling painting? 3.How does the work represent Renaissance ideas

11 11 Creation of Adam (Sistine Chapel), Michelangelo 1.How did Michelangelo reject traditional iconography in this image? 2.Who are all the figures in this image? 3.How is this image a united composition? Homework—Due Thurs 3/26/15

12 12 Last Judgement (Sistine Chapel), Michelangelo 1.Who are the ‘protestants’ and what do they believe? Pg. 616, 617 (tan bkgrd) 2.What was the counter- reformation? Pg. 616, 617 (tan bkgrd) 3.Is the Last Judgement ‘protestant’ or ‘counter reformation?’ Why? 4.How is Christ depicted? 5.What is the narrative of the work? Homework—Due Thurs 3/26/15

13 13 16 th century J.A.C.H.A.M.P. J – Julius II (major Pope) A- Artist as Genius C – Clarity, Classical H – Humanism A- Anatomy M-Medici, Monumentality P – Perspective, Pyramid HIGH Renaissance in Italy

14 14

15 Leonardo da Vinci 15 -Studied under Verrochio -Drawings of anatomy -Dissected corpses (including fetus) -Master of atmospheric perspective

16 How is the Mona Lisa similar to Kim Kardashian?

17 The Mona Lisa Leonardo Da Vinci Year: 1503-1519 Size: 2’ 6 1/4” x 1’ 9” Medium: Oil on Wood Panel Location: The Louvre, Paris, France Commissioned & painted in Florence, Italy Mona Lisa = “My Lady Lisa”

18 The Mona Lisa In the museum “The Louvre” Paris France Originally commissioned and painted in Florence, Italy

19 The Mona Lisa  Mona Lisa has a “smile” that is ________________________—we can’t tell her emotion Figure/Narrative Portrait of Lisa di Antonio Maria Gherardini—Wife of wealthy Florentine man. She is an individual, her ‘smile’ enigmatic (expression is puzzling) Mona Lisa was originally painted with eyelashes and eyebrows, disappeared due to over cleaning No jewelry to show wealth Looks into eyes of viewer—against etiquette Mysterious uninhabited landscape— roads and bridges leading nowhere Her dark clothing and black veil were high fashion & trendy

20 CFU 1. What is strange or mysterious about this work?

21 The Mona Lisa Stylistic: Chiaroscuro Atmospheric Perspective Sfumato—misty haziness, soft focus, blurring Significance (?) Da Vinci never finished the Mona Lisa (He actually completed very few paintings) Da Vinci carried the painting around with him until he died. Age of the celebrity artist—who does the work belong to?? Turbulent History…

22 CFU 2. Why is this work considered important?

23 com/watch?v=aDBEY OdD9FM&feature=yo 10 Worst things to happen to the Mona Lisa

24 om/watch?v=aDBEYOd D9FM&feature=youtu. be 1870s—Moved due to war 1911--Stolen 1940s--Moved due to WWII 1951—Wood cross pieces added 1956--Rocks thrown at it 1956—Acid thrown at it 1971—insects infested those wood cross pieces 1974—Red Spray paint Warping 2009--mugs thrown at it 2011—Baradaran augmented reality 10 Worst things to happen to the Mona Lisa

25 How is the Mona Lisa similar to Kim Kardashian?

26 Controversy & Rumors

27 The Mona Lisa

28 How is the Mona Lisa similar to Kim Kardashian?

29 The Mona Lisa The picture is currently kept under strict, climate-controlled conditions in a bulletproof glass case It is valued at $720 million

30 How is the Mona Lisa similar to Kim Kardashian?

31 Exit Slip Why is this work so well known? Why do we consider it a part of art history?

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