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The Holodeck: but is it fun? Marc Cavazza. The Holodeck™... Images removed for Copyright.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holodeck: but is it fun? Marc Cavazza. The Holodeck™... Images removed for Copyright."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holodeck: but is it fun? Marc Cavazza

2 The Holodeck™... Images removed for Copyright

3 The Holodeck is AI + Graphics … a Virtual Reality world (Graphics) … populated by (realistic) Artificial Actors playing their own roles (Graphics, AI) The user is at the centre of that world, acting as well as enjoying the story, interacting with the world and the actors through physical action and speech (HCI, AI) Hamlet on the holodeck: the future of narrative in cyberspaceHamlet on the holodeck: the future of narrative in cyberspace – Murray - 1998 Toward the Holodeck: Integrating Graphics, Sound, Character and StoryToward the Holodeck: Integrating Graphics, Sound, Character and Story – Swartout - 2001

4 Can we Build One? Is it fun?

5 (Research) Questions We think more is better... The Holodeck is the ultimate entertainment experience BUT... Have no idea how users would engage... And if it would be fun or not

6 Immersive Interactive Storytelling

7 CaveUT™ Architecture

8 1...

9 ... 2

10 ... 3

11 The Narrative: Madame Bovary Wikimedia Commons

12 Madame Bovary? Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, David Pizzi, Fred Charles: Madame bovary on the holodeck: immersive interactive storytelling. ACM Multimedia 2007: 651-660Jean-Luc LugrinDavid PizziFred CharlesACM Multimedia 2007 Images removed for Copyright

13 Interactive Storytelling




17 EmoEmma (joint work with Univ. Augsburg) Reference: Cavazza, M., Pizzi, D., Charles, F., Vogt, T. and André, E., 2009. Emotional Input for Character-based Interactive Storytelling. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Budapest, Hungary, May 2009, pp. 313-320.

18 Interaction Paradigms Actor mode: plays as Rodolphe Ghost mode: free ride Lugrin, J.-L., Cavazza, M., Pizzi, D., Vogt, T., and Andre E., 2010. Exploring the Usability of Immersive Interactive Storytelling. ACM Virtual Reality and Software Technology 2010, Hong-Kong, to appear.

19 User Interaction (speech)

20 User Interaction (physical)

21 Experiments 38 subjects (20 males, 18 female) av. Age 30.6 Session: av. 45 mn = 10 briefing, 10 VR practice, 6 + 6 experiements, 15 questionnaires filling $30 high street voucher NGA 1 casualty

22 User Experience: what they do

23 Navigating stage and story

24 User Interactions

25 User Influence

26 User Experience (fun?) ITC/SOPI

27 User Comments 63.2% of users contributed written comments after the experiments - of these 44.7 % included explicit positive statement such as “I enjoyed the experiment a lot”, “I think the experiment was great”,"... It definitely was an interesting experiment...,"Absolutely fantastic- could have done that all day. " “I felt that I could really interact with Emma, which made the experience really interesting and pleasurable”, “I was able to ‘steal’ Emma's gift to Rodolphe, thus changing the outcome of the scene, I found it particularly enjoyable”. Most of the 21% comments including negative aspects refer to disorientation, such as “I felt a little disoriented turning around while moving forward.” Some comments also expressed certain preferences towards one particular interaction paradigm: "I preferred the role of Rodolphe as I felt there was a definite purpose. As a ghost I didn't feel really involved", “I enjoyed the first part of the story where I took the role of a character as that made me more comfortable in the environment as I had a role".

28 Simulation Sickness...

29 Acknowledgements Jean-Luc Lugrin, David Pizzi, Fred Charles (Teesside University) ; Jeffrey Jacobson (Univ. Pittsburgh) Unreal Tournament™ is a trademark of Epic™ EmoVoice is developed by the University of Augsburg Research supported by: – the DTI Technology Programme (in collaboration with Eidos Interactive plc) BARDS project – FP6 IP CALLAS – FP7 NoE IRIS

30 ... The End

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