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Lunar and Solar eclipse By Russell. What is a Lunar eclipse? A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon which happens around twice a year. During a lunar.

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Presentation on theme: "Lunar and Solar eclipse By Russell. What is a Lunar eclipse? A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon which happens around twice a year. During a lunar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lunar and Solar eclipse By Russell

2 What is a Lunar eclipse? A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon which happens around twice a year. During a lunar eclipse, a full moon does not show it’s white color reflected from the sun but it appears to have some sort of red-orange color. When only part of the moon enters the earth’s umbra ( shadow ) it is the called a partial lunar eclipse, when the moon completely enters the earth's umbra, it is the a total lunar eclipse.. This natural phenomenon may last for several hours. A lunar eclipse can only happen on a full moon.

3 Geometry of a Lunar eclipse

4 How does a lunar eclipse happen, what causes it to happen? A lunar eclipse takes place when the sun, the earth and the moon are aligned and the earth is in the middle. The moon’s light is simply the sun’s light but it reflects on the moons causing the moon to seem to shine. But during a lunar eclipse, our planet is blocking the sun from our moon. The moon will look different depending the time of the alignment. In the early stages, parts of the moon will fade in to the night sky but when the earth completely blocks the sun, the full moon will appear to be a red-orange color. After around a few hours, the moon will reaper because the moon and the sun is no longer aligned so the moon can reflect the sun’s light. There are multiple stages of a lunar eclipse which are: P1, U1, U2, greatest eclipse, U3, U4 and P2. Stages P1-U2 are the points where the lunar eclipse begins it’s entrance. The greatest eclipse is the point where the eclipse is at the clearest point to view from earth which is the center of the umbra. Stages U3-P2 are the stages where the eclipse starts to wear off. When you can observe the eclipsed moon and the sun at the same time, it is called a selenelion. A selenelion takes place during the sunset or the sunrise of the night of a lunar eclipse. A selenelion is also known as a horizontal eclipse. A lunar eclipse is one of the many interesting natural phenomenon’s in our solar system.

5 How does a lunar eclipse affect our lives? Unlike a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse is safe to view without need of special glasses. A lunar eclipse is safe to view because the moon reflected from the sun is safe to view so a darker moon should be even safer to view. People can enjoy the view of a lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse can be an aid to scientific matters. Tides will change depending on the position of the moon because of the sun’s and the moon’s gravitational pull. Tides can still be expected to be high but the sun’s gravity may also cancel this effect. A lunar eclipse does not affect time zones, calendars or solstices. The lunar eclipse is merely a natural phenomenon where the sun, the earth and the moon are aligned and causes the sun or the moon to be eclipsed.

6 What is a solar eclipse? A solar eclipse is another natural phenomenon which’s frequency is around 2-5 times a year. Even though a solar eclipse is an amazing natural phenomenon, a solar eclipse only lasts for a few minutes. Certain religion’s thought that a solar or a lunar eclipse is a bad religion but it is a completely natural phenomenon that happens in our solar system. As long as you don’t look into the solar eclipse directly without and special glasses, a solar eclipse does not cause any danger to your life. There are 4 kinds of solar eclipses: a total eclipse, a partial eclipse, a annular eclipse and a hybrid solar eclipse. A total eclipse is when the moon completely covers the sun. A partial eclipse is a eclipse where he moon partially covers the sun. A annular eclipse is an eclipse when the moon’s shadow is smaller than the sun causing the sun to seem like a very bright ring and a hybrid solar eclipse is an eclipse which is sometimes a total eclipse and sometimes a annular eclipse. A solar eclipse is a completely natural phenomenon which happens in our solar system.

7 How does a solar eclipse occur, what causes it to happen? The sun seems to be partially or totally black because the moon comes in between of the sun and our planet, this makes the sun blocked by the moon from our view. Solar eclipses don’t happen very frequently because the sun, the earth and our moon orbit at different speeds. Eventually though, the sun, the moon and our planet align causing us to be able to witness a solar eclipse. The moon’s umbra blocks the sun’s light from a view from earth, it is viewed like this because instead of seeing the sun when we look at it, the moon is blocking the straight path from the sun to the moon. A solar eclipse is a completely natural phenomenon which happens in our solar system.

8 What are the effects of a solar eclipse? A annular, partial or a hybrid eclipse is still unsafe to view because even though parts of the sun are covered in the moon’s umbra, the parts which aren’t covered are still unsafe to view. A solar eclipse is easier to view than the sun because it’s less bright, even so, looking at partial or annular eclipse can permanently damage your eyes. The position of the sun and the moon causes the tides to become stronger because the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon are stronger when they are aligned. The shadow of the moon can make the earth a few degrees colder and the winds may possibly be stronger according to certain experiments.

9 Bibliography

10 Thank you for listening to my presentation.

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