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Ms. Carey. Build a City Design a city in which you use multiple “resources” in order to survive Think about what you would need to have a complete city.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Carey. Build a City Design a city in which you use multiple “resources” in order to survive Think about what you would need to have a complete city."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Carey

2 Build a City Design a city in which you use multiple “resources” in order to survive Think about what you would need to have a complete city run Groups: students at your table Ensure you do not discuss loudly You want your ideas to be unique and not “borrowed” by another group

3 1. RESEARCH Research cities that run efficiently Brainstorm and write everything you think you would need to run a city What resources will you need to run your city? Where would it be located? What’s your city’s name?

4 2. PLAN OF ACTION What will your city have? Think of all the items a city would need Where will it be located?

5 3. 2D MODEL (DRAWING) CREATE A MODEL 2D drawing (in your journal - everyone) Should look like a map (you are looking down on it) with a legend or key 2D drawing (on larger paper that Ms. Carey provides) On laptop if you have time after the drawing

6 4. Create a PowerPoint Describe your city Include EVERYTHING you need to make your city run efficiently DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS

7 5. BUILD CITY Poster Board From 2D drawing, create your complete city on poster board Include everything your city will need to run self- contained and efficiently Model Create a 3D model of something in addition to your city on the poster board Could be one item you feel is vital to your city to run

8 6. Presentation and Discussion Share your PowerPoint to DESCRIBE your City Presentation How did you research? What was your plan? What did your 2D model look like? Did it change after you started planning? How did your city model (poster board) look? Were there any issues? Discussion Let your audience ask questions about your city

9 Questions Do you have any questions about your project expectation?

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