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Preparing a Flood Kit A resource based on an original by David Cuthbertson, Teacher of Humanities, Todmorden High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing a Flood Kit A resource based on an original by David Cuthbertson, Teacher of Humanities, Todmorden High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing a Flood Kit A resource based on an original by David Cuthbertson, Teacher of Humanities, Todmorden High School.

2 Imagine you live in an area that floods regularly and that there is a major rain storm coming tomorrow which means you will definitely get flooded… How do you prepare? Write down three ways you would prepare for a flood! How would you prepare?

3 Learning Objectives To think about how you would prepare for a flood To create a flood kit and explain what are the most important items (and why)

4 What is a Flood Kit? Anemergency kitthat would really help if there was a flood in your home. A flood kit is very important if your home is at risk-especially if you live on a flood plain or near the coast.

5 Preparing your Flood Kit – What would be in it?

6 Which items are best? Things toEatand Drink BottledWater Tins/cans of Food Biscuits

7 How Would You Communicate? If your home is flooded there will be no electricity. You would need to be able to call for help – so take a mobile phone. You would also need a battery-operated radio to find out what’s going on.

8 How Would You Keep Warm? As your central heating may stop working in a flood, you should pack: Some warm clothes, like jumpers. Also take some blankets. And waterproofs!

9 Other Must-Have Items… As there might not be electricity, don’t forget a torch! And just in case remember to put together a first aid box!

10 Important Documents  Don’t forget your,  Don’t forget your important documents, like and. like passports and insurance documents.  Can you think of other things that would be useful?

11 Your Task Use the worksheet you have been given to come up with items needed for a flood kit! Try to get at least 5 things in each column. When you are done, choose the most important thing from each column and explain why this is the most important!

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