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Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 3D Standards and You – Learning About and Participating in Standards Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 3D Standards and You – Learning About and Participating in Standards Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region 1 Training Workshop Crowne Plaza Albany – 1-2 August 2008 Session 3D Standards and You – Learning About and Participating in Standards Activities William P. Walsh Director-Elect, Region 2

2 Standards and You – The Member  Members from all of our Regions worldwide are interested in Standards  Non-US Regions (7 thru 10) would like to be more involved –Presently, about 90% of the IEEE Standards Association is made up of US members  Members have started asking about IEEE Standards

3 Agenda  Background  IEEE Standards Association (SA)  Globalization of Standards  SA Membership – Corporate and Individual  Participating as an IEEE Member  MGA, Region, and Section Support  Web Resources, Summary, Contacts

4 History of IEEE Standards  1890 Established the Henry—a practical unit of inductance  1898 First dedicated effort toward standardization of electrotechnology in US  1912 Institute of Radio Engineers formed its first standards committee  1958 Joint Standards Committee of AIEE and IRE  1963 Merger of AIEE and the IRE  1973 Establishment of the IEEE Standards Board  1998 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA)  1999 IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (IEEE-ISTO)  2004 IEEE Standards Corporate Program

5 IEEE Standards Are Pervasive Leading Developer of Industry Standards  Aerospace Electronics  Bioinformatics  Broadband Over Power Line  Broadcast Technology  Electromagnetic Compatibility & Safety  Information Technology  Medical Device Communications  National Electrical Safety Code  Organic Components  Portable Battery Technology  Power Electronics  Power & Energy  Radiation/Nuclear  Reliability  Transportation Technology  900 active standards  400 projects in progress  15 000 volunteers  7 000 individual members  80+ corporate members

6 IEEE Standards are Advancing Technology New and Emerging Fields  Nanotechnology  Information Assurance  Cyber Security  Green Technologies

7 IEEE and the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) An international membership organization serving today’s industries and the public with a complete portfolio of standards programs IEEE- ISTO An international forum/consortium standards development organization 376 000 worldwide! IEEE

8 IEEE-SA Board of Governors (Policy) Standards Board (Standards Process) Corporate Advisory Group (Corporate Program) Individual & Corporate Members IEEE Standards Association Sponsors Societies, Standards Coordinating Committees, CAG, etc Member Support & Coordination Regions / Sections

9 IEEE Standards Association Mission The IEEE Standards Association provides a standards program that serves the global needs of industry, government, and the public. It also works to assure the effectiveness and high visibility of this standards program both within the IEEE and throughout the global community. Increasing visibility and usage of IEEE Standards worldwide Promoting reliance on IEEE standards as a source of technical information for international, regional and national standards bodies Encouraging worldwide participation in IEEE Standards

10 Five principles guide standards development Ensuring integrity and wide acceptance for IEEE standards IEEE Standards Development

11 Examples Reference Standards Mature Engineering Practices Safety Standards Market-Driven Standards Emerging Technologies Market Acceptance l IEEE Std SI 10™- 2002, IEEE/ASTM Std for Use of the International System of Units (SI) l IEEE Std 181™- 2003, IEEE Std on Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms l IEC/IEEE 61588:2004 - Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Measurement and Control Systems l IEEE Std 1620™- 2004, IEEE Test Methods for the Characterization of Organic Transistors and Materials l IEEE Std 323™- 2003, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations l IEEE Std 516™- 2003, IEEE Guide for Maintenance Methods on Energized Power Line l National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC) Handbook – 2002 l IEEE Std 1584™-2002, IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations l IEEE Std 80™- 2000, IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding l IEEE Std 802.16™- 2004, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks - Part 16: Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems l IEEE Std 1625™- 2004, IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Portable Computing l IEEE P1675 - Standard for Broadband over Power Line Hardware l IEEE Std 1650™- 2005, IEEE Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes l ISO/IEEE 11073- 20101:2004 - Health informatics-- Point-of- care medical device communication-- Application profile-- Baseline l IEEE 1512.1™-2003, IEEE Standard for Traffic Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers

12 IEEE Standards Association Focus: Supporting the Evolution of Global Standardization While Integrating Local Requirements Global Standards - Local Benefits Driven through –Global market structures and speed-to-market necessity –Adaptive intellectual property policies –Rapidly developing, open technology solutions –Customer integration and innovation expectations

13 IEEE-SA’s Global Approach  Economics and technology span borders  Advance technology to benefit global society –Cost-effective development –High-quality results  One standard, one test worldwide  Partnering with the international community –Create a standards development environment that brings together all constituents –Deliver economically relevant global standards to the international community

14 IEEE-SA Global Strategy  Maintain a strong global standards perspective in IEEE  Leverage IEEE expertise, competence, track record, and processes to achieve global standards goals  Provide a forum to develop market-relevant standards  Recognize and promote –Emerging technologies –Standards life cycle requirements –Regulatory harmonization –Society betterment

15 IEEE-SA: Globally supports standards development constituents Globally Relevant Standards Individual and Corporate Programs Technology Owners Technology Users Vested Organizations Geographical Interests Government/ Academia Technology Implementers Global Involvement and Technical Expertise Recognizing the expanding breadth of constituents and stakeholders in the adoption of global standards

16 IEEE International Collaboration  IEC –30% of existing IEC library built on IEEE standards –Current Dual Logo agreement facilitates rapid adoption and joint development: Power, Energy, Design Automation  ISO –PSDO Agreement in place for rapid adoption and joint development  ISO/IEC JTC1 –25+ years of adoption of IEEE network, operating systems, microprocessor, and software engineering standards  ITU –International sector membership in all three ITU sectors – Telecommunications, Radiocommunications, Development

17 Membership in the IEEE-SA  Corporate –Offers unlimited balloting of IEEE corporate standards, special information and updates on IEEE and corporate standards activities, complimentary individual IEEE-SA memberships –Cost varies from US $1-5K/year based on type and size of company –

18 Membership in the IEEE-SA  Individual –Offers unlimited balloting of IEEE individual standards, updates on IEEE standards activities –US $38/year in 2008 for IEEE members –US $203/year in 2008 for non-IEEE members –

19 IEEE-SA Corporate Program  Focuses on: Global “corporate standards” adoption International partnerships Standards life cycle Openness and minimum barriers to full participation (resource, location, involvement, involvement equity) Corporate direction in establishing consistent policy and process Supporting IEEE-SA corporate members  Provides an environment where corporations come together to develop standards that: Open markets Strengthen existing markets Enhance global competitiveness

20  Helps industry accomplish business objectives  Fosters company-based standardization Open, consensus process Levels playing field -- one company/one vote  Multi-industry/multi-national participation  Networking within IEEE-SA corporate constituency Leverages the unique technology base supported by the worldwide technical communities of the IEEE  Provides a venue to nurture existing and emerging technologies  Rapid path to global standardization –Support structure available for completion in 18- to 24-month target timeframe Value of IEEE-SA Corporate Program

21 IEEE-SA Corporate Membership  Corporate membership created in 1998 Only part of IEEE to have corporate membership  Approximately 90 corporate members Provided with up-to-date information on IEEE standardization Gives corporations a direct voice in IEEE standards development  Members come from industry, academia, and government Large and small companies Trade associations and other organizations  Crosses national and regional interests

22 IEEE-SA Corporate Program: IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group  Committee of the IEEE-SA Board of Governors –Coordinates corporate activities with IEEE-SA BOG –Corporate membership support –Corporate (full spectrum) standards environment –Project sponsorship –Infusion of international and industry/business perspectives into standards processes  Performs international outreach to developing economies and standards organizations  Leverages full scope of IEEE-SA resources  Maintains coordination with IEEE-SA Standards Board to ensure successful “corporate experience” within the IEEE-SA

23 Member Participation - IEEE-SA Individual Standards Process  Cornerstone of IEEE standards development  Participants are “individuals”: i.e., people (Members or Non-Members) –Each individual/Member participant has one vote  Provides rich body of work, and ongoing developments, to IT, communications, and power and energy industries worldwide  National, regional, and international standards bodies have adopted resulting products

24  7102 individual members in over 100 countries  15% are new members  Top 5 countries: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Germany  IEEE-SA members make up 2.6% of total current IEEE membership  Top IEEE Societies for IEEE-SA members –Power Engineering –Computer –Communications –Industrial Applications Locally, Members can participate individually or through local Section and/or Society Chapter Member Participation - IEEE-SA Individual Membership

25 Member Participation – Examples: Individually-Based Projects  Networks P802  Broadband over Power Lines P1675, P1775  Cognitive Radio P1900.1, P1900.2, P1900.3  Bioinformatics P1953, P1953.1, P1953.2  Nanotechnology P1650, P1670, P1690  Organic Electronics P1620, P1620.1  Clean Products P1680

26 Member Participation in Standards Development  Check working group websites –Many listed at  If not listed, or if you want to start a new project: –Contact IEEE-SA Staff  –Through IEEE Project Search   Join IEEE Sponsor ballots –  Find out more about how to participate – wg_dev/index.html –

27 Member Participation – Section Support of Standards Activities  Create a pro-active information conduit for Standards-related activities –Newsletters –Section Standards Coordinator  Conduct Section meetings and workshops dedicated to Standards policies and processes  Provide local support of individual members in Standards Development –Coordinate and plan for local working groups  Coordinate Standards activities with local industry –Foster enhancement of Individual Membership –Encourage industry participation as a Corporate Member

28 Member Participation – Standards Activities Support of Regions & Sections  Implement a pro-active effort to encourage and promote Standards activities to IEEE Members through Regions and Sections –Recruitment of Individual Members –Supporting Region/Section Industry Relations  Establish Web links with Region and Section sites  Create communications network with Region/Section Standards Coordinators  Recognize Member efforts and contributions

29  IEEE Standards Association website  Standards Development Online ment/index.html  International Program website index.html  Corporate Program website corpforum/index.html

30 IEEE Standards: Summary  IEEE has developed standards for 115+ years –IEEE catalog of standards contains long-established engineering practices and leading-edge technologies that drive the marketplace  IEEE has three venues for complementary joint development and collaboration –Individual-consensus standards –Entity-consensus standards –Consortia specifications and support  IEEE has a leading contemporary intellectual property policy  IEEE standards reflect the standardization principles as stated by the WTO

31 For more information… Contact: IEEE-SA Corporate Program: Mary Lynne Nielsen IEEE-SA International Activities: Terry deCourcelle or Jodi Haasz Contact: IEEE Member & Geographic Activities: Joseph V. Lillie Vice President, MGA William P. Walsh Director-Elect, Region 2

32 Many thanks…  IEEE-SA –George Arnold, Judy Gorman, Jodi Haasz, Terry deCourcelle  Member and Geographic Activities Board –Joe Lillie, Marc Apter, John Dentler, Howard Michel, Charles Rubenstein

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