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 Brad Solberg  BG Wellness Committee  “Manage your health, don’t let your health manage you.” –Author Unknown.

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Presentation on theme: " Brad Solberg  BG Wellness Committee  “Manage your health, don’t let your health manage you.” –Author Unknown."— Presentation transcript:

1  Brad Solberg  BG Wellness Committee  “Manage your health, don’t let your health manage you.” –Author Unknown

2 The mission of our company is to promote, establish and maintain a workplace that encourages a worksite culture that supports an individuals desires to make healthy lifestyle choices, while increasing personal productivity and enhancing ones mental and physical well-being.

3  Improve production by 10%  Reduce the number of employee smokers by 20%  Reduce absenteeism by 5%  Reduce health care cost  Enhance company’s image

4  Improved employee’s health and fitness  Improved productivity and morale  Improved job satisfaction and team spirit  Reduced absenteeism and turnover  Reduced stress and ergonomic injuries  Reduced workers compensations claims

5  Increase daily activity level  Increase overall health status  Increased energy levels/motivation  Mental health/stress reduction/Mood  Self esteem boost/goals  Social benefits  Lifelong activity  Weight reduction

6  ployee_interest_survey.pdf ployee_interest_survey.pdf  anizational_health_survey.pdf anizational_health_survey.pdf

7  Any worker employed by ESPN Bristol municipal building  8 week 10,000 step program (Walk Across Australia)  Every step you take

8  10,000 steps puts a emphasis on physical activity throughout an entire day. 10,000 steps is the recommended daily activity level for a healthy adult  Steps per day  <5,000 Sedentary  5,000 - 7,499 Low Active  7,500 - 9,999 Some what Active  >10,000 Active  >12,500 Highly Active

9  Form team with in the workplace (8-10 people)  Wear pedometers and accumulate steps to complete walking journey  Complete a virtual walking tour of Australia  Earn rewards as you walk

10  Byron Bay - 0 steps, 0m  Broken Hill - 1,437,500 steps, 1,150,000m  Coober Pedy - 2,250,000 steps, 1,800,000m  Uluru - 2,875,000 steps, 2,300,000m  Gibson Desert - 3,500,000 steps, 2,800,000m  Collier National Park - 4,375,000 steps, 3,500,000m  Carnarvon - 5,000,000 steps, 4,000,000m  Byron to Carnarvon=5 million steps

11  Promote a team captain that will encourage team members and communicate information  Each team member will have an individual log sheet  Each team member should turn in log sheet to team captain every Friday  We will pick up log sheets and communicate important information to team captain every Friday

12  A pedometer is a device used to measure individual foot strikes and hip swings  Calibrate your pedometer to your individual stride (see instruction inside package)  2,000 steps is equivalent to 1 mile  Clip pedometer to waist each morning you wake  Reset pedometer each morning

13  Take a walk with your spouse, child, or friend  Use the stairs instead of the elevator  Park farther from the store Better yet, walk to the store  Get up to change the channel  Window shop  Plan a walking meeting Walk over to visit a neighbor  Get outside to walk around the yard  Walk mow  Walk the dog  Walk to work if possible

14  Employee’s with a disability must request accommodations  We will set up a special program to accommodate any disability  Advance noticed required

15  Wednesday May 13 th  Team registrations due  Monday May 18 th  Healthy breakfast kick off meeting 7:00 A.M.  Monday May 18 th – Friday July 10 th  Walk across Australia Starts  Wednesday June 17 th  Half way mark Awards to be given  Friday July 10 th  Walk across Australia ends final logs turned in  Monday July 13 th  Awards presentation lunch

16  Pedometer to keep  Log sheets  Calendar of events  Motivational E-mails  Electronic post cards from each city visited

17  Pedometers-approximately $3,000-7,000  Printed log sheets  Kick off Breakfast  End of Journey Lunch  Assorted prized  Certificates  Water Bottles  T-Shirts  Cook books  Time off work  $200 cash prize drawing

18  $5 pedometer fee  Cost of personal items

19  Healthy food added to vending machine/Cafeteria  Noon walking trail/route  Non-smoking policy/100 ft from building  Flex-time for exercise  Wellness library  Showers after noon walk

20  Certificate of participation to all teams  T-Shirts for all participating teams  Cookbooks for all employees completing journeys  Water bottles for teams hitting the halfway point on time  Paid time off work for team logging the most miles (half day to day)  Weekly electronic post cards from each city you complete  Employees completing journey will be entered into a $200 dollar cash prize drawing  Improved well-being

21  Flyers  Stair cases  Entrances  Water fountains  Break Rooms  Rest Rooms  Emails  Announcements  Footsteps coming into building  Bulletin Boards

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