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.  The Australian government is responsible for the monitoring and promotion of health behaviours.  The Departments Healthy and Active Australia website.

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2  The Australian government is responsible for the monitoring and promotion of health behaviours.  The Departments Healthy and Active Australia website presents a wide variety of information and initiatives to help Australians with healthy eating, physical activity and weight management.

3  Get set 4 life  Healthy spaces and places  Community and school grants program  Australian Sports Commission Active After- school  Get moving  Choose health; be active  Travelsmart  Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

4  The Be Active Australia framework was developed in 2004. In VCE PE, we focus on school, workplace and community settings.


6  State governments also play an important role in the promotion of physical activity, by funding research, mass media and local initiatives within a range of settings.  The Victorian Government works in conjunction with organisations such as Bicycle Victoria, VicHealth, Kinect Australia, Diabetes Australia and the Cancer Council to fund a broad range of health initiatives; including Go For Your Life, Walktober, Ride To Work Day and Jump Rope For Heart.

7  As a result in a shift in lifestyles, people are finding there are less opportunities for movement and activity.  Factors such as urban planning, increased motorised transport, increased working hours, more demands on public open spaces, demands on education curriculum and changing leisure patterns have all contributed to this.  In VCE PE we are going to focus on initiatives developed within 3 different settings; - Schools - Workplaces - Community

8  School plan an essential role in providing a physical and social environment that supports children, their parents and the whole school community in enjoying an active life.  A school setting has the potential to reach large numbers of children for significant proportions of their lives.  School settings provide access to at risk groups, such as inactive children.

9  Data collected from schools indicate that most school based interventions include; - combinations of social influences - use strategies to change individual behaviour - provide facilities - use physical activity in cultural and leisure events - incorporate activities within the formal school cirriculum.

10  The walking school bus is an initiative developed to get kids in Melbourne walking to school.  Children are walked to and from school under the supervision of adult volunteers.  The walking school bus is an example of a before and after school intervention strategy.  The key objectives of the intervention are to encourage more primary school to walk safely to and from school, hence engaging them in more physical activity and replacing more car trips with walking trips.

11  The Kids – “Go For Your Life” focuses on the table below which encourages schools to take a social- ecological approach to promoting healthy eating and physical activity.


13  Community settings can be broadly defined to include groups of people from the same suburb, town or country.  Such broad groupings provide particular challenges in implementing intervention strategies but also provide great scope to have far reaching impact on a significant number of people.  The diversity within the community can sometimes make it difficult to provide whole community interventions.  Strategies should be tailored to meet the needs and interests of specific target groups within a community setting, and to overcome the unique barriers each group faces.


15  One of the most successful research interventions that has been translated into widespread implementation at an individual and community level in Australia is the 10,000 Steps program.  The program used shopping centres and mass media such as radio, newspaper and TV.  Participants were required to log how many steps they took each day and there were a number of strategies which encouraged this, such as wearing pedometers, organising walks or walking maps and providing prizes and giveaways.

16  Workplaces are an ideal setting for promoting physical activity because; - the majority of the population work part or full time for a significant proportion of their adult lives - workplaces bring together large groups of people who can provide each other with support and/or share resources. - Benefits to employers includes; increased morale, productivity, community relations and ability to handle stress as well as decreasing absenteeism and staff turnover.

17  Find thirty is a workplace intervention which focuses on employees finding 30 minutes of physical activity each day.  Ways in which this has been implemented include organising lunch time walks, trying to take public transport or car pool, schedule meeting places within walking distance and taking stairs instead of lifts or escalators.

18  Read through pages 88 and 95 and write a summary of the role the Heart Foundation and Vic Health in promoting physical activity

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