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Antisocial Personality Disorder By: Leland Love-Jones Brandy Pugh Alexus Griffith.

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2 Antisocial Personality Disorder By: Leland Love-Jones Brandy Pugh Alexus Griffith

3 Essential Question  EQ: What is a psychopath?

4 Bell Ringer BR: Analyzing the lyrics to the song; what comes to mind when you think about the song; try to figure out the definition of a psychopath based on the song

5 Definition   Definition- a person who is incapable of feeling normal emotions; they are generally cunning and manipulative; know the difference between right and wrong but dismiss it as applying to them.

6 History   History - Earliest explanation of psychopathology is the possession by evil spirits and demons in the late 16th - 17 centuries. Some believed remedies were to torture the person to chase the demon out.   Ex. Witch trails- Many women were murdered due to the false belief of possession.

7 What causes this lack of empathy?  Most  Most psychopaths were abused or neglected as children. Being treated poorly early on can set up a child to see everyone else as selfish and cruel, causing them to replicate that kind of behavior as a way to cope with a nasty, uncaring world.

8 While Watching…   From the video analyze the effects of being a psychopath.

9 Psychological Approaches Psychodynam ic Based on Freud’s theories he would say that psychopaths are acting out based on their childhood experiences of being abused, neglected, etc. Biological  The biological approach would say that some psychopaths have inherited their characteristics of having little to no empathy towards others. Do you agree?

10 Brain Defects   It has been found that psychopaths show reduced activity in the brain areas when introduced to pain of others.

11 Treatment plan? There is really no treatment plan for psychopathology. It completely depends on the person. The only type of help that they can be given is psychotherapy.

12 The Joker Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others

13 Lord Voldemort Break the law repeatedly Lies, steals, and gets in fights often Disregards the safety of self and others Does not show any guilt

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