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E-Learning Presented by Claudia R. Rudy. Objectives Describe E-Learning Describe and evaluate the hardware and software utilized with E-Learning Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning Presented by Claudia R. Rudy. Objectives Describe E-Learning Describe and evaluate the hardware and software utilized with E-Learning Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Learning Presented by Claudia R. Rudy

2 Objectives Describe E-Learning Describe and evaluate the hardware and software utilized with E-Learning Describe and evaluate the information system used with E- Learning Assess the role and functions of the nurse informaticist when working with E-Learning Examine related legal/ethical issues of E-Learning Discuss the Advantages/Disadvantages of E-Learning from the nursing perspective

3 Define E-Learning Electronic learning or learning that is facilitated by electronic means such as computers and the Internet (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2009)

4 Just a few examples… Continuing education requirements for recertification Hospital required annual competencies Unit specific educational updates or competencies New or updated hospital-wide policies, procedures or guidelines New resources or equipment available to improve patient care Optional educational courses available for professional development

5 Hardware Requirements Physical or tangible parts involved in the performance or function of the computer (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2009) Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Personal/Hand held computer PDA iPhone/Blackberry

6 Desktop Computer Hardware Essential Components, just to name a few… Monitor Casing and Central Processing Unit (CPU) Motherboard, Power Supply, Hard Disk Modem (internet capabilities) Keyboard and Mouse Drives, Connection ports, cards

7 Software Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Windows Media Player Adobe Flash, Acrobat Reader Microsoft Windows/MAC Internet Browsers (Explorer, Firefox, etc…) And more…

8 PowerPoint in Action Hospital develops new policy/procedure Educators create a PowerPoint presentation to convey new information Staff view and read PowerPoint Staff take quiz to show understanding New policy/procedure takes effect Staff are now held responsible for applying new policy/procedure into practice

9 Software Usability Evaluation PowerPoint presentations have a wide range of graphic design possibilities PowerPoint presentations can easily be evaluated by focus groups at any time throughout the design process A Cognitive Walkthrough is very applicable to PowerPoints Heuristic Evaluation is a simple and beneficial way of improving the presentation A Formal Usability Test could help determine if the presentation served its purpose A Field Study could be implemented with a prototype of simpler information to evaluate effectiveness (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2009)

10 E-Learning Information System Core Business Systems Supports the management of healthcare within an organization Provides the framework for reimbursement, support of best practices, quality control, and resource allocation Four common Core Business Systems: Admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) Financial Acuity Scheduling (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2009)

11 Core Business System Review Administrative Information System with aspects of Clinical and Special Purpose (education) Used by nearly all healthcare professionals Enables users to perform functions ranging from finances to scheduling Configuration includes mainframe computer and local area network Incorporates data standards like Health Level 7 Recommended for future implementation

12 Nurse Informaticist Role and Functions Assist in creation of E-Learning programs Educate employees Implement the use of E-Learning in the workplace Offer assistance and help when needed Evaluate effectiveness Assist in making changes when necessary

13 Nursing Informatics Competencies Completion of annual hospital-wide competencies Learn and show understanding of software programs used, often for E-Learning purposes

14 Legal & Ethical Issues Operates on the honesty policy regarding identity Cannot guarantee individuals will work independently if required Impersonal education resulting in less information learned Quality of online certification vs. traditional classroom/exam certification Unable to verbalize or show understanding of important information Losing vital information in “cyberspace”

15 Advantages of E-Learning Independent Accessible from any location, at any time Flexibility encourages learning Faster communication/Instant feedback Changes can be made immediately Facilitates educational programs/certification (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2009)

16 Disadvantages of E-Learning Non-traditional setting may deter older nurses Lack of face to face contact Independent Requires self-motivation Must be open to use of technology Possibility of computer dysfunction

17 Summary of E-Learning Despite minor flaws, as all education programs have, E-Learning makes education accessible, facilitates professional development, and ultimately improves patient care through educating nurses and healthcare professionals in a way that is new, exciting and effective.

18 References American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (2009). E-learning program offers many advantages. Retrieved from hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... aaaa aaaa cccc nnnn.... oooo rrrr gggg //// EEEE LLLL eeee aaaa rrrr nnnn iiii nnnn gggg HHHH oooo mmmm eeee.... aaaa ssss pppp xxxx ???? eeee nnnn cccc ==== kkkk HHHH vvvv gggg eeee VVVV WWWW YYYY IIII eeee vvvv GGGG LLLL4QAf9nimErYSowvOZAoJmZlBJHy3bj0gGubW911g27i9xpDgL GAELgzhHyZK0P3uIiecKCQ3g== American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (2009). Nurse certification benefits patients, employers and nurses. Retrieved from hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... aaaa aaaa cccc nnnn.... oooo rrrr gggg //// wwww dddd //// cccc eeee rrrr tttt iiii ffff iiii cccc aaaa tttt iiii oooo nnnn ssss //// cccc oooo nnnn tttt eeee nnnn tttt //// bbbb eeee nnnn eeee ffff iiii tttt ssss tttt oooo pppp tttt eeee mmmm pppp nnnn rrrr ssss.pcms?menu=certification#Employers Health Level 7, Initials. (2007-2010). ANSI approved standards. Retrieved from Mastrian, K., & McGonigle, D. (2009).Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers

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