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JK August, ANS/Chair ANSI Washington DC March 28, 2013 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC1.

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Presentation on theme: "JK August, ANS/Chair ANSI Washington DC March 28, 2013 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC1."— Presentation transcript:

1 JK August, ANS/Chair ANSI Washington DC March 28, 2013 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC1

2  Discussions with NIST  Scope of work  Requests sent Jan-Feb  Most responses  “We’re good”  We use ANSI protocols; we’re always current  Lists of nuclear standards used  Other 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC2

3 SDOPoints of ContactEmailDist list ACI (American Concrete Institute)Doug SordylDouglas.sordyl@concrete.orgn ACI (American Concrete Institute)Matthew SenecalMatthew.senecal@concrete.orgn AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)Charlie Cartercarter@aisc.orgn ANS (American Nuclear Society)Jim Augustjkaugust@msn.comy ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)John Stevensonjstevenson4@earthlink.netn ASMEKevin Ennisennisk@asme.orgn ASTM Intl.Joe Kouryjkoury@astm.orgy AWS (American Welding Society)Annette Alonsoaalonso@aws.orgn AWS (American Welding Society)Andrew Davisadavis@aws.orgn IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)James IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) IEEE NPECJack Cartern ISO (International Standards Organization)No contact yet identifiedn MSS (Manufacturing Standardization Society)David Thompsondthompson@mss-hq.orgy NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)Paul Maypmay@nfpa.orgy NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)Meghan Housewrightmhousewright@nfpa.orgy NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)Greg Cadegcade@nfpa.orgy Other email contacts 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC3

4  Standard/Title Priority  ANS 2.8 - Determining Design Basis Flooding 1  ANS 3.8.3 - Radiological Emergency Response Plans 2  ANS 57.3 - Design Requirements for New Fuel Storage 3  ANS 2.30 - Surface Faulting at Nuclear Facilities 4  ANS 57.10 -Design for Consolidation of LWR Spent Fuel 5 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC4

5  Basis Discussion  Original Idea (pre March 13, 2011: Fukushima)  New Construction  Materials and Hardware  Few Nuclear Processes  like Coding SSC for new plants  Today  Support operating plants  NEI support/Current vision  Long-term disarray for processes support 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC5

6  Are we getting new plant issues?  Do we have the right priorities?  Do we know what SDOs see or want?  Do we know what will benefit new plants?  Can we support new nuclear initiatives like SMRs?  Are we supporting new Gen3+ LWRs?  Why aren’t nuclear utilities at the NESCC?  Does NEI represent them adequately? 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC6

7  What do we need?  Current thinking is that we lack the information to ATQ  Standards Database Effort was to help organize that information  We are dealing with around 1400 Standards and 500 Reg Guides, minimally  That’s only starters  20 NRC document categories/Other Standard-like documents 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC7

8 Endorsed, we will reference them in our Reg Guides 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC8

9  Get priorities for work  Understand how those fit, overall  Especially between SMRs and Gen3+LWRs  Get focused to accomplish NESCC goals  Improve use of nuclear standards  Existing  New  Use nuclear standards to raise safety, simplify work, lower costs 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC9

10  Regulatory Guides versus Standards  Keep track of needed work  Allow cross-referencing and use of existing standards  Currently in paused mode  Idea was to create a web-enabled database accessible to all to cross references Regulatory Documents and Standards they referenced 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC10

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13 400 Reg Guides 1400 Standards This is a big table!!!! 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC13

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15  Rather complex  Lots of information  Needs to be done well, to be useful now…  …and carry Nuclear Standards into the future.  Basically, calls for a database approach 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC15

16 3/28/2013 NESCC Standards Meeting ANSI Washington, DC16

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