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Lake Treatments and Status of Project. Treatments to be Implemented Four different treatments to stormwater basins within the Grand Haven community. –Aeration.

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Presentation on theme: "Lake Treatments and Status of Project. Treatments to be Implemented Four different treatments to stormwater basins within the Grand Haven community. –Aeration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lake Treatments and Status of Project

2 Treatments to be Implemented Four different treatments to stormwater basins within the Grand Haven community. –Aeration –Littoral Shelf Planting –Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (reduce or eliminate grass carp) –Copper Sulfate

3 Treatments (Aeration) Ponds 2,19 and 20 –Solar and land line electric will be used –Cost was very high to run electric to some ponds Mechanism of effect –Increase water column dissolved oxygen to improve habitat –Create aerobic sediment to sorb phosphorus Uncertain effect –Sediment oxidation may release nutrients and copper.

4 Treatments ( Littoral Shelf Planting ) Ponds 6, 7 and 17 6,800 plants Mechanism of effect –Compete for light in shallow water –Compete for nutrients –Aesthetic visual alternative –Aquatic habitat N+P

5 List of Plant Species Botanical NameCommon Name Vertical Planting Zone Shoreline Planting ZoneOrigin Canna flaccidaGolden CannaAUniversalnative Iris virginicaBlue Flag IrisAUniversalnative Juncus effususSoft RushAUniversalnative Eleocharis interstinctaJointed spikerushB+Universalnative Panicum hemitomonMaidencaneB+Universalnative Pontederia cordataPickerelweedBUniversalnative Sagittaria lancifoliaDuck PotatoBUniversalnative Scirpus californicusGiant BullrushB-Property Linenative Scirpus validusSoft-Stem BullrushBUniversalnative Thalia geniculataAlligator FlagBProperty Linenative Nuphar luteumSpatterdockC-Universalnative Nymphaea odorataWhite Water LilyC+Universalnative

6 Plant Distribution Shoreline Planting Zones Property Line Zone Slope Break NWL Slope Break Bottom T.O.B. NWL 1’ 4:1 3:1 2.5’ 1’ A B C Vertical Planting Zones A C B A C B


8 Treatment (Submerged Aquatic Vegetation) Ponds 1, 3 and 4 Ponds with older carp that were not restocked in 2005 or 2007 Mechanism of action –SAV blocks light and competes for nutrients –Provides aquatic habitat

9 Existing Treatment (Copper Sulfate) Ponds Copper Sulfate will be applied on an “as needed basis” consistent with existing protocols. Treatments will be documented and amount of Copper Sulfate applied will be recorded.

10 Implementation Timeline All treatments have been initiated –Aerators March –Littoral Shelf Planting March –Carp/SAV Continued without restocking –Copper Sulfate Continuation of existing management

11 Alternative Pond Treatments Littoral Shelf Planting Aeration Carp Control / SAV Copper Sulfate

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