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Corporate Research Center 1 EmD/EL/C/98 EURES CO M DOT'98 Workshop September 2, 1998 DOT is ready for use in Telecommunications Networks E. Darmois

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1 Corporate Research Center 1 EmD/EL/C/98 EURES CO M DOT'98 Workshop September 2, 1998 DOT is ready for use in Telecommunications Networks E. Darmois EURESCOM - A father of the Monster - Alcatel Software Research A manufacturer prespective

2 Corporate Research Center 2 EmD/EL/C/98 DOTs, OOTs, OldTs  Highly simplified vocabulary  OldTs : functional A&D; V life-cycle; SDL (sometimes); C, CHILL (!); propr. p/F Dominant, specially in RT constrained products  OOTs : OA&D; incremental life-cycle; UML, SDL; C++ (or C); open p/f Rapidly emerging, maybe dominant in some parts (e.g. TMN)  DOTs : OOTs; IDL; TINA; CORBA, DCOM; COTS; JAVA;... Marginal (prototypes, user-friendly extensions); can be strategic (e.g. ScreenPhone)  DOT introduction different if done  By extension of OOT_based architectures and products Some questions : open interfaces (where), middleware, COTS  By replacement of OldT-based pieces and products Some questions : OOTs at large, (open) architectures There is more complexity in skipping from OldTs to DOTs but benefits must be shown for both

3 Corporate Research Center 3 EmD/EL/C/98 The architecture viewpoint  Expected benefits  Vehicule for communication and clarification  Support to the definition of long-lasting architectures Resistant to change and erosion ; supporting componentware  DOTs outside  More abstract way to address Interoperability : What to do, not how to do (e.g. TINA Reference Points) Business changes : Contracts rather than protocols  DOTs inside  Support to the definition of stable and evolving architectures Re-engineering (does not force usage of OOTs in the whole life-cycle)  IDL (and various xDLs) becomes a standard language in projects  Allows for a new approach to complex problems Rapid feature introduction, software management,...

4 Corporate Research Center 4 EmD/EL/C/98 Growing credibility  Technology  Rapid evolution of CORBA More stable basis, more services  Emergence of COM/DCOM in the line of Windows NT penetration  Fast progress in stabilisation of Java  Products  Using CORBA middleware E.g. CORBA and TMN : e.g. HP, Motorola, Lucent technologies, Alcatel,...  Using JAVA  Opportunity  A majority of new projects/products use OOTs (80% in Yourdon, 1997 !!) Strong push for the emerging DOT market  DOTs are the new educational background and the field for competition on hiring new software people

5 Corporate Research Center 5 EmD/EL/C/98 However  ROI is not easy to measure  Difficult to know if the promises of OOTs have been kept Reuse is not really present in product development cycle in the industry Many successfull OOT project but no real comparison possible with "classic" develpt  The highest the hype, the highest the hopes Shortened life-cycles also provide more occasions for management scepticism  No Silver Bullet  DOTs or not, a poor architecture will make a poor product  'Program before you think' is not better in JAVA than in C (or C++)  Careful introduction in the development process is the key  Relative immaturity  CORBA still difficult to understand and use in design (e.g. threading)  Products have not reached a (sufficiently) stable stage (will they ever ?)  JAVA has still major problems (e.g. performance, develeopment environmt)

6 Corporate Research Center 6 EmD/EL/C/98 Conclusions  DOTs seem inevitable  OOTs are the new way of life in product development  DOTs are supporting the new business models  Introduction in telecommunications in on-going  Decent market offer in middleware  First products incorporating CORBA and JAVA  However it must be carefuly managed  Early insertion in the Software Development Process  Selection of technologies and COTS  People training and re-training  Next step : prepare for componentware ?  Flexibility  Cost reduction

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